Letter F
Packages beginning with letter "F".
- faac - Reference encoder and encoding library for MPEG2/4 AAC
- faac-devel - Development libraries of the FAAC AAC encoder
- faad2 - Library and frontend for decoding MPEG2/4 AAC
- faad2-devel - Development libraries of the FAAD 2 AAC decoder
- faad2-libs - Shared libraries of the FAAD 2 AAC decoder
- femail - Sendmail compatible SMTP mailer for chroot environements.
- ffmpeg - Digital VCR and streaming server
- ffmpeg-devel - Development package for ffmpeg
- ffmpeg-libs - Libraries for ffmpeg
- firefox-adblock_plus - Adblock Plus advertisement blocker extension for Firefox/Thunderbird
- firefox-adblock_plus_ehhelper - Adblock Plus advertisement blocker extension Helper for Firefox/Thunderbird
- firefox-add-ons - Meta package for various Firefox extensions.
- firefox-moonlight - Moonlight - Microsoft Silverlight opensource implementation
- firefox-noscript - Script blocker - The best security you can get in a web browser!
- firefox-noscript_security_suite - Script blocker - The best security you can get in a web browser!
- firefox-sage - Sage - lightweight RSS and Atom feed extendion for Firefox
- firefox-startupmaster - Startup Master add-on for firefox
- flash-plugin - Macromedia Flash Player
- flash-plugin-beta - Macromedia Flash Player
- flawfinder - Examines C/C++ source code for security flaws
- fsplit - Split a multi-routine Fortran file into individual files.
- fsprobe - CERN probabilistic data integrity checker