

#include <db.h>

int db_env_create(DB_ENV **dbenvp, u_int32_t flags);


The db_env_create function creates a DB_ENV structure which is the handle for a Berkeley DB environment. A pointer to this structure is returned in the memory referenced by dbenvp.

The flags parameter must be set to 0 or the following value:

Create a client environment to connect to a server.

The DB_CLIENT flag indicates to the system that this environment is remote on a server. The use of this flag causes the environment methods to use functions that call a server instead of local functions. Prior to making any environment or database method calls, the application must call the DBENV->set_server function to establish the connection to the server.

The db_env_create function returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.


The db_env_create function may fail and return a non-zero error for errors specified for other Berkeley DB and C library or system functions. If a catastrophic error has occurred, the db_env_create function may fail and return DB_RUNRECOVERY, in which case all subsequent Berkeley DB calls will fail in the same way.

See Also

DBENV->close, db_env_create, DBENV->open, DBENV->remove, DBENV->err, db_strerror, db_version, DBENV->set_cachesize, DBENV->set_errcall, DBENV->set_errfile, DBENV->set_errpfx, DBENV->set_paniccall, and DBENV->set_verbose.


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