Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) Protocol

			Version 1.1

		   X Consortium Standard

		 X Version 11, Release 6.4

		      Robert Scheifler
		     X Consortium, Inc.

			Jordan Brown
		 Quarterdeck Office Systems


     There are numerous possible protocols that can be
     used for communication among clients.  They have
     many similarities and common needs, including
     authentication, version negotiation, data typing,
     and connection management.  The Inter-Client
     Exchange (ICE) protocol is intended to provide a
     framework for building such protocols.  Using ICE
     reduces the complexity of designing new protocols
     and allows the sharing of many aspects of the

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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall
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1.  Purpose and Goals

In discussing a variety of protocols -- existing, under
development, and hypothetical -- it was noted that they have
many elements in common.  Most protocols need mechanisms for
authentication, for version negotiation, and for setting up
and taking down connections.  There are also cases where the
same two parties need to talk to each other using multiple
protocols.  For example, an embedding relationship between
two parties is likely to require the simultaneous use of
session management, data transfer, focus negotiation, and
command notification protocols.  While these are logically
separate protocols, it is desirable for them to share as
many pieces of implementation as possible.

The Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) protocol provides a generic
framework for building protocols on top of reliable, byte-
stream transport connections.  It provides basic mechanisms
for setting up and shutting down connections, for performing
authentication, for negotiating versions, and for reporting
errors.  The protocols running within an ICE connection are
referred to here as subprotocols.  ICE provides facilities
for each subprotocol to do its own version negotiation,
authentication, and error reporting.  In addition, if two
parties are communicating using several different
subprotocols, ICE will allow them to share the same
transport layer connection.

2.  Overview of the protocol

Through some mechanism outside ICE, two parties make
themselves known to each other and agree that they would
like to communicate using an ICE subprotocol.  ICE assumes
that this negotation includes some notion by which the
parties will decide which is the "originating" party and
which is the "answering" party.  The negotiation will also
need to provide the originating party with a name or address
of the answering party.  Examples of mechanisms by which
parties can make themselves known to each other are the X
selection mechanism, environment variables, and shared

The originating party first determines whether there is an
existing ICE connection between the two parties.  If there
is, it can re-use the existing connection and move directly
to the setup of the subprotocol.  If no ICE connection
exists, the originating party will open a transport
connection to the answering party and will start ICE
connection setup.

The ICE connection setup dialog consists of three major
parts: byte order exchange, authentication, and connection
information exchange.  The first message in each direction
is a ByteOrder message telling which byte order will be used


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

by the sending party in messages that it sends.  After that,
the originating party sends a ConnectionSetup message giving
information about itself (vendor name and release number)
and giving a list of ICE version numbers it is capable of
supporting and a list of authentication schemes it is
willing to accept.  Authentication is optional.  If no
authentication is required, the answering party responds
with a ConnectionReply message giving information about
itself, and the connection setup is complete.

If the connection setup is to be authenticated, the
answering party will respond with an AuthenticationRequired
message instead of a ConnectionReply message.  The parties
then exchange AuthenticationReply and
AuthenticationNextPhase messages until authentication is
complete, at which time the answering party finally sends
its ConnectionReply message.

Once an ICE connection is established (or an existing
connection reused), the originating party starts subprotocol
negotiation by sending a ProtocolSetup message.  This
message gives the name of the subprotocol that the parties
have agreed to use, along with the ICE major opcode that the
originating party has assigned to that subprotocol.
Authentication can also occur for the subprotocol,
independently of authentication for the connection.
Subprotocol authentication is optional.  If there is no
subprotocol authentication, the answering party responds
with a ProtocolReply message, giving the ICE major opcode
that it has assigned for the subprotocol.

Subprotocols are authenticated independently of each other,
because they may have differing security requirements.	If
there is authentication for this particular subprotocol, it
takes place before the answering party emits the
ProtocolReply message, and it uses the
AuthenticationRequired, AuthenticationReply, and
AuthenticationNextPhase messages, just as for the connection
authentication.  Only when subprotocol authentication is
complete does the answering party send its ProtocolReply

When a subprotocol has been set up and authenticated, the
two parties can communicate using messages defined by the
subprotocol.  Each message has two opcodes: a major opcode
and a minor opcode.  Each party will send messages using the
major opcode it has assigned in its ProtocolSetup or
ProtocolReply message.	These opcodes will, in general, not
be the same.  For a particular subprotocol, each party will
need to keep track of two major opcodes: the major opcode it
uses when it sends messages, and the major opcode it expects
to see in messages it receives.  The minor opcode values and
semantics are defined by each individual subprotocol.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Each subprotocol will have one or more messages whose
semantics are that the subprotocol is to be shut down.
Whether this is done unilaterally or is performed through
negotiation is defined by each subprotocol.  Once a
subprotocol is shut down, its major opcodes are removed from
use; no further messages on this subprotocol should be sent
until the opcode is reestablished with ProtocolSetup.

ICE has a facility to negotiate the closing of the
connection when there are no longer any active subprotocols.
When either party decides that no subprotocols are active,
it can send a WantToClose message.  If the other party
agrees to close the connection, it can simply do so.  If the
other party wants to keep the connection open, it can
indicate its desire by replying with a NoClose message.

It should be noted that the party that initiates the
connection isn't necessarily the same as the one that
initiates setting up a subprotocol.  For example, suppose
party A connects to party B.  Party A will issue the
ConnectionSetup message and party B will respond with a
ConnectionReply message.  (The authentication steps are
omitted here for brevity.)  Typically, party A will also
issue the ProtocolSetup message and expect a ProtocolReply
from party B.  Once the connection is established, however,
either party may initiate the negotiation of a subprotocol.
Continuing this example, party B may decide that it needs to
set up a subprotocol for communication with party A.  Party
B would issue the ProtocolSetup message and expect a
ProtocolReply from party A.

3.  Data Types

ICE messages contain several types of data.  Byte order is
negotiated in the initial connection messages; in general
data is sent in the sender's byte order and the receiver is
required to swap it appropriately.  In order to support
64-bit machines, ICE messages are padded to multiples of 8
bytes.	All messages are designed so that fields are
"naturally" aligned on 16-, 32-, and 64-bit boundaries.  The
following formula gives the number of bytes necessary to pad
E bytes to the next multiple of b:

     pad(E, b) = (b - (E mod b)) mod b

3.1.  Primitive Types

Type Name		 Description
CARD8			 8-bit unsigned integer


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Type Name		 Description
CARD16			 16-bit unsigned integer
CARD32			 32-bit unsigned integer
BOOL			 False or True
LPCE			 A character from the X Portable
			 Character Set in Latin Portable
			 Character Encoding

3.2.  Complex Types

Type Name		 Type
VERSION 		 [Major, minor: CARD16]

LISTof<type> denotes a counted collection of <type>.  The
exact encoding varies depending on the context; see the
encoding section.

4.  Message Format

All ICE messages include the following information:

Field Type	    Description
CARD8		    protocol major opcode
CARD8		    protocol minor opcode
CARD32		    length of remaining data in 8-byte units

The fields are as follows:

Protocol major opcode
     This specifies what subprotocol the message is intended
     for.  Major opcode 0 is reserved for ICE control
     messages.	The major opcodes of other subprotocols are
     dynamically assigned and exchanged at protocol
     negotiation time.

Protocol minor opcode
     This specifies what protocol-specific operation is to
     be performed.  Minor opcode 0 is reserved for Errors;
     other values are protocol-specific.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Length of data in 8-byte units
     This specifies the length of the information following
     the first 8 bytes.  Each message-type has a different
     format, and will need to be separately length-checked
     against this value.  As every data item has either an
     explicit length, or an implicit length, this can be
     easily accomplished.  Messages that have too little or
     too much data indicate a serious protocol failure, and
     should result in a BadLength error.

5.  Overall Protocol Description

Every message sent in a given direction has an implicit
sequence number, starting with 1.  Sequence numbers are
global to the connection; independent sequence numbers are
not maintained for each protocol.

Messages of a given major-opcode (i.e., of a given protocol)
must be responded to (if a response is called for) in order
by the receiving party.  Messages from different protocols
can be responded to in arbitrary order.

Minor opcode 0 in every protocol is for reporting errors.
At most one error is generated per request.  If more than
one error condition is encountered in processing a request,
the choice of which error is returned is implementation-
|    Error

     offending-minor-opcode: CARD8

     severity: {CanContinue, FatalToProtocol,

     sequence-number: CARD32

     class: CARD16

     value(s): <dependent on major/minor opcode and class>

This message is sent to report an error in response to a
message from any protocol.  The Error message exists in all
protocol major-opcode spaces; it is minor-opcode zero in
every protocol.  The minor opcode of the message that caused
the error is reported, as well as the sequence number of
that message.  The severity indicates the sender's behavior
following the identification of the error.  CanContinue
indicates the sender is willing to accept additional
messages for this protocol.  FatalToProcotol indicates the
sender is unwilling to accept further messages for this
protocol but that messages for other protocols may be
accepted.  FatalToConnection indicates the sender is


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

unwilling to accept any further messages for any protocols
on the connection.  The sender is required to conform to
specified severity conditions for generic and ICE (major
opcode 0) errors; see Sections 6.1 and 6.2.  The class
defines the generic class of error.  Classes are specified
separately for each protocol (numeric values can mean
different things in different protocols).  The error values,
if any, and their types vary with the specific error class
for the protocol.

6.  ICE Control Subprotocol -- Major Opcode 0

Each of the ICE control opcodes is described below.  Most of
the messages have additional information included beyond the
description above.  The additional information is appended
to the message header and the length field is computed

In the following message descriptions, "Expected errors"
indicates errors that may occur in the normal course of
events.  Other errors (in particular BadMajor, BadMinor,
BadState, BadLength, BadValue, ProtocolDuplicate, and
MajorOpcodeDuplicate) might occur, but generally indicate a
serious implementation failure on the part of the errant
|    ByteOrder

     byte-order: {MSBfirst, LSBfirst}

Both parties must send this message before sending any
other, including errors.  This message specifies the byte
order that will be used on subsequent messages sent by this

Note:  If the receiver detects an error in this message, it
must be sure to send its own ByteOrder message before
sending the Error.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    ConnectionSetup

     versions: LISTofVERSION

     must-authenticate: BOOL

     authentication-protocol-names: LISTofSTRING

     vendor: STRING

     release: STRING

     Responses: ConnectionReply, AuthenticationRequired.
		(See note)

     Expected errors: NoVersion, SetupFailed,

The party that initiates the connection (the one that does
the "connect()") must send this message as the second
message (after ByteOrder) on startup.

Versions gives a list, in decreasing order of preference, of
the protocol versions this party is capable of speaking.
This document specifies major version 1, minor version 0.

If must-authenticate is True, the initiating party demands
authentication; the accepting party must pick an
authentication scheme and use it.  In this case, the only
valid response is AuthenticationRequired.

If must-authenticate is False, the accepting party may
choose an authentication mechanism, use a host-address-based
authentication scheme, or skip authentication.	When must-
authenticate is False, ConnectionReply and
AuthenticationRequired are both valid responses.  If a host-
address-based authentication scheme is used,
AuthenticationRejected and AuthenticationFailed errors are

Authentication-protocol-names  specifies a (possibly null,
if must-authenticate is False) list of authentication
protocols the party is willing to perform.  If must-
authenticate is True, presumably the party will offer only
authentication mechanisms allowing mutual authentication.

Vendor gives the name of the vendor of this ICE


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Release gives the release identifier of this ICE

|    AuthenticationRequired

     authentication-protocol-index: CARD8

     data: <specific to authentication protocol>

     Response: AuthenticationReply.

     Expected errors: AuthenticationRejected,

This message is sent in response to a ConnectionSetup or
ProtocolSetup message to specify that authentication is to
be done and what authentication mechanism is to be used.

The authentication protocol is specified by a 0-based index
into the list of names given in the ConnectionSetup or
ProtocolSetup.	Any protocol-specific data that might be
required is also sent.
|    AuthenticationReply

     data: <specific to authentication protocol>

     Responses: AuthenticationNextPhase, ConnectionReply,

     Expected errors: AuthenticationRejected,
		      AuthenticationFailed, SetupFailed.

This message is sent in response to an
AuthenticationRequired or AuthenticationNextPhase message,
to supply authentication data as defined by the
authentication protocol being used.

Note that this message is sent by the party that initiated
the current negotiation -- the party that sent the
ConnectionSetup or ProtocolSetup message.

AuthenticationNextPhase indicates that more is to be done to
complete the authentication.  If the authentication is
complete, ConnectionReply is appropriate if the current
authentication handshake is the result of a ConnectionSetup,
and a ProtocolReply is appropriate if it is the result of a


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    AuthenticationNextPhase

     data: <specific to authentication protocol>

     Response: AuthenticationReply.

     Expected errors: AuthenticationRejected,

This message is sent in response to an AuthenticationReply
message, to supply authentication data as defined by the
authentication protocol being used.
|    ConnectionReply

     version-index: CARD8

     vendor: STRING

     release: STRING

This message is sent in response to a ConnectionSetup or
AuthenticationReply message to indicate that the
authentication handshake is complete.

Version-index gives a 0-based index into the list of
versions offered in the ConnectionSetup message; it
specifies the version of the ICE protocol that both parties
should speak for the duration of the connection.

Vendor gives the name of the vendor of this ICE

Release gives the release identifier of this ICE


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    ProtocolSetup

     protocol-name: STRING

     major-opcode: CARD8

     versions: LISTofVERSION

     vendor: STRING

     release: STRING

     must-authenticate: BOOL

     authentication-protocol-names: LISTofSTRING

     Responses: AuthenticationRequired, ProtocolReply.

     Expected errors: UnknownProtocol, NoVersion,
		      SetupFailed, NoAuthentication,

This message is used to initiate negotiation of a protocol
and establish any authentication specific to it.

Protocol-name gives the name of the protocol the party
wishes to speak.

Major-opcode gives the opcode that the party will use in
messages it sends.

Versions gives a list of version numbers, in decreasing
order of preference, that the party is willing to speak.

Vendor and release are identification strings with semantics
defined by the specific protocol being negotiated.

If must-authenticate is True, the initiating party demands
authentication; the accepting party must pick an
authentication scheme and use it.  In this case, the only
valid response is AuthenticationRequired.

If must-authenticate is False, the accepting party may
choose an authentication mechanism, use a host-address-based
authentication scheme, or skip authentication.	When must-
authenticate is False, ProtocolReply and
AuthenticationRequired are both valid responses.  If a host-
address-based authentication scheme is used,
AuthenticationRejected and AuthenticationFailed errors are


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Authentication-protocol-names  specifies a (possibly null,
if must-authenticate is False) list of authentication
protocols the party is willing to perform.  If must-
authenticate is True, presumably the party will offer only
authentication mechanisms allowing mutual authentication.
|    ProtocolReply

     major-opcode: CARD8

     version-index: CARD8

     vendor: STRING

     release: STRING

This message is sent in response to a ProtocolSetup or
AuthenticationReply message to indicate that the
authentication handshake is complete.

Major-opcode gives the opcode that this party will use in
messages that it sends.

Version-index gives a 0-based index into the list of
versions offered in the ProtocolSetup message; it specifies
the version of the protocol that both parties should speak
for the duration of the connection.

Vendor and release are identification strings with semantics
defined by the specific protocol being negotiated.

|    Ping

     Response: PingReply.

This message is used to test if the connection is still
|    PingReply

This message is sent in response to a Ping message,
indicating that the connection is still functioning.
|    WantToClose

     Responses: WantToClose, NoClose, ProtocolSetup.

This message is used to initiate a possible close of the
connection.  The sending party has noticed that, as a result


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

of mechanisms specific to each protocol, there are no active
protocols left.  There are four possible scenarios arising
from this request:

(1)  The receiving side noticed too, and has already sent a
     WantToClose.  On receiving a WantToClose while already
     attempting to shut down, each party should simply close
     the connection.

(2)  The receiving side hasn't noticed, but agrees.  It
     closes the connection.

(3)  The receiving side has a ProtocolSetup "in flight," in
     which case it is to ignore WantToClose and the party
     sending WantToClose is to abandon the shutdown attempt
     when it receives the ProtocolSetup.

(4)  The receiving side wants the connection kept open for
     some reason not specified by the ICE protocol, in which
     case it sends NoClose.

See the state transition diagram for additional information.
|    NoClose

This message is sent in response to a WantToClose message to
indicate that the responding party does not want the
connection closed at this time.  The receiving party should
not close the connection.  Either party may again initiate
WantToClose at some future time.

6.1.  Generic Error Classes

These errors should be used by all protocols, as applicable.
For ICE (major opcode 0), FatalToProtocol should be
interpreted as FatalToConnection.
|    BadMinor

     offending-minor-opcode: <any>

     severity: FatalToProtocol or CanContinue (protocol's

     values: (none)

Received a message with an unknown minor opcode.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    BadState

     offending-minor-opcode: <any>

     severity: FatalToProtocol or CanContinue (protocol's

     values: (none)

Received a message with a valid minor opcode which is not
appropriate for the current state of the protocol.
|    BadLength

     offending-minor-opcode: <any>

     severity: FatalToProtocol or CanContinue (protocol's

     values: (none)

Received a message with a bad length.  The length of the
message is longer or shorter than required to contain the
|    BadValue

     offending-minor-opcode: <any>

     severity: CanContinue

     values: CARD32 Byte offset to offending value in
	     offending message
	     CARD32 Length of offending value
	     <varies> Offending value

Received a message with a bad value specified.

6.2.  ICE Error Classes

These errors are all major opcode 0 errors.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    BadMajor

     offending-minor-opcode: <any>

     severity: CanContinue

     values: CARD8 Opcode

The opcode given is not one that has been registered.
|    NoAuthentication

     offending-minor-opcode: ConnectionSetup, ProtocolSetup

     severity: ConnectionSetup -> FatalToConnection
	       ProtocolSetup -> FatalToProtocol

     values: (none)

None of the authentication protocols offered are available.
|    NoVersion

     offending-minor-opcode: ConnectionSetup, ProtocolSetup

     severity: ConnectionSetup -> FatalToConnection
	       ProtocolSetup -> FatalToProtocol

     values: (none)

None of the protocol versions offered are available.
|    SetupFailed

     offending-minor-opcode: ConnectionSetup, ProtocolSetup,

     severity: ConnectionSetup -> FatalToConnection
	       ProtocolSetup -> FatalToProtocol
	       AuthenticationReply -> FatalToConnection if
	       authenticating a connection, otherwise

     values: STRING reason

The sending side is unable to accept the new connection or
new protocol for a reason other than authentication failure.
Typically this error will be a result of inability to
allocate additional resources on the sending side.  The
reason field will give a human-interpretable message


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

providing further detail on the type of failure.
|    AuthenticationRejected

     offending-minor-opcode: AuthenticationReply,

     severity: FatalToProtocol

     values: STRING reason

Authentication rejected.  The peer has failed to properly
authenticate itself.  The reason field will give a human-
interpretable message providing further detail.
|    AuthenticationFailed

     offending-minor-opcode: AuthenticationReply,

     severity: FatalToProtocol

     values: STRING reason

Authentication failed.	AuthenticationFailed does not imply
that the authentication was rejected, as
AuthenticationRejected does.  Instead it means that the
sender was unable to complete the authentication for some
other reason.  (For instance, it may have been unable to
contact an authentication server.)  The reason field will
give a human-interpretable message providing further detail.
|    ProtocolDuplicate

     offending-minor-opcode: ProtocolSetup

     severity: FatalToProtocol (but see note)

     values: STRING protocol name

The protocol name was already registered.  This is fatal to
the "new" protocol being set up by ProtocolSetup, but it
does not affect the existing registration.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

|    MajorOpcodeDuplicate

     offending-minor-opcode: ProtocolSetup

     severity: FatalToProtocol (but see note)

     values: CARD8 opcode

The major opcode specified was already registered.  This is
fatal to the "new" protocol being set up by ProtocolSetup,
but it does not affect the existing registration.
|    UnknownProtocol

     offending-minor-opcode: ProtocolSetup

     severity: FatalToProtocol

     values: STRING protocol name

The protocol specified is not supported.

7.  State Diagrams

Here are the state diagrams for the party that initiates the

     connect to other end, send ByteOrder, ConnectionSetup
     -> conn_wait

     receive ConnectionReply -> stasis
     receive AuthenticationRequired -> conn_auth1
     receive Error -> quit
     receive <other>, send Error -> quit

     if good auth data, send AuthenticationReply ->
     if bad auth data, send Error -> quit

     receive ConnectionReply -> stasis
     receive AuthenticationNextPhase -> conn_auth1
     receive Error -> quit
     receive <other>, send Error -> quit


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

Here are top-level state transitions for the party that
accepts connections.

     accept connection -> init_wait

     receive ByteOrder, ConnectionSetup -> auth_ask
     receive <other>, send Error -> quit

     send ByteOrder, ConnectionReply -> stasis
     send AuthenticationRequired -> auth_wait
     send Error -> quit

     receive AuthenticationReply -> auth_check
     receive <other>, send Error -> quit

     if no more auth needed, send ConnectionReply -> stasis
     if good auth data, send AuthenticationNextPhase ->
     if bad auth data, send Error -> quit

Here are the top-level state transitions for all parties
after the initial connection establishment subprotocol.

Note:  this is not quite the truth for branches out from
stasis, in that multiple conversations can be interleaved on
the connection.

     send ProtocolSetup -> proto_wait
     receive ProtocolSetup -> proto_reply
     send Ping -> ping_wait
     receive Ping, send PingReply -> stasis
     receive WantToClose -> shutdown_attempt
     receive <other>, send Error -> stasis
     all protocols shut down, send WantToClose -> close_wait

     receive ProtocolReply -> stasis
     receive AuthenticationRequired -> give_auth1
     receive Error, give up on this protocol -> stasis
     receive WantToClose -> proto_wait


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

     if good auth data, send AuthenticationReply ->
     if bad auth data, send Error, give up on this protocol
     -> stasis
     receive WantToClose -> give_auth1

     receive ProtocolReply -> stasis
     receive AuthenticationNextPhase -> give_auth1
     receive Error, give up on this protocol -> stasis
     receive WantToClose -> give_auth2

     send ProtocolReply -> stasis
     send AuthenticationRequired -> take_auth1
     send Error, give up on this protocol -> stasis

     receive AuthenticationReply -> take_auth2
     receive Error, give up on this protocol -> stasis

     if good auth data -> take_auth3
     if bad auth data, send Error, give up on this protocol
     -> stasis

     if no more auth needed, send ProtocolReply -> stasis
     if good auth data, send AuthenticationNextPhase ->
     if bad auth data, send Error, give up on this protocol
     -> stasis

     receive PingReply -> stasis

     -> close connection

Here are the state transitions for shutting down the


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

     if want to stay alive anyway, send NoClose -> stasis
     else -> quit

     receive ProtocolSetup -> proto_reply
     receive NoClose -> stasis
     receive WantToClose -> quit
     connection close -> quit

8.  Protocol Encoding

In the encodings below, the first column is the number of
bytes occupied.  The second column is either the type (if
the value is variable) or the actual value.  The third
column is the description of the value (e.g., the parameter
name).	Receivers must ignore bytes that are designated as
unused or pad bytes.

This document describes major version 1, minor version 0 of
the ICE protocol.

LISTof<type> indicates some number of repetitions of <type>,
with no additional padding.  The number of repetitions must
be specified elsewhere in the message.

8.1.  Primitive Types

Type Name Length (bytes) Description
CARD8	  1		 8-bit unsigned integer
CARD16	  2		 16-bit unsigned integer
CARD32	  4		 32-bit unsigned integer
LPCE	  1		 A character from the X Portable
			 Character Set in Latin Portable
			 Character Encoding

8.2.  Enumerations

Type Name     Value	 Description
BOOL	      0 	 False
	      1 	 True


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

8.3.  Compound Types

Type NameLength (bytes)Type	 Description
	 2	       CARD16	 Major version number
	 2	       CARD16	 Minor version number
	 2	       CARD16	 length of string in bytes
	 n	       LISTofLPCEstring
	 p			 unused, p = pad(n+2, 4)

8.4.  ICE Minor opcodes

     Message Name	       Encoding
     Error			   0
     ByteOrder			   1
     ConnectionSetup		   2
     AuthenticationRequired	   3
     AuthenticationReply	   4
     AuthenticationNextPhase	   5
     ConnectionReply		   6
     ProtocolSetup		   7
     ProtocolReply		   8
     Ping			   9
     PingReply			  10
     WantToClose		  11
     NoClose			  12

8.5.  Message Encoding


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

  1  CARD8	    major-opcode
  1  0		    Error
  2  CARD16	    class
  4  (n+p)/8+1	    length
  1  CARD8	    offending-minor-opcode
  1		    severity:
     0		       CanContinue
     1		       FatalToProtocol
     2		       FatalToConnection
  2		    unused
  4  CARD32	    sequence number of erroneous message
  n  <varies>	    value(s)
  p		    pad, p = pad(n,8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  1		    ByteOrder
  1		    byte-order:
     0		       LSBfirst
     1		       MSBfirst
  1		    unused
  4  0		    length

  1  0		    ICE
  1  2		    ConnectionSetup
  1  CARD8	    Number of versions offered
  1  CARD8	    Number of authentication protocol names offered
  4  (i+j+k+m+p)/8+1length
  1  BOOL	    must-authenticate
  7		    unused
  i  STRING	    vendor
  j  STRING	    release
  k  LISTofSTRING   authentication-protocol-names
  m  LISTofVERSION  version-list
  p		    unused, p = pad(i+j+k+m,8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  3		    AuthenticationRequired
  1  CARD8	    authentication-protocol-index
  1		    unused
  4  (n+p)/8+1	    length
  2  n		    length of authentication data
  6		    unused
  n  <varies>	    data
  p		    unused, p = pad(n,8)


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

  1  0		    ICE
  1  4		    AuthenticationReply
  2		    unused
  4  (n+p)/8+1	    length
  2  n		    length of authentication data
  6		    unused
  n  <varies>	    data
  p		    unused, p = pad(n,8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  5		    AuthenticationNextPhase
  2		    unused
  4  (n+p)/8+1	    length
  2  n		    length of authentication data
  6		    unused
  n  <varies>	    data
  p		    unused, p = pad(n,8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  6		    ConnectionReply
  1  CARD8	    version-index
  1		    unused
  4  (i+j+p)/8	    length
  i  STRING	    vendor
  j  STRING	    release
  p		    unused, p = pad(i+j,8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  7		    ProtocolSetup
  1  CARD8	    major-opcode
  1  BOOL	    must-authenticate
  4  (i+j+k+m+n+p)/8+1length
  1  CARD8	    Number of versions offered
  1  CARD8	    Number of authentication protocol names offered
  6		    unused
  i  STRING	    protocol-name
  j  STRING	    vendor
  k  STRING	    release
  m  LISTofSTRING   authentication-protocol-names
  n  LISTofVERSION  version-list
  p		    unused, p = pad(i+j+k+m+n,8)


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

  1  0		    ICE
  1  8		    ProtocolReply
  1  CARD8	    version-index
  1  CARD8	    major-opcode
  4  (i+j+p)/8	    length
  i  STRING	    vendor
  j  STRING	    release
  p		    unused, p = pad(i+j, 8)

  1  0		    ICE
  1  9		    Ping
  2  0		    unused
  4  0		    length

  1  0		    ICE
  1  10 	    PingReply
  2  0		    unused
  4  0		    length

  1  0		    ICE
  1  11 	    WantToClose
  2  0		    unused
  4  0		    length

  1  0		    ICE
  1  12 	    NoClose
  2  0		    unused
  4  0		    length

8.6.  Error Class Encoding

Generic errors have classes in the range 0x8000-0xFFFF, and
subprotocol-specific errors are in the range 0x0000-0x7FFF.

8.6.1.	Generic Error Class Encoding

Class	    Encoding
BadMinor     0x8000
BadState     0x8001
BadLength    0x8002


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

BadValue     0x8003

8.6.2.	ICE-specific Error Class Encoding

Class			 Encoding
BadMajor		    0
NoAuthentication	    1
NoVersion		    2
SetupFailed		    3
AuthenticationRejected	    4
AuthenticationFailed	    5
ProtocolDuplicate	    6
MajorOpcodeDuplicate	    7
UnknownProtocol 	    8


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

			 Appendix A

A.  Modification History

A.1.  Release 6 to Release 6.1

Release 6.1 added the ICE X rendezvous protocol (Appendix B)
and updated the document version to 1.1.

A.2.  Release 6.1 to Release 6.3

Release 6.3 added the listen on well known ports feature.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

			 Appendix B

B.  ICE X Rendezvous Protocol

B.1.  Introduction

The ICE X rendezvous protocol is designed to answer the need
posed in Section 2 for one mechanism by which two clients
interested in communicating via ICE are able to exchange the
necessary information.	This protocol is appropriate for any
two ICE clients who also have X connections to the same X

B.2.  Overview of ICE X Rendezvous

The ICE X Rendezvous Mechanism requires clients willing to
act as ICE originating parties to pre-register the ICE
subprotocols they support in an ICE_PROTOCOLS property on
their top-level window.  Clients willing to act as ICE
answering parties then send an ICE_PROTOCOLS X ClientMessage
event to the ICE originating parties.  This ClientMessage
event identifies the ICE network IDs of the ICE answering
party as well as the ICE subprotocol it wishes to speak.
Upon receipt of this message the ICE originating party uses
the information to establish an ICE connection with the ICE
answering party.

B.3.  Registering Known Protocols

Clients willing to act as ICE originating parties
preregister the ICE subprotocols they support in a list of
atoms held by an ICE_PROTOCOLS property on their top-level
window.  The name of each atom listed in ICE_PROTOCOLS must
be of the form ICE_INITIATE_pname where pname is the name of
the ICE subprotocol the ICE originating party is willing to
speak, as would be specified in an ICE ProtocolSetup

Clients with an ICE_INITIATE_pname atom in the ICE_PROTOCOLS
property on their top-level windows must respond to
ClientMessage events of type ICE_PROTOCOLS specifying
ICE_INITIATE_pname.  If a client does not want to respond to
these client message events, it should remove the
ICE_INITIATE_pname atom from its ICE_PROTOCOLS property or
remove the ICE_PROTOCOLS property entirely.

B.4.  Initiating the Rendezvous

To initiate the rendezvous a client acting as an ICE
answering party sends an X ClientMessage event of type
ICE_PROTOCOLS to an ICE originating party.  This


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

ICE_PROTOCOLS client message contains the information the
ICE originating party needs to identify the ICE subprotocol
the two parties will use as well as the ICE network
identification string of the ICE answering party.

Before the ICE answering party sends the client message
event it must define a text property on one of its windows.
This text property contains the ICE answering party's ICE
network identification string and will be used by ICE
originating parties to determine the ICE answering party's
list of ICE network IDs.

The property name will normally be ICE_NETWORK_IDS, but may
be any name of the ICE answering party's choosing.  The
format for this text property is as follows:

Field	       Value
type	       XA_STRING
format	       8
value	       comma-separated list of ICE network IDs

Once the ICE answering party has established this text
property on one of its windows, it initiates the rendezvous
by sending an ICE_PROTOCOLS ClientMessage event to an ICE
originating party's top-level window.  This event has the
following format and must only be sent to windows that have
pre-registered the ICE subprotocol in an ICE_PROTOCOLS
property on their top-level window.

Field	       Value
message_type   Atom = "ICE_PROTOCOLS"
format	       32
data.l[0]      Atom identifying the ICE subprotocol to speak
data.l[1]      Timestamp
data.l[2]      ICE answering party's window ID with ICE
	       network IDs text property
data.l[3]      Atom naming text property containing the ICE
	       answering party's ICE network IDs
data.l[4]      Reserved.  Must be 0.

The name of the atom in data.l[0] must be of the form
ICE_INITIATE_pname, where pname is the name of the ICE
subprotocol the ICE answering party wishes to speak.

When an ICE originating party receives a ClientMessage event
of type ICE_PROTOCOLS specifying ICE_INITIATE_pname it can
initiate an ICE connection with the ICE answering party.  To


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

open this connection the client retrieves the ICE answering
party's ICE network IDs from the window specified in
data.l[2] using the text property specified in data.l[3].

If the connection attempt fails for any reason, the client
must respond to the client message event by sending a return
ClientMessage event to the window specified in data.l[2].
This return event has the following format:

Field	       Value
message_type   Atom = "ICE_INITIATE_FAILED"
format	       32
data.l[0]      Atom identifying the ICE subprotocol requested
data.l[1]      Timestamp
data.l[2]      Initiating party's window ID (holding
data.l[3]      int: reason for failure
data.l[4]      Reserved, must be 0

The values of data.l[0] and data.l[1] are copied directly
from the client message event the client received.

The value in data.l[2] is the id of the window to which the
ICE_PROTOCOLS.ICE_INITIATE_pname client message event was

Data.l[3] has one of the following values:

Value		       Encoding   Description
OpenFailed		  1	  The client was unable to open the
				  connection (e.g. a call to
				  IceOpenConnection() failed).	If the
				  client is able to distinguish
				  authentication or authorization errors
				  from general errors, then the preferred
				  reply is AuthenticationFailed for
				  authorization errors.
AuthenticationFailed	  2	  Authentication or authorization of the
				  connection or protocol setup was
				  refused.  This reply will be given only
				  if the client is able to distinguish it
				  from OpenFailed; otherwise OpenFailed
				  will be returned.
SetupFailed		  3	  The client was unable to initiate the
				  specified protocol on the connection
				  (e.g. a call to IceProtocolSetup()


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

UnknownProtocol 	  4	  The client does not recognize the
				  requested protocol.  (This represents a
				  semantic error on the part of the
				  answering party.)
Refused 		  5	  The client was in the process of
				  removing ICE_INITIATE_pname from its
				  ICE_PROTOCOLS list when the client
				  message was sent; the client no longer
				  is willing to establish the specified
				  ICE communication.

		   Advice to Implementors

     Clients willing to act as ICE originating parties
     must update the ICE_PROTOCOLS property on their
     top-level windows to include the
     ICE_INITIATE_pname atom(s) identifying the ICE
     subprotocols they speak.  The method a client uses
     to update the ICE_PROTOCOLS property to include
     ICE_INITIATE_pname atoms is implementation
     dependent, but the client must ensure the
     integrity of the list to prevent the accidental
     omission of any atoms previously in the list.

     When setting up the ICE network IDs text property
     on one of its windows, the ICE answering party can
     determine its comma-separated list of ICE network
     IDs by calling IceComposeNetworkIdList() after
     making a call to IceListenForConnections().  The
     method an ICE answering party uses to find the
     top-level windows of clients willing to act as ICE
     originating parties is dependent upon the nature
     of the answering party.  Some may wish to use the
     approach of requiring the user to click on a
     client's window.  Others wishing to find existing
     clients without requiring user interaction might
     use something similar to the XQueryTree() method
     used by several freely-available applications.  In
     order for the ICE answering party to become
     automatically aware of new clients willing to
     originate ICE connections, the ICE answering party
     might register for SubstructureNotify events on
     the root window of the display.  When it receives
     a SubstructureNotify event, the ICE answering
     party can check to see if it was the result of the
     creation of a new client top-level window with an
     ICE_PROTOCOLS property.

     In any case, before attempting to use this ICE X
     Rendezvous Mechanism ICE answering parties wishing
     to speak ICE subprotocol pname should check for


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

     the ICE_INITIATE_pname atom in the ICE_PROTOCOLS
     property on a client's top-level window.  A client
     that does not include an ICE_INITIATE_pname atom
     in a ICE_PROTOCOLS property on some top-level
     window should be assumed to ignore ClientMessage
     events of type ICE_PROTOCOLS specifying
     ICE_INITIATE_pname for ICE subprotocol pname.

B.5.  ICE Subprotocol Versioning

Although the version of the ICE subprotocol could be passed
in the client message event, ICE provides more a flexible
version negotiation mechanism than will fit within a single
ClientMessage event.  Because of this, ICE subprotocol
versioning is handled within the ICE protocol setup phase.


     Clients wish to communicate with each other via an
     ICE subprotocol known as "RAP V1.0".  In RAP
     terminology one party, the "agent", communicates
     with other RAP-enabled applications on demand.
     The user may direct the agent to establish
     communication with a specific application by
     clicking on the application's window, or the agent
     may watch for new application windows to be
     created and automatically establish communication.

     During startup the ICE answering party (the agent)
     first calls IceRegisterForProtocolReply() with a
     list of the versions (i.e., 1.0) of RAP the agent
     can speak.  The answering party then calls
     IceListenForConnections() followed by
     IceComposeNetworkIdList() and stores the resulting
     ICE network IDs string in a text property on one
     of its windows.

     When the answering party (agent) finds a client
     with which it wishes to speak, it checks to see if
     the ICE_INITIATE_RAP atom is in the ICE_PROTOCOLS
     property on the client's top-level window.  If it
     is present the agent sends the client's top-level
     window an ICE_PROTOCOLS client message event as
     described above.  When the client receives the
     client message event and is willing to originate
     an ICE connection using RAP, it performs an
     IceRegisterForProtocolSetup() with a list of the
     versions of RAP the client can speak.  The client
     then retrieves the agent's ICE network ID from the
     property and window specified by the agent in the
     client message event and calls
     IceOpenConnection().  After this call succeeds the
     client calls IceProtocolSetup() specifying the RAP


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4

     protocol.	During this process, ICE calls the RAP
     protocol routines that handle the version

     Note that it is not necessary for purposes of this
     rendezvous that the client application call any
     ICElib functions prior to receipt of the client
     message event.


Inter-Client Exchange Protocol		    X11, Release 6.4


		     Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
2. Overview of the protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
3. Data Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
3.1. Primitive Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
3.2. Complex Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
4. Message Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
5. Overall Protocol Description  . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
6. ICE Control Subprotocol -- Major Opcode 0 . . . . . .   6
6.1. Generic Error Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
6.2. ICE Error Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
7. State Diagrams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
8. Protocol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
8.1. Primitive Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
8.2. Enumerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
8.3. Compound Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
8.4. ICE Minor opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
8.5. Message Encoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
8.6. Error Class Encoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
8.6.1. Generic Error Class Encoding  . . . . . . . . . .  23
8.6.2. ICE-specific Error Class Encoding . . . . . . . .  24
A. Modification History  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
A.1. Release 6 to Release 6.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
A.2. Release 6.1 to Release 6.3  . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
B. ICE X Rendezvous Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
B.1. Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
B.2. Overview of ICE X Rendezvous  . . . . . . . . . . .  26
B.3. Registering Known Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
B.4. Initiating the Rendezvous . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
B.5. ICE Subprotocol Versioning  . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
