GtkHTML widget


GtkHTML widget -- widget for rendering HTML


GtkWidget*  gtk_html_new                    (void);
GtkWidget*  gtk_html_new_from_string        (const gchar *str,
                                             gint len);
void        gtk_html_construct              (GtkWidget *html);

void        gtk_html_load_from_string       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *str,
                                             gint len);
GtkHTMLStream* gtk_html_begin               (GtkHTML *html);
GtkHTMLStream* gtk_html_begin_content       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gchar *content_type);
void        gtk_html_write                  (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLStream *handle,
                                             const gchar *buffer,
                                             size_t size);
void        gtk_html_end                    (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLStream *handle,
                                             GtkHTMLStreamStatus status);

gboolean    gtk_html_save                   (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLSaveReceiverFn receiver,
                                             gpointer data);
gboolean    gtk_html_export                 (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const char *type,
                                             GtkHTMLSaveReceiverFn receiver,
                                             gpointer data);

void        gtk_html_print                  (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GnomePrintContext *print_context);
void        gtk_html_print_with_header_footer
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GnomePrintContext *print_context,
                                             gdouble header_height,
                                             gdouble footer_height,
                                             GtkHTMLPrintCallback header_print,
                                             GtkHTMLPrintCallback footer_print,
                                             gpointer user_data);

const gchar* gtk_html_get_title             (GtkHTML *html);
gboolean    gtk_html_jump_to_anchor         (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *anchor);
void        gtk_html_set_default_background_color
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GdkColor *c);
void        gtk_html_set_default_content_type
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gchar *content_type);
void        gtk_html_allow_selection        (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gboolean allow);
gpointer    gtk_html_get_object_by_id       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *id);

Object Hierarchy



GtkHTML widget is lightweight HTML viewer / container. It provides an easy way for viewing HTML documents in your application and for layout UI of your application throught HTML.


gtk_html_new ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_html_new                    (void);

GtkHTML widget contructor. It creates an empty GtkHTML widget.

Returns : A GtkHTML widget, newly created and empty.

gtk_html_new_from_string ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_html_new_from_string        (const gchar *str,
                                             gint len);

GtkHTML widget constructor. It creates an new GtkHTML widget and loads HTML source from str. It is intended for simple creation. For more complicated loading you probably want to use GtkHTMLStream. See gtk_html_begin.

str : A string containing HTML source.
len : A length of str, if len == -1 then it will be computed using strlen.
Returns : A GtkHTML widget, newly created, containing document loaded from input str.

gtk_html_construct ()

void        gtk_html_construct              (GtkWidget *html);

html : 

gtk_html_load_from_string ()

void        gtk_html_load_from_string       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *str,
                                             gint len);

html : 
str : 
len : 

gtk_html_begin ()

GtkHTMLStream* gtk_html_begin               (GtkHTML *html);

Opens a new stream to load new content into the GtkHTML widget html.

html : the html widget to operate on.
Returns : a new GtkHTMLStream to store new content.

gtk_html_begin_content ()

GtkHTMLStream* gtk_html_begin_content       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gchar *content_type);

Opens a new stream to load new content of type content_type into the GtkHTML widget given in html.

html : the html widget to operate on.
content_type : a string listing the type of content to expect on the stream.
Returns : a new GtkHTMLStream to store new content.

gtk_html_write ()

void        gtk_html_write                  (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLStream *handle,
                                             const gchar *buffer,
                                             size_t size);

Writes size bytes of buffer to the stream pointed to by stream.

html : the GtkHTML widget the stream belongs to (unused)
handle : the GkHTMLStream to write to.
buffer : the data to write to the stream.
size : the length of data to read from buffer

gtk_html_end ()

void        gtk_html_end                    (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLStream *handle,
                                             GtkHTMLStreamStatus status);

Close the GtkHTMLStream represented by stream and notify html that is should not expect any more content from that stream.

html : the GtkHTML widget the stream belongs to.
handle : the GtkHTMLStream to close.
status : the GtkHTMLStreamStatus representing the state of the stream when closed.

gtk_html_save ()

gboolean    gtk_html_save                   (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GtkHTMLSaveReceiverFn receiver,
                                             gpointer data);

html : 
receiver : 
data : 
Returns : 

gtk_html_export ()

gboolean    gtk_html_export                 (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const char *type,
                                             GtkHTMLSaveReceiverFn receiver,
                                             gpointer data);

Export the current document into the content type given by content_type, by calling the function listed in receiver data becomes avaiable. When receiver is called user_data is passed in as the user_data parameter.

html : the GtkHTML widget
type : 
receiver : 
data : 
Returns : TRUE if the export was successfull, FALSE otherwise.

gtk_html_print ()

void        gtk_html_print                  (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GnomePrintContext *print_context);

html : 
print_context : 

gtk_html_print_with_header_footer ()

void        gtk_html_print_with_header_footer
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GnomePrintContext *print_context,
                                             gdouble header_height,
                                             gdouble footer_height,
                                             GtkHTMLPrintCallback header_print,
                                             GtkHTMLPrintCallback footer_print,
                                             gpointer user_data);

html : 
print_context : 
header_height : 
footer_height : 
header_print : 
footer_print : 
user_data : 

gtk_html_get_title ()

const gchar* gtk_html_get_title             (GtkHTML *html);

Retrieve the title of the document currently loaded in the GtkHTML widget.

html : The GtkHTML widget.
Returns : the title of the current document

gtk_html_jump_to_anchor ()

gboolean    gtk_html_jump_to_anchor         (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *anchor);

Scroll the document display to show the HTML anchor listed in anchor

html : the GtkHTML widget.
anchor : a string containing the name of the anchor.
Returns : TRUE if the anchor is found, FALSE otherwise.

gtk_html_set_default_background_color ()

void        gtk_html_set_default_background_color
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             GdkColor *c);

html : 
c : 

gtk_html_set_default_content_type ()

void        gtk_html_set_default_content_type
                                            (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gchar *content_type);

html : 
content_type : 

gtk_html_allow_selection ()

void        gtk_html_allow_selection        (GtkHTML *html,
                                             gboolean allow);

html : 
allow : 

gtk_html_get_object_by_id ()

gpointer    gtk_html_get_object_by_id       (GtkHTML *html,
                                             const gchar *id);

html : 
id : 
Returns :