>> Jiri Hampl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have seen your Free DOS and I have decided to translate my older DOS
>> program into English and offer it to you under GNU GPL license.
>> The program -FARCHIV - enables users to make order in  their the
>> files. It enables to add comments and other attributes to files and
>> search the files according it.  Any text editor can be used to process
>> the files. It is similar to very simple PDM system.
>> The files are not big, so I have attached them. FARCHIV1.EXE is just
>> for using, FARCHIV2.EXE includes FARCHIV1 plus all source files. May
>> be you would prefer to zip it once more by another zip program before
>> distribution.
>> If you find the program useful, please ad it to your project, web, or
>> anywhere you want.