Begin3 Title: EDICT Version: 0.10 (BETA) (rev A) Entered-date: 2018-01-26 Modified-date: 2021-03-18.0 Description: Enhanced Disk Image Creation Tool - disk image creation utility for floppy disks with problems Changes: Update to package translations and LSM metadata Keywords: dos 16 bit Author: Jerome Shidel Maintained-by: Jerome Shidel Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: Simplified (2-Clause) BSD License Group: util MD5: cd4059324fba54d58a9a2276b12f5147 SHA: 18610bb77c9f034456011389bccfef715ac5974596c4f98b0d4e4e3d2d3a8e38 End