Chapter 17. Graphs

17.1. Graphing in Gnumeric

Gnumeric can create graphs with data in a worksheet. To do this, you need a modern version of Guppi (>= 0.40.0 ) installed that has Gnumeric support built in.

With Guppi support, you should see a new icon that looks like a graph, next to the Sort Down button in the toolbar. That is the Graph button.

Gnumeric can make the following graph types:

17.1.2. Advanced Graphing

In no way does graphing in Gnumeric stop with a simple graph. In the graphs you make, you can customize it. For example, you can say which cells define the ranges or labels. If a label for a field is in paraenthesis, it means that field is optional. Selecting Data Ranges

In the second step of the graphing assistant, you'll find you can customize the ranges which are taken into account for drawing the graph.

At the top of the window is a preview of the graph. Below that are your settings. When you change a setting, the sample graph will change automatically to reflect your customizations. Name Data Range

The Name field defines what the name of each series is. This is reflected in the legend. Per the Example 17-1, the name for the first series would be in.

The Name field takes a simple reference. The reference field needs what sheet and cell the information is stored on. For more information on references, please consult Section 6.3.