Eric has posted a new MORE written in C, but does not want to be the
maintainer for this program.  I'll post it anyway, but until there's
someone willing to be maintainer, I don't consider this "official".


Hi all,
you can now find a MODE.c (Turbo C 2, UPX of the .com version is 8.4k).
This is primarily meant for Aitor for combination with his MODECON tool.
The combined code can do all non-TSR standard functions of FreeDOS MODE,
but there is no NUMLOCK/...LOCK/...LOCK or SWITCHAR option yet: As far as
I know, MS MODE does not have one either.
I tested all functions as far as possible, both in plain FreeDOS and in
Dosemu. It seems that my MODE works fine - however, testing in Dosemu
revealed some weak simulation (e.g. with 43 versus 50 line mode) in the
old version that I have here (I left the newer version at home,
which is far away this week!). Check yourself: Especially screen size
setting and port status reports work different in simulation and plain DOS.

The TODOs are stated in the code:
- better help screen (I suggest using the FreeDOS MODE one)
- some means to to the TSR things: I would prefer some small .sys or even
  a kernel patch over a full .com TSR, as the hooks to do are tiny: Check
  the FreeDOS MODE source code to see what I mean (int 14h and 17h hooks).
- errorlevel compatibility to MS or FreeDOS (strange errorlevels!) MODE
- smaller binary using KITTEN and PRF (the small printf implementation)
- combination with most recent version of MODECON, of course 
- I did not know the 10cpi and 15cpi printer escape sequences, so you have
  to fill them in in printer(), for the 80/132 columns thing.
- It would be cool to read the UART to report current settings, e.g. baud
  rate, and to write it for nonstandard baud rates. I stick to the BIOS API
  in the current version, while FreeDOS MODE writes the UART for settings.

As you can imagine, my MODE version works pretty well already, but I have
to leave you with some additions and tuning for the combined MODECON + MODE.
Aitor, I hope you have time for that. I neither have time left for MODE nor
do I have the most recent MODECON version, obviously. Have fun and thanks!

The CC to fd-dev is in the hope that others will have a look at the
code and report bugs / contribute improvements to the fd-dev list.
I wrote this C version as the current FreeDOS MODE is written in a
dialect of Assembly that requires a non-common non-free Assembler
and that is hard to expand because it is in Assembler in general.

<eric -at- CoLi.Uni-SB.DE>