.  .       '    .      '   /\    .    Geek Camp 2002 
         .                         .                /  \         18.10.-20.10. 
     .      '    .     /\      .      '     .  .   / '  /\  ' Flumserberg (CH) 
  '       .           /  /\  '     .     .        / . /  ,\    .          .    
              .    /\/ ` . \     ,               /   / \   \       '  '        
    .  ,   .      / '\  :   /\          .   .  '/  /   .  \ `\ .  .    .     . 
       ______  ______  ____/_ \__  __'    ______  ______  __________  ______   
  .   / ____/ / ____/ / ____/ / / / /    / ____/ / __  / / __  __  / / __  /   
     / /'__ ./ /___' / /___  / /_/ /  ' / / / \ / /_/ /./ / / / / /'/ /_/ /    
    / /./ / / ____/ / ____/'/ _  _/ .  / / / ' / __  / / / /_/'/ / / ____/  .  
  '/ /_/ /_/ /_____/ /_____/ /_\ \____/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ /______    
  /_________________________/___\ \____________/_/_____/_____/_____/_2002_/    
    _/  ./    \  '  / .  /   , . \ \_   /   /\   \ _/  /   ~     /\  \  \ \_   
   /  /\/  / .  \      _.   ~ . \ \_ \_/_  __  ._ /   /^ ^   /  / /\  /  \  \  
  /    / ,/   \__^\_,/'   .       ~~\___ \_        _/ / /  .   / manx/NEVER \  
    '       .                 '         \_invitation_/                         

    geek camp 2002 - also  known  as the  party at the end of the universe

    one day i was visiting a  friend  who  works in a little holiday hotel
    in the swiss  mountains. after staying  there  a  few days, i  thought
    about using  the hotel as a  location for a demoparty. after i thought
    over it again i  noticed  that this  would be quite a stupid idea, who
    would come to a party located so far  away  from civilisation, high up
    on a swiss mountain? this was before i told a  few scene friends about
    the idea, which told me  that they would come  immediately! i left the
    idea  to  rest  another  few weeks  until i  decided  that  the  party
    should take place.

    so,  welcome  to the official invitation intro for geek camp 2002, the
    new  swiss  demoscene  event!  after the  escape  party   died  due to
    financial  and  organisation problems last year, it was time for a new
    party. so we started planning the party... as regular  party visitors,
    there  are  many things  we  like and dislike about different parties,
    and our  goal is  to combine the positive and  eliminate  the negative
    aspects  of all parties, creating a whole new  experience. we wanted a
    small party  with maybe 100-150 people, enough  space to chill out and
    talk, good foodsupport,  no gamers and good  atmosphere,  and  we hope
    that we can combine all this in geek camp.

    so please  give us a chance, come to the  party, release something and
    have a good time, because that is what counts.

                                         topy44 for the geek camp orgateam

  -- location, date and entrance fee

        the   location  of the  first  geek  camp  will   be   the   hotel
        "churfirstenblick"  in  flumserberg,  switzerland.  sure, a  hotel
        is  a  special  location  for a demoparty, but  it offers  a whole
        lot of new possibilities. and yes, its high up on a mountain... :)
        please see features  for  a  more  detailed  description what this
        hotel will offer you!

        geekcamp will  last from  18. - 20. october.  the doors  will  be
        open  around  16:00. the opening  ceremony  will start  at 22:00.
        doors  close  on sunday 20th at 12 o'clock. the timetable will be
        announced later.

        we think about 120 people can attend with computers. there is room
        for about 250,  but it   gets tight  then. of course we don't know
        how many will come, so it  would  be  nice if you  would  register
        yourself  on  the  party website (

      -entrance fee
        the  entrance fee  will be 45sfr for swiss people  and 25 euro for
        foreigners.  girls will  get  in  for  free. if  you  have a  long
        distance  to travel  (~800km up)  we might consider letting you in
        free, please contact us.

  -- travel info

      -by car
       take the road  to "flums",  and from there follow the signs leading
       to the  party. the zipfile includes  a map showing the way, in case
       you still cannot find it  for some weird reason :) note  that swiss
       motorways require  that you buy a "autobahn vignette", which  costs
       40sfr / 23euro at adac, the  swiss  customs  office  or  any  swiss
       motorway station,  and is valid one year. also,  you can bypass the
       motorway  and save  the money, just  ask your favorite online route
       planer to look up a good way to travel. for a  good online map that
       actually  knows  flumserberg   tannenbodenalp,  check

      -by train
       take the train to flums, we will get you from there. please call or
       mail us in  advance.   also, at  certain times  of the day, you can
       take  the   cable railway   from  trainstation  unterterzen  up  to
       tannenbodenalp, from there on there will be signs (5 minute walk to
       the party from  the station).  check the  timetables  on
       for information on how to get to flums or unterterzen.

  -- features

      -real food!
           the hotel has an  integrated  restaurant, which  in fact
           will be the main  party hall.  because  of  this,  there
           will be real food at good prices and  at nearly any time
           delivered right to your computer! also, we are trying to
           arrange  free  breakfast,  but we   cannot  promise that
           yet... :)

     -enough showers!
           there  are more than enough   showers that  everyone can
           take at any time, for free.
     -separate compo room!
           there is a separate room  in the cellar  of the building
           where the competitions will be held. when no  compos are
           running,  this   will   be   used  as a  chillout  room.
           there is  a  separate  soundsystem  and videobeamer down
     -real beds!
           as this  is  a hotel, you will  have  the chance  to get
           cheap rooms  with real  beds, most with  tv,  some  even
           with toilet and shower in the room! altogether, we  have
           38 rooms for rent. for the ones that cannot afford this,
           there is a separate warm sleeping hall beside the hotel,
           with beds  for  everyone,  and  the  best  of all,  it's
           free! so at this party,  no one will be forced  to sleep
           on the floor.
     -bar with cheap drinks!
           there is a  bar selling  beer from the  barrel and other
           drinks at low  prices 24h  per day. payment can be  made
           in  swiss  francs or euros. we are  trying  to  organise
           some barmaids to mix you drinks as well :)
     -outside grill!
           if  the weather is good, we will be doing some  grilling
           outside. you can bring your own meat  or  buy  some from
     -winter sports!
           the  hotel  is in  the middle  of  a  holiday  area, and
           you  can  enjoy  all kinds of  winter sport  activities.
           go  for a snowboard ride during the  party for a change,
           or stay  at the  hotel another  week after  the party at
           lower prices and enjoy the swiss mountain landscape. :)
     -internet access!
           there   will   be  128kbit  internet   access.  Its  not
           superfast,   but  we  guess  it's  enough  to  get  some
           forgotten files or to check mails.
           of course,  this  is  the  most  important  thing  about
           this party.  a few  dozen  people sitting in a  nice old
           wooden  house  on  a  swiss  mountain  just  feels  very
           different  than  sitting  on  table  08 row  17 at  some
           oversized  commercialised party,  surrounded  by  gamers
           waiting  for your   entry to be played  for 2 hours just
           to find out that it didn't pass the preselection...
     -no gamers!
           this was a hard decision.  it's easier  to get gamers to
           come to a party,  and they  are a way  to  fill the hall
           and  pay the party. but we don't want that. we hope that
           enough sceners  will  show  up and  that gamers won't be
           needed for their money.

  -- rules
     as usual, there are some party rules :)
     - alcohol is allowed!
     - smoking  is  allowed! (in  case  you  order  a  room:  smoking  is
       not allowed in there...)

     - don't  damage   anything!   if  you  are destructive  in  any  way
       (intellectual or physical) you have to pay for it...

     - no gamers! gamers will be burnt on the stake. this is a demoparty,
       so be creative.

     - we will  sell inexpensive drinks so you don't  have to bring along
       your  own alcoholics  or energy drinks ;)  of  course,  it is  not
       forbidden but the  prices would be the same as  in shops (or  even
       lower...) and think about  the space  you gain  with  that: so you
       could  bring  along another c64  or  amiga...

     - have fun!

  -- competitions

   .graphics competitions

     -raytraced  gfx (anything  raytraced,  resolution  800x600.  provide
     -pixelart (hand pixeled gfx, max resolution 800x600. provide steps!)
     -freestyle gfx (anything  allowed,  play  around  with  your  newest
      graphics toy here!)

     maximum length: 5 minutes.  if  your  track lasts longer, it will be
     faded out automatically. one exception is happy hardcore, which  can
     be as long as you wish (or until we get bored with it :)
     -multichannel music (allowed formats: .it  .xm  .mod  .dmf and  some
     -streamed music (music in any format we can play)
     -happy  hardcore  (we need some new hhc tracks,  so please,  do some
      good stuff here! anything allowed!)
   .demo and intro competitions

     -demo (pc & amiga ppc mixed)
      total file size limit: 16mb

     -64k intro (pc & amiga ppc mixed)
      file size limit: 65536 bytes

     -4k  intro (pc & amiga ppc mixed)
      file size limit: 4096 bytes

     -c64 demo (choose if you want new or old sid)
      size limit: 2 disk sides

     of  course,  there will be  no  preselection, but crap and unserious
     releases will be disqualified. make art, not junk!

   .other competitions

     there will be  some  fun competitions which will be announced during
     the party, so stay tuned!

     -wild demo
      the usual...  anything   allowed,   maximum   length   20   minutes
      (please   keep  it  shorter), any format you think we  can play, or
      bring your own  equipment (or go on stage and do it live :)

     -ansi/ascii art
      in respect  to this classic  demoscene artform,  we have a combined
      ansi/ascii art competition. any size you want. anything you want.

     -shitmusic competition
      be  creative!  we  want  the  absolutely  ugliest  track  known  to
      mankind,  the  sickest  and  most  mind-disturbing disharmonic shit
      you can think of! any format allowed.

     -stay tuned!

  -- network and other things

      because this is a small  party,  there   should be  enough  100mbit
      switch ports,  but if you have a switch or two lying around,  don't 
      hesitate to bring it along, just to be sure.

      please bring along your own  power connectors. there will be enough
      electric power, but please don't bring stuffs like fridges, heaters
      or something like that with you. these things are often responsible
      for power failures, and we want to avoid that.

  -- contact

        if you have any further questions, feel free to contact us:

        name         function        e-mail                 icq
        topy44       mainorga   31895488
        verschdl     network   73397194
        manx         network          84559863
        dastier      standing around  35437447
        pixman       c64 compos         58740518 / ircnet #geekcamp

        or call +41 (0)78 7411215 (topy44) if you have trouble with
        the motorway or something else ;)

        we are also looking for people who are willing to help us in
        organizing, so don't hesitate and contact us!

  -- credits

     invitation done by skp (www:

                idea: robotriot and pro
                 gfx: robotriot
                code: pro
      guest musician: eha
     invitation text: topy44 and pro
       proof reading: robotriot

       a big thank you to elux!

       can you find the hidden part?

  -- greetings

     black maiden
     salva mea
     buenzli orga staff

     so, that's all for now, see you at geek camp 2002!