The LessTif core team has started to implement two modules which, together, offer full printing functionality : XmPrint and DtPrint.
These API's are demonstrated by the new printing functionality in Xinvest. Note several constraints however :
LessTif now contains simple implementations of both, which makes it possible to write applications that use this standardised and (fairly) high level mechanism to print in a device independent manner.
As our experience in getting Xinvest to use this technology showed, all is not always as simple as it seems. In retroscpect, the changes that need to be made to an application to get it to print are relatively minor. Their complexity grows as the application is more graphics intensive, but even for Xinvest (which is graphics intensive) the changes were not hard to implement.
An overview by the X Consortium on how these cooperate is in their distributions in file
xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/READMEWe have provided a copy of the X11R6.6 version here.
Roland Mainz is trying to get Mozilla to work with Xprt, and to get a decent Xprt server available. Find his work here.