Individual Panel Properties

In addition to global Panel properties, described in the Section called Global Panel Preferences, some properties can be configured individually for each Panel. This includes Panel type (Edge, Aligned, Sliding, Floating), size, location, background color, and hiding preferences. To change these properties for a Panel, click on it with the right mouse button and select Panel->Properties. You may also press the Main Menu button and select Panel->Properties.

From the Properties submenu, you can choose All properties..., which will launch the Panel properties dialog. If you are already familiar with this dialog, you can more quickly change some of the properties — say, Panel size or type — by selecting the appropriate item in the Properties menu.

The Panel properties dialog contains two tabs to help you set the active Panel properties: Edge Panel (or Aligned, … - depending on your Panel type) and Background. Both of these tabs are explained below.

Edge Panel Tab

Figure 20. Panel Edge Properties Dialog

Background Tab

Figure 21. Panel Background Properties Dialog

These options allow you to change the background of the Panel itself. You may choose, if you wish, to have the Standard, Pixmap, or Color background. The standard look for the Panel is determined by the GTK theme you are running at the time (you can configure the GTK theme using the GNOME Control Center). The Pixmap option allows you to choose an image to tile or scale to the Panel. The Color option allows you to specify a particular color for the Panel.

TipDrag and Drop With Images

An easier way to change the background of your Panel is to drag and drop an image file from the GNOME File Manager onto the Panel. This will automatically change the background of the Panel to that image.