D R E A M H A C K   2 0 0 0
Held at 30th of November -
3rd of December
in Borlange, Sweden.

Party archive @ scene.org

R E S U L T S :

O l d s k o o l   D e m o
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	1171 		IMATION - TI82 			TMB/DXM 
2 	877 		manhood 			triad 
3 	827 		Bubbles 			Tulou 

M o v i e   /   A n i m a t i o n
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	924 		headpopper 			krang.net 
2 	871 		The Russian Cube 		hubbatics 
3 	556 		Stream of Life 			Ethereal 
4 	515 		Flugmannen 			Gangs 
5 	322 		the alien guy 			Zworp/archammer/strain 
6 	210 		Iteration 			Mindcooler 
7 	135 		Space Ufo 			Nexor 
8 	106 		Meaningless 			Movie Zpitz 
9 	87 		oNE DAY 			NYXERIA 
10 	0 		"Dagens Surrealistiska Idioti" 	"preOx" 
11 	0 		Lucky Jompe & db 

P l a y s t a t i o n   D e m o
Canceled, due lack of contributions

P i x e l e d   G r a p h i c s 
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	1352 		Blood 				Neurodruid / Psikorp 
2 	1038 		Eye Of Darkness 		Mind / Deus ExMachina 
3 	579 		Spirit of the Woods 		iNKA 
4 	431 		kranked extraknäcker som dvärg 	candybag / smeuch & confine 	
			på Fuert Boyarde 		
5 	411 		summertime 			lazur / Razor 1911 
6 	384 		Redmond Armageddon 		nUdE / NoFa 
7 	381 		Atomklyvning i Bregottfabriken 	fsFreak 
8 	366 		Northern Angel 			dB of darkAge 
9 	312 		Electro Techno 			Scrier of Vaersta 
10 	305 		kubemania 			bayer 
11 	283 		Cal of the Driud 		Artech 
12 	225 		Alone 				CyberhawK 
13 	218 		Fading Hours 			KTHULU 
14 	218 		Girls_Love_Handmade_Gfx 	Browallia/Nukleus 
15 	205 		TT4Ever 			SWC 
16 	198 		Überman 			r0uWw! 
17 	184 		Magic Moon 			BlackMoon Priest of Vaersta 
18 	178 		Plasmatic coolant 		TuBeZ Design 
19 	122 		White Magic 			Nightbeat / Prometheus^Ethereal 
20 	104 		The new crying MonaLisa 2000 	ZDk 
21 	102 		GOD 				n/a 
22 	86 		Rosapantern goes acid 		TMDcrew 
23 	0 		Mechs runs on batteries,
			dreamhack dont! 		Triton242, Sverre, Drclaw and all the ppl i know. 
24 	0 		Psycho Cirkus 			MARW 
25	0 		Helium P0rn 			ACiDL3iA 
26 	0 		Angel of Darkness 		BlackMoon Priest of Vaersta 
27 	0 		_deathskull_ 			d4rkn3ss (wait for update) 

R a y t r a c e d   G r a p h i c s
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	1133 		Forest Nymph 			Nightbeat & Stardust 
2 	913 		Arg-som-fan-o-saurus Borstar	Nalle-Balle och Pungen
3 	395 		Cardgame 			Bushhack 
4 	342 		Festis 				David Wahlberg & Ranto Tress 
5 	310 		Insect 				onlyone 
6 	257 		The Sword of Honor 		Myra of Bongo 
7 	170 		Alien grej 			Gogge of Vaersta 
8 	158 		him 				d4rkn3ss 
9 	147 		Angel of Darkness 		BlackMoon Priest of Vaersta 
10 	142 		Nissse 				Triton242, Sverre, Drclaw and all the ppl i know. 
11 	139 		greeneyes 			Hannes Rahm 
12 	136 		JAS 39 Gripen 			To me! 
13 	136 		Knights 			boman 
14 	134 		_11000111_ 			zworp 
15 	127 		Mighty LapTop 			Nuls of Vaersta 
16 	111 		strain, shades astray 		Shades Astray - www.Abandoned.nu 
17 	109 		Battlecruisers 			Tam 
18 	83 		two spaces left 		uddis 
19 	83 		Mage 				Acid-Overdose of PLX 
20 	79 		Mans best friend :) 		Mahogny/Real Software 
21 	77 		Ur led är tiden 		Staffan Norling 
22 	76 		New World 			mooxifer/K-2 
23 	70 		Volvo 850 			??? 
24 	69 		What tha... 			myself :() 
25 	68 		Chemical Reaction 		Lowlife of Vaersta 
26 	65 		q3loggo 			debacle 
27 	63 		Wineglas 			Goggles (T^O^L) 
28 	48 		Death by Whomba 		Scrier of Vaersta 
29 	18 		Ole 				Jørgen Boquist Lamar 
30 	0 		zt3phan 			OverLoad 
31 	0 		Magic Moon 			BlackMoon Priest of Vaersta 
32 	0 		Plåtnicklas äter ensam 		TMDcrew 

6 4 k   I n t r o
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	865 		different noise plus a lost	aardbei
2 	759 		Protect 			Deus eX Machina 
3 	578 		425kr 				Tazadum 
4 	572 		forms 				whisker and flow/array 
5 	540 		Event horizon 			Netilium 
6 	503 		Goatism 			Noice 
7 	282 		Friend 				Confine 
8 	271 		Mental Klutt 			psikorp 
9 	0 		Oldschool rulez 		Fadeout & no entrance 
10 	0 		Powerlogic 			dizzlogic 

M u s i c   T r a c k e r
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	519 		Starlight 			FutureFrog 
2 	500 		Gravity Drive 			candybag / smeuch & confine 
3 	474 		Spacetracker 			Invasion Ghidorah 
4 	440 		Oldschool girl 			Haggeman 
5 	363 		Welcome To The Club 		Ahla / Demogruppen 
6 	307 		Skydiving 			zantac 
7 	278 		Feel the Sound 			Langley 
8 	260 		Angst 				Mr-Joker, Joker Music Inc 
9 	233 		Elajtor 			Perrra 
10 	222 		White Russian 			Andromeda / Fairlight 
11 	195 		rephlex 			focus 
12 	187 		Way I feel 			zipp 
13 	182 		Heavy Heart 			KENSHI 
14 	166 		Forever Alone 			Malmen 
15 	159 		How it's like 			lith/nd 
16 	0 		Mossfolkets Jakt 		Dan 
17 	0 		hjärndisko 2001 		phlow / xmp 
18 	0 		Radegast Aflame 		Deus Ex Machine 
19 	0 		Nordic Breeze 			ZED Pentium 
20 	0 		Hochspannung Toxic 		Bob 
21 	0 		Circles and Squares 		TMDcrew 
22 	0 		Matrix X 			KABOOM 
23 	0 		Big Melody Youth 		Cloud of X-Zone 
24 	0 		Chicken Revolution DH2K 	Sen045 
25 	0 		Nattens mysterier 		Komsip 
26 	0 		Nikolais 			chavez/funktion 
27 	0 		mywasted 			min katt 
28 	0 		Kinrade's Dream 		Mista Waisgai 
29 	0 		Floating 			Stranger / Gothic Design 
30 	0 		Go f0r iT 			Drakon
31 	0 		Froll Froll 			Nexuz a.k.a Psynex 
32 	0 		Lost in time & space 		X-Acto/DestinationBLUE 
33 	0 		Boubles 			dB of darkAge 
34 	0 		The Past Universe  		Sleipner /Nukleus 
35 	0 		Blinka lillastjärna remix 	Hälsningar till Perrra och alla i Krusbodacrew samt alla snawrungs,,,å bondarna of course 
36 	0 		the sakha region 		gloin 
37 	0 		Dream 2 			DIAH 
38 	0 		nonsens 			Skandal & Lunkan vs b-side 
39 	0 		radarpar die electroachtige familie 
40 	0 		x-hale Zeta and Emotion 
41 	0 		Odal chip dance kung 
42 	0 		crapzap velo 
43 	0 		Shards Nightbeat / Prometheus ^ Ethereal 

M u s i c   W i l d
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	589 		My web is your web 		KOJV of RADA 
2 	409 		Ops, det sket sig igen 		Systrarna Blåånd 
3 	300 		Whispers 			Fluoronaut 
4 	300 		disko-ninjorna invaderar 	phlow / xmp 
5 	249 		Timewalker 			Chas 
6 	240 		Misunderstanding 		MELON (www.mp3.com/melon) 
7 	229 		Dream of hacking 		Hooligan 
8 	221 		nonsens 			skandal & droopy vs b-side 
9 	182 		Automatic Funk 			Norfair feat. Erdol 
10 	176 		The Concept Of Love 		nyxeria & swingfly a.k.a. Human Connection 
11 	154 		Demo 2k (feat. Sir Loudness) 	TMDcrew 
12 	145 		Whirl 				Nightbeat / Prometheus^Ethereal 
13 	141 		Welcome 			psp of Neurotica E.F.S 
14 	0 		Headquarters 			Infinity 
15 	0 		Meat Grinder 			Sen045 feat. Rev Billy G & Morbror Rep 
16 	0 		Fiskarlicensen 			Studio KGB 
17 	0 		krebabbtallrik 			PÖT 
18 	0 		Interactive illusions 		MasterMike 
19 	0 		fyllig med smak av jönssonliga 	candybag / smeuch & confine 
20 	0 		Not quite like ol' Brutus	ZTF
			(DH2000 Edit)  
21 	0 		Hallucinerad filätning 		lith/nd 
22 	0 		Crazy Catmasta! 		Drakon 
23 	0 		Drum'n'Bize [DH Mix] 		DJ Asshole 
24 	0 		Half-Man 			ZTF 
25 	0 		ape\bC! 			drain & börsen 
26 	0 		OzTkr0k 			Winter, Malmen and Ollux of Even 
27 	0 		Mental Distortion 		zantac 
28 	0 		Brutal Suicide 			Dj Psyenze 
29 	0 		Tuff & Skitig The Låt 		Z-Trobe 
30 	0 		Märta 				H2O, Khan 
31 	0 		Landscape of my mind 		Burning Desire 
32 	0 		Automation 			Beldoroon of Fadeout 
33 	0 		märta igen 			Khan 
34 	0 		Sagostunden 			TMDcrew 
35 	0 		ritad med kärlek 		die electroachtigie familie 
36 	0 		Amat0r 				Rød Stue 
37 	0 		Hybrid Overmode 		Bushhack 
38 	0 		Intramural 			Luminous 
39 	0 		Joel Bitar Rave! 		Ahla / Demogruppen 
40 	0 		Ingen melodi Låten 		Llageran 
41 	0 		Automatic Funk 			Norfair+Pantaloon/Fairlight 
42 	0 		Where Did The Moon Come From 	Vector69 / André Söderlund 
43 	0 		We Can Fly 			Langley 

O l d s k o o l   M u s i c
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	510 		berit och hennes apa 		ko0ty
2 	419 		nintendo world cup 		insider 
3 	341 		Min commodore 64 		Haggeman 
4 	324 		Destination Pigfarm 2K 		fsFreak 
5 	314 		kranked på krigsstigen 		candybag / smeuch & confine 
6 	270 		Sinescape 			Nightbeat / Prometheus ^ Ethereal 
7 	225 		Bd_dual.mod 			Beldoroon of Fadeout 
8 	195 		El Bimbo Goes Chip 		Mista Waisgai 
9 	151 		Killer chin 			lith/nd 
10 	130 		Mattiasa 			chavez/funktion 
11 	111 		Arrow 				Mr.Joker 
12 	0 		Suprsknk 			Maktone 

U s e l e s s   u t i l i t y
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	1634 		BabeWatch GPS 2000 Deluxe	bM[tfgx/C.i.A] & ozZy[enm/tfgx] 
			Edition special vDH2000 
2 	1311 		Bluescreen Generator for Linux 	Tallin '00 Gänget 
3 	730 		Power Checker 			kZp[tfgx], bM[tfgx/CiA], ozZy[enm/tfgx] 
4 	296 		CD Börner 			Phaadi&HyrouleZ 
5 	248 		X-Random 2 			fsFreak 
6 	242 		CryptoMagic 			snuggl/enm 
7 	211 		Elajt Writer 			Jejk 
8 	143 		PCS Tracker 			eba 
9 	141 		Fi Ladd Mi Bass 		Acid Phread 
10 	131 		Who-is-it 			Gnegget 
11 	109 		The Linux Shell Fejka 		The_Godfather 
12 	106 		Joltomatic Lady 		LiZZ takes all the credits 
13 	57 		Nerd-o-Meter 			Copyklubben 
14 	0 		Sheep Counter 			Mahogny/Real Software 
15 	0 		tRASH tHE tOWER 		Fat Ass Bitches 
16 	0 		Belg 				#extreme 
17 	0 		Mata kranken 			smeuch / euphorbia 

P C   A c c e l e r a t e d   D e m o
Place 	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	858 		Slavery 			Fairlight 
2 	600 		The Booze Mooses 		TMB and ahnìon(dxm) 
3 	529 		Love Parade 			Extreme Command 
4 	528 		Black Mask 			GoaWay of House Bongo (tnx to myra for some 3d graphics) 
5 	300 		Radiance 			NEXTEMPIRE 
6 	288 		Rainbow 			X-Zone 
7 	240 		Anal Probejection 		LBT 
8 	209 		SunkDemo 			evilninjamob 
9 	205 		High Digit 			Euphorbia 
10 	112 		Le grand curl 			Neurotica E.F.S 
11 	64 		imagine 			dizzlogic 

D e m o 
Place	Points 		Title 				Credit 
1 	485 		Optical Technologi 		Maxxini Corporation 
2 	471 		Lost 				Confine 
3 	435 		Dolphins 			MiRIFICE Corporation 
4 	412 		Bullpapper 			d4rkn3ss 
5 	336 		Hunden behövs! 			Birgittas grupp 
6 	0 		belg 				#extreme 
7 	0 		My Secret Garden 		array + nextempire 
8 	0 		Da Prophecy II 			Da Project 
9 	0 		Entropy 			Crimson 
10 	0 		Rainbow 			X-Zone 

Official computing by Zepo::NG 

Layout fix: zantac@swipnet.se

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org