Title:          Happyland Adventures
Version:        1.1
Entered-date:   24-09-2012
Description:    A classic jump'n'run combined with original puzzle elements, a game full of surprises. Explore the big levels and collect various fruits for bonus. Save the Happylanders in order to rid the world of evilness.
Keywords:       happyland
Author:         Johan Peitz
Maintained-by:  -
Primary-site:   -
Alternate-site: -
Original-site:  -
Platforms:      DOS
Copying-policy: Freeware
Group:          games
MD5:            0701322b30a3f74b9145bc0036cfbe17
SHA:            9d20fc23eb02c26e2d8d572a039ae453d49fdf584e6f49e6457fdf01dafb161f