Official Results Mainframe 2002

4k intro
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	B som i box - bumbu / steffo			38  
2	Flare Fever - WildCat / Scania h		33  
3	RGB Bloobs - m0j0 / Scania 			28  
4	Mainframe 4k  - Outbreak			26  
5	Petit Plastiqe - Plastic			21  
6	Arr ge bee  - Larsby/Scania			18  
7	m4k  - blow 					16  

64k Intro
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Hello World! - output				59
2	Absorb - Excreate				39
3	Sileo  - Immersion				28

Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Unsigned - Poor Groupless Sceners		74  
2	Tinnitus i mina ögon - THC			64  

Graphics for 8bit machine
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Infected Mushroom - Vodka / Fairlight		48  
2	D4 - Goofy / FractalBanana Society		36  
3	huono reso  - PI / Church of c64		10  
4	Hulda - Zeitgeist / Civitas			8  

Deluxe Style Pixel
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Glubb - Zabutom					21 
2	Pezzini - Larsby / Scania			20  
3	Ensamratt - GB / SolidChaos 			19  
4	Shroom - Foo/cKolon				18  
5	Blastro - Opius					15  
6	hon eller han - Lord olof / SolidChaos 		2  

Wild Graphics
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Microsofts most Stable Product - s3k7lunch	55  
2	Green - Lord Olof / SC 				25  
3	Billybutt - Rufus / bypass			14  
4	Opptomannen - GB / SolidChaos			12  

Chip Music
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	King of the arcades - zabutom			32  
2	Ostfralla utan ost - nim / sektlunch		30  
3	Cancer Chips - Larsby / Scania			25  
4	Mainframe - Puterman / Civitas			13 
5	The Light - Richard / Civitas			12  
6	Verfahren1337 - Elaketh / Pichu			8  
7	Dev Null - m0j0 / Scania			7  
8	Har kommer det ett fedesvin... Larsby / Scania	6  
9	Hehu - Frolic					5  

Wild Music
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	27 - nim/sektlunch				25  
1	Carousell free Ride - Larsby / THC		25  
3	rena kuttar - clear cuts			21  
4	Dalig dag - GBD & JETT5				18  
5	I h8 j0 all n h0pe.. - Larsby / Scania		13  
6	Elektronisk Karlek - Hi n mity			12  

8 bit demo
Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Doc bacardi meets doc sportdryck - 
	Puterman vs Hollowman				96  
2	Urtyp - Haquebright				20  
3	Surmjolk - Dekadence				18  
4	Insane world - Civitas 				13  
5	Freedom - Civitas				11  

Place	Contribution			       	      Points
1	Gnu Song kareoke - s3k7lunch			52  
2	Rodgron Rora - Phobia				42  
3	The way of the ostfralla - Larsby / Scania	22  
4	Pong Power - goofy / Fractal Banana		20  
5	GABBASTYLEISH - GB Lord olof / Solidchaos	17  
6	Stars - buzz / output				11  

GNU Demo Award
Puterman / Civitas - Freedom

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