The Clone tool uses the current brush to
copy from a source point. The source point can be in an image or
Clone Settings
The Opacity slider sets the transparency level for the paint. A higher opacity setting results in more opaque paint and a lower setting results in more transparent paint.
The Mode dropdown list provides a selection of paint application modes. A list of these modes can be found in the glossary .
The Pressure Sensitivity section sets whether opacity, hardness or size will be effected by pressure for input devices that support this option.
The image mode uses an image as a source for cloning. The source point is set by holding Ctrl while clicking Button1 in an image at the desired point.
The pattern mode uses the current pattern as the source for cloning. The source point is the top left corner of the pattern.
The alignment mode sets how the source position is offset from each brush stroke.
The Non Aligned mode takes the offset between the source point and the start of each new stroke.
The Aligned mode takes the offset between the source point and the start of the first stroke, and uses it as the offset for all subsequent strokes.
The Registered mode has no offset. If the source image is a different size to the destination image, the two will be aligned at the top left corner.
Default Keyboard Shortcut: C
Key modifiers:
Ctrl sets the point of origin for the tool.