

xmlIO -- 


int         (*xmlInputMatchCallback)        (char const *filename);
void*       (*xmlInputOpenCallback)         (char const *filename);
int         (*xmlInputReadCallback)         (void *context,
                                             char *buffer,
                                             int len);
int         (*xmlInputCloseCallback)        (void *context);
int         (*xmlOutputMatchCallback)       (char const *filename);
void*       (*xmlOutputOpenCallback)        (char const *filename);
int         (*xmlOutputWriteCallback)       (void *context,
                                             const char *buffer,
                                             int len);
int         (*xmlOutputCloseCallback)       (void *context);
struct      xmlParserInputBuffer;
struct      xmlOutputBuffer;
void        xmlCleanupInputCallbacks        (void);
void        xmlCleanupOutputCallbacks       (void);
void        xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlAllocParserInputBuffer
                                            (xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFname
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile
                                            (FILE *file,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd
                                            (int fd,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem
                                            (const char *mem,
                                             int size,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO
                                            (xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
                                             xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
                                             void *ioctx,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);
int         xmlParserInputBufferRead        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len);
int         xmlParserInputBufferGrow        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len);
int         xmlParserInputBufferPush        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len,
                                             const char *buf);
void        xmlFreeParserInputBuffer        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in);
char*       xmlParserGetDirectory           (const char *filename);
int         xmlRegisterInputCallbacks       (xmlInputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                             xmlInputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                             xmlInputReadCallback readFunc,
                                             xmlInputCloseCallback closeFunc);
void        xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks
xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlAllocOutputBuffer     (xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);
xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder,
                                             int compression);
xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFile
                                            (FILE *file,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);
xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFd  (int fd,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);
xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateIO  (xmlOutputWriteCallback iowrite,
                                             xmlOutputCloseCallback ioclose,
                                             void *ioctx,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);
int         xmlOutputBufferWrite            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out,
                                             int len,
                                             const char *buf);
int         xmlOutputBufferWriteString      (xmlOutputBufferPtr out,
                                             const char *str);
int         xmlOutputBufferFlush            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out);
int         xmlOutputBufferClose            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out);
int         xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks      (xmlOutputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                             xmlOutputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                             xmlOutputWriteCallback writeFunc,
                                             xmlOutputCloseCallback closeFunc);
void*       xmlIOHTTPOpenW                  (const char *post_uri,
                                             int compression);
void        xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks    (void);
xmlParserInputPtr xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader
                                            (const char *URL,
                                             const char *ID,
                                             xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);



xmlInputMatchCallback ()

int         (*xmlInputMatchCallback)        (char const *filename);

Callback used in the I/O Input API to detect if the current handler can provide input fonctionnalities for this resource.

filename : the filename or URI
Returns :1 if yes and 0 if another Input module should be used

xmlInputOpenCallback ()

void*       (*xmlInputOpenCallback)         (char const *filename);

Callback used in the I/O Input API to open the resource

filename : the filename or URI

xmlInputReadCallback ()

int         (*xmlInputReadCallback)         (void *context,
                                             char *buffer,
                                             int len);

Callback used in the I/O Input API to read the resource

context : an Input context
buffer : the buffer to store data read
len : the length of the buffer in bytes
Returns :the number of bytes read or -1 in case of error

xmlInputCloseCallback ()

int         (*xmlInputCloseCallback)        (void *context);

Callback used in the I/O Input API to close the resource

context : an Input context
Returns :0 or -1 in case of error

xmlOutputMatchCallback ()

int         (*xmlOutputMatchCallback)       (char const *filename);

Callback used in the I/O Output API to detect if the current handler can provide output fonctionnalities for this resource.

filename : the filename or URI
Returns :1 if yes and 0 if another Output module should be used

xmlOutputOpenCallback ()

void*       (*xmlOutputOpenCallback)        (char const *filename);

Callback used in the I/O Output API to open the resource

filename : the filename or URI

xmlOutputWriteCallback ()

int         (*xmlOutputWriteCallback)       (void *context,
                                             const char *buffer,
                                             int len);

Callback used in the I/O Output API to write to the resource

context : an Output context
buffer : the buffer of data to write
len : the length of the buffer in bytes
Returns :the number of bytes written or -1 in case of error

xmlOutputCloseCallback ()

int         (*xmlOutputCloseCallback)       (void *context);

Callback used in the I/O Output API to close the resource

context : an Output context
Returns :0 or -1 in case of error

struct xmlParserInputBuffer

struct xmlParserInputBuffer {
    void*                  context;
    xmlInputReadCallback   readcallback;
    xmlInputCloseCallback  closecallback;
    xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */
    xmlBufferPtr buffer;    /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 */
    xmlBufferPtr raw;       /* if encoder != NULL buffer for raw input */

struct xmlOutputBuffer

struct xmlOutputBuffer {
    void*                   context;
    xmlOutputWriteCallback  writecallback;
    xmlOutputCloseCallback  closecallback;
    xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder; /* I18N conversions to UTF-8 */
    xmlBufferPtr buffer;    /* Local buffer encoded in UTF-8 or ISOLatin */
    xmlBufferPtr conv;      /* if encoder != NULL buffer for output */
    int written;            /* total number of byte written */

xmlCleanupInputCallbacks ()

void        xmlCleanupInputCallbacks        (void);

clears the entire input callback table. this includes the compiled-in I/O.

xmlCleanupOutputCallbacks ()

void        xmlCleanupOutputCallbacks       (void);

clears the entire output callback table. this includes the compiled-in I/O callbacks.

xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks ()

void        xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks

Registers the default compiled-in I/O handlers.

xmlAllocParserInputBuffer ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlAllocParserInputBuffer
                                            (xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for progressive parsing

enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateFname ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFname
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

VMS version of xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename()

URI : a C string containing the URI or filename
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for the progressive parsing of a file If filename is "-' then we use stdin as the input. Automatic support for ZLIB/Compress compressed document is provided by default if found at compile-time. Do an encoding check if enc == XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE

URI : a C string containing the URI or filename
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile
                                            (FILE *file,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for the progressive parsing of a FILE * buffered C I/O

file : a FILE*
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd
                                            (int fd,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for the progressive parsing for the input from a file descriptor

fd : a file descriptor number
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem
                                            (const char *mem,
                                             int size,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for the progressive parsing for the input from a memory area.

mem : the memory input
size : the length of the memory block
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO ()

xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO
                                            (xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
                                             xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
                                             void *ioctx,
                                             xmlCharEncoding enc);

Create a buffered parser input for the progressive parsing for the input from an I/O handler

ioread : an I/O read function
ioclose : an I/O close function
ioctx : an I/O handler
enc : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser input or NULL

xmlParserInputBufferRead ()

int         xmlParserInputBufferRead        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len);

Refresh the content of the input buffer, the old data are considered consumed This routine handle the I18N transcoding to internal UTF-8

in : a buffered parser input
len : indicative value of the amount of chars to read
Returns :the number of chars read and stored in the buffer, or -1 in case of error.

xmlParserInputBufferGrow ()

int         xmlParserInputBufferGrow        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len);

Grow up the content of the input buffer, the old data are preserved This routine handle the I18N transcoding to internal UTF-8 This routine is used when operating the parser in normal (pull) mode

TODO: one should be able to remove one extra copy by copying directly onto in->buffer or in->raw

in : a buffered parser input
len : indicative value of the amount of chars to read
Returns :the number of chars read and stored in the buffer, or -1 in case of error.

xmlParserInputBufferPush ()

int         xmlParserInputBufferPush        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in,
                                             int len,
                                             const char *buf);

Push the content of the arry in the input buffer This routine handle the I18N transcoding to internal UTF-8 This is used when operating the parser in progressive (push) mode.

in : a buffered parser input
len : the size in bytes of the array.
buf : an char array
Returns :the number of chars read and stored in the buffer, or -1 in case of error.

xmlFreeParserInputBuffer ()

void        xmlFreeParserInputBuffer        (xmlParserInputBufferPtr in);

Free up the memory used by a buffered parser input

in : a buffered parser input

xmlParserGetDirectory ()

char*       xmlParserGetDirectory           (const char *filename);

lookup the directory for that file

filename : the path to a file
Returns :a new allocated string containing the directory, or NULL.

xmlRegisterInputCallbacks ()

int         xmlRegisterInputCallbacks       (xmlInputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                             xmlInputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                             xmlInputReadCallback readFunc,
                                             xmlInputCloseCallback closeFunc);

Register a new set of I/O callback for handling parser input.

matchFunc : the xmlInputMatchCallback
openFunc : the xmlInputOpenCallback
readFunc : the xmlInputReadCallback
closeFunc : the xmlInputCloseCallback
Returns :the registered handler number or -1 in case of error

xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks ()

void        xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks

Registers the default compiled-in I/O handlers.

xmlAllocOutputBuffer ()

xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlAllocOutputBuffer     (xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);

Create a buffered parser output

encoder : the encoding converter or NULL
Returns :the new parser output or NULL

xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename ()

xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename
                                            (const char *URI,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder,
                                             int compression);

Create a buffered output for the progressive saving of a file If filename is "-' then we use stdout as the output. Automatic support for ZLIB/Compress compressed document is provided by default if found at compile-time. TODO: currently if compression is set, the library only support writing to a local file.

URI : a C string containing the URI or filename
encoder : the encoding converter or NULL
compression : the compression ration (0 none, 9 max).
Returns :the new output or NULL

xmlOutputBufferCreateFile ()

xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFile
                                            (FILE *file,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);

Create a buffered output for the progressive saving to a FILE * buffered C I/O

file : a FILE*
encoder : the encoding converter or NULL
Returns :the new parser output or NULL

xmlOutputBufferCreateFd ()

xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFd  (int fd,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);

Create a buffered output for the progressive saving to a file descriptor

fd : a file descriptor number
encoder : the encoding converter or NULL
Returns :the new parser output or NULL

xmlOutputBufferCreateIO ()

xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateIO  (xmlOutputWriteCallback iowrite,
                                             xmlOutputCloseCallback ioclose,
                                             void *ioctx,
                                             xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder);

Create a buffered output for the progressive saving to an I/O handler

iowrite : an I/O write function
ioclose : an I/O close function
ioctx : an I/O handler
encoder : the charset encoding if known
Returns :the new parser output or NULL

xmlOutputBufferWrite ()

int         xmlOutputBufferWrite            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out,
                                             int len,
                                             const char *buf);

Write the content of the array in the output I/O buffer This routine handle the I18N transcoding from internal UTF-8 The buffer is lossless, i.e. will store in case of partial or delayed writes.

out : a buffered parser output
len : the size in bytes of the array.
buf : an char array
Returns :the number of chars immediately written, or -1 in case of error.

xmlOutputBufferWriteString ()

int         xmlOutputBufferWriteString      (xmlOutputBufferPtr out,
                                             const char *str);

Write the content of the string in the output I/O buffer This routine handle the I18N transcoding from internal UTF-8 The buffer is lossless, i.e. will store in case of partial or delayed writes.

out : a buffered parser output
str : a zero terminated C string
Returns :the number of chars immediately written, or -1 in case of error.

xmlOutputBufferFlush ()

int         xmlOutputBufferFlush            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out);

flushes the output I/O channel

out : a buffered output
Returns :the number of byte written or -1 in case of error.

xmlOutputBufferClose ()

int         xmlOutputBufferClose            (xmlOutputBufferPtr out);

flushes and close the output I/O channel and free up all the associated resources

out : a buffered output
Returns :the number of byte written or -1 in case of error.

xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks ()

int         xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks      (xmlOutputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                                             xmlOutputOpenCallback openFunc,
                                             xmlOutputWriteCallback writeFunc,
                                             xmlOutputCloseCallback closeFunc);

Register a new set of I/O callback for handling output.

matchFunc : the xmlOutputMatchCallback
openFunc : the xmlOutputOpenCallback
writeFunc : the xmlOutputWriteCallback
closeFunc : the xmlOutputCloseCallback
Returns :the registered handler number or -1 in case of error

xmlIOHTTPOpenW ()

void*       xmlIOHTTPOpenW                  (const char *post_uri,
                                             int compression);

Open a temporary buffer to collect the document for a subsequent HTTP POST request. Non-static as is called from the output buffer creation routine.

post_uri : The destination URI for the document
compression : The compression desired for the document.

xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks ()

void        xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks    (void);

By default, libxml submits HTTP output requests using the "PUT" method. Calling this method changes the HTTP output method to use the "POST" method instead.

xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader ()

xmlParserInputPtr xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader
                                            (const char *URL,
                                             const char *ID,
                                             xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);

A specific entity loader disabling network accesses, though still allowing local catalog accesses for resolution.

URL : the URL for the entity to load
ID : the System ID for the entity to load
ctxt : the context in which the entity is called or NULL
Returns :a new allocated xmlParserInputPtr, or NULL.