Bug Buddy Manual

Table of Contents
Contact Information
Debugging Information
Bug Description
Updating Product Listing
Submitting the Report
Known bugs and limitations


Bug Buddy is a tool which will guide you through making a bug report as painlessly as possible. You can alter things at any stage, and then either send, save, or abandon the resulting report. This document describes version 1.90 of Bug Buddy: note that it has changed substantially in appearance from earlier versions.

NoteBig Bug Buddy Changes

Bug Buddy has undergone major changes recently.

The Gnome bugtracking system is moving from the email-based debbugs installation which it originally used to the web-based bugzilla installation. This is to help deal with bugs more efficiently. This means Bug Buddy has been substantially rewritten to deal with the bugzilla system. It looks very similar in appearance and structure, but be aware that it now talks to bugzillas. Reports will only go to the old debbugs system for GNOME if bugzilla doesn't have a category for the bug.

This also means that Bug Buddy has currently lost the ability to send bugs to the KDE and Debian bug-trackers directly. Note that you can still save reports for those into a file and then mail the file to those trackers yourself.

Bug Buddy can be started in a variety of ways:

Bug Buddy is a very structured program. At any stage you can continue forward or head backwards to correct earlier details, or you can click the Help button to bring up this document.

The aim of all this is to be able to collect all the information which a developer will need to reproduce the same problem and be able to fix it. Some of the information generated may look a bit off-putting, but don't delete it. It will be useful.