TAPAHTUMAH 5 RESULTS 01.-03.09.2000 voting handled with SUFFRAGE by fragment <fragment@stc.cx> total n:o of voters: 41 MP3 ----------- norjalainen metallihumppa 78 pist. puu hapete 54 pist. pleiadian nightmare 38 pist. watching clouds move above 35 pist. bisquits with lemon cream 31 pist. ANSI ----------- fight the power, mon! 39 pist. hemp world domination 31 pist. tappi viis 28 pist. käytetyt ÄKSÄ-miehet 27 pist. rasterfari 25 pist. space invadaz 14 pist. liquid seven 13 pist. GFX ----------- psi goblins say - mushrooms are okay 49 pist. vitun kova xmen 31 pist. kokki 28 pist. retase 25 pist. da tsyga 18 pist. two cocks 14 pist. RAYTRACE ----------- it's a spider 64 pist. dreamy flower 34 pist. hinttareiden planeetta 29 pist. pahvilaatikko 23 pist. balls 12 pist. 64KINTRO ----------- ninjamode 42 pist. duracell 36 pist. refuck 26 pist. the meaning of tapahtumah 12 pist. jhjf 4 pist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.org