Using the keyboard

There are three predefined sets of keys for controlling your player.

Standard Keys

These standard keys are normally used for playing all versions of the robot games.

  1. Up Left: Y

  2. Up: K

  3. Up Right: U

  4. Left: H

  5. Stand Still: . or space

  6. Right: L

  7. Down Left: B

  8. Down: J

  9. Down Right: N

  10. Teleport: T

  11. Ramdomly Teleport: R

  12. Wait: W

Set 2

In Set 2, the keys are laid out on the main part of the keyboard in star shaped pattern for people who don't like the HJKL layout.

  1. Up Left: Q

  2. Up: W

  3. Up Right: E

  4. Left: A

  5. Stand Still: S

  6. Right: D

  7. Down Left: Z

  8. Down: X

  9. Down Right: C

  10. Teleport: T

  11. Ramdomly Teleport: R

  12. Wait: Return

Set 3 - Using the Numeric Keypad

In Set 3, you use the Numeric Keypad.

NoteSwitch on the NumLock Key

You may need to switch on the NumLock to make these work.

  1. Up Left: 7

  2. Up: 8

  3. Up Right: 9

  4. Left: 4

  5. Stand Still: 5

  6. Right: 6

  7. Down Left: 1

  8. Down: 2

  9. Down Right: 3

  10. Teleport: +

  11. Ramdomly Teleport: -

  12. Wait: Return