Gnome Robots II Objective

The objective of Gnobots2 is quite simple. You are surrounded by a number of robots or other hostile adversaries. As you move about they will move directly towards you for every move that you make. Their goal is to kill you. Your goal is to kill all the robots on the board by taking advantage of their vulnerabilities.

Robots are vulnerable because they will be destroyed if they collide into each other. They will also be destroyed if they collide with the debris of some other collision.

If supported in the game configuration you have chosen, you can push the junkheaps around to form barricades to protect you. Also if you are daring enough you can Splat! the robots by pushing junkheaps on top of them for an additional bonus.

You can also save yourself by teleporting yourself to a random location. Unfortunately, randomly teleporting means that there is a chance that you might end up being right next to a robot so they can kill you when they make their move. All is not lost however, as you can have a number of safe teleports which will place you out of immediate danger. You can earn more free teleports as you go along, how you gain them depends on the chosen game, but typically you get one for each robot that is destroyed while you are 'waiting', up to a maximum of 10. If you don't want to waste your saved up safe teleports you can choose to randomly teleport if you think it's safe enough.

If you press the 'Wait' key (see below) you will no longer be able to move until either all of the robots, which still move towards you, are gone or you are killed. Doing this may earn you extra safe teleports as described above.

If you manage to reach the point where more than half of the screen is occupied by robots, the number of robots will be reset to the starting amount, allowing you to continue.