6.3. Cell Referencing

Each cell in a spreadsheet is named by its column and row labels. The row labels are numbers and the column labels are letters. The first cell, therefore, is called A1. One row down and one column over is cell B2, and so forth.

To reference the value stored in a single cell, enter its coordinates as a function argument. For example, to have the data in cell B1 appear in another cell, enter =B1 into that cell.

Example 6-6. Some examples of function syntax


6.3.1. Absolute cell referencing

Cells can be referenced in the default way (relative referencing), or by using absolute referening. Absolute referencing means that when the cell is copied, the cell reference does not change. Normally, autofilling a cell range or moving cell will change its cell reference to so that it maintains a relation to the original cell. Absolute referencing prevents these changes.

The format for absolute cell refencing is to use a '$' in front of the cell coordinate that the you want to stay constant. The column, row, sheet, or any combination of these can be held constant.

6.3.2. Referencing multiple cells

Many functions can take multiple cells as arguments. This can either be a comma separated list, an array, or any combination thereof.

6.3.3. Referencing cells on other sheets

It is possible to reference cells which are not part of the current sheet. This is done using the NAME!CELL syntax, where NAME is an identifier (usually a sheet name) and CELL is a regular cell reference as described in the previous sections.

Note that if NAME contains spaces, you need to quote the whole name to allow Gnumeric to group the separate words in NAME as single name. For example, you should use "Sheet 0" when referencing the default created "Sheet 0".