The Basic Options

Below are the options for the Login appearance, Login behaviour ,Face browser, and Automatic login tabs.

Login appearance

Figure 3. The login appearance tab

Minimised Icon:

Change the icon that represents the login screen when minimized.


Change the image that is displayed in the login window

Gtk+ RC file

Specify the location of .gtkrc

Login behaviour

Figure 4. The login behaviour tab

Quiver on failure

If login fails, make the login window shake.

Exclude these users

Do not show the users in the user menu, on the login box.

Default font:

The font to display and default to.

Welcome message

The text message to display in the login screen.

NoteDisplay machine name

To have GDM display your machine name you can type %n in the Welcome message field, and it will always be replaced with whatever your machine's name is.

Background Program

This allows you to run a given script, or application in the background whilst the login prompt is displayed.

Default locale

The locale that should be set as default in the GDM

Lock position

Lock the login box, such that it cannot be moved within the login screen.

Manually set position

Allow for the login box to be moved manually within the login screen

X position

The x coordinate for the login box placement

Y position

The y coordinate for the login box placement

Xinerama screen

This option allows one to specify on which monitor, in a multi-monitor setup, the GDM login screen will be displayed.

Face browser

Figure 5. The face browser tab

Show choosable user images

Customization of user images in the face browser

Default face image

Change the image used for default users in the face browser

Global faces directory

The directory where the face images reside

Maximum face width

The maximum width any given face image may be

Maximum face height

The maximum height any given face image may be


Figure 6. The background tab

Background type

Selection of background type. Options are backgrounds by colour, image, or none at all.

Scale background image to fit

Allow an image, if selected above, to be scaled to fit alloted space.

Only color on remote displays

Enable a colour to be displayed only on remote systems

Background program

Allow a program to be run in the background

Automatic login

Figure 7. The automatic login tab

Login a user automatically on first bootup

Enable logging in as the specified user when first starting the system.

Login a user automatically after a specified number of seconds.

Allow the GDM to automatically login after the specified number of seconds using the specified user name.

Timed login

The specified user to be used to login automaticaly.

Seconds before login

The specified number of seconds before the GDM automatically logs in.