

#include <db.h>

int DB->get(DB *db, DB_TXN *txnid, DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags);


The DB->get function retrieves key/data pairs from the database. The address and length of the data associated with the specified key are returned in the structure referenced by data.

In the presence of duplicate key values, DB->get will return the first data item for the designated key. Duplicates are sorted by insert order except where this order has been overridden by cursor operations. Retrieval of duplicates requires the use of cursor operations. See DBcursor->c_get for details.

If the file is being accessed under transaction protection, the txnid parameter is a transaction ID returned from txn_begin, otherwise, NULL.

The flags parameter must be set to 0 or one of the following values:

Retrieve the key/data pair only if both the key and data match the arguments.

Retrieve the specified numbered key/data pair from a database. Upon return, both the key and data items will have been filled in, not just the data item as is done for all other uses of the DB->get function.

The data field of the specified key must be a pointer to a logical record number (i.e., a db_recno_t). This record number determines the record to be retrieved.

For DB_SET_RECNO to be specified, the underlying database must be of type Btree and it must have been created with the DB_RECNUM flag.

In addition, the following flag may be set by bitwise inclusively OR'ing it into the flags parameter:

Acquire write locks instead of read locks when doing the retrieval. Setting this flag may decrease the likelihood of deadlock during a read-modify-write cycle by immediately acquiring the write lock during the read part of the cycle so that another thread of control acquiring a read lock for the same item, in its own read-modify-write cycle, will not result in deadlock.

As the DB->get interface will not hold locks across Berkeley DB interface calls in non-transactional environments, the DB_RMW flag to the DB->get call is only meaningful in the presence of transactions.

If the database is a Queue or Recno database and the requested key exists, but was never explicitly created by the application or was later deleted, the DB->get function returns DB_KEYEMPTY.

Otherwise, if the requested key is not in the database, the DB->get function returns DB_NOTFOUND.

Otherwise, the DB->get function returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.


The DB->get function may fail and return a non-zero error for the following conditions:

The operation was selected to resolve a deadlock.

There was insufficient memory to return the requested item.

An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.

A record number of 0 was specified.

The DB_THREAD flag was specified to the DB->open function and none of the DB_DBT_MALLOC, DB_DBT_REALLOC or DB_DBT_USERMEM flags were set in the DBT.

The DB->get function may fail and return a non-zero error for errors specified for other Berkeley DB and C library or system functions. If a catastrophic error has occurred, the DB->get function may fail and return DB_RUNRECOVERY, in which case all subsequent Berkeley DB calls will fail in the same way.

See Also

db_create, DB->close, DB->cursor, DB->del, DB->err, DB->fd, DB->get, DB->get_byteswapped, DB->get_type, DB->join, DB->key_range, DB->open, DB->put, DB->remove, DB->set_bt_compare, DB->set_bt_minkey, DB->set_bt_prefix, DB->set_cachesize, DB->set_dup_compare, DB->set_errcall, DB->set_errfile, DB->set_errpfx, DB->set_flags, DB->set_h_ffactor, DB->set_h_hash, DB->set_h_nelem, DB->set_lorder, DB->set_malloc, DB->set_pagesize, DB->set_paniccall, DB->set_realloc, DB->set_re_delim, DB->set_re_len, DB->set_re_pad, DB->set_re_source, DB->stat, DB->sync, DB->upgrade and DB->verify.


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