----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2019=======-------------------------

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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2019=======-------------------------
                     DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 2-3 November 2019                  


    1.  #04   115 pts    Not Hardbass - Visual Basic Bitch
    2.  #03   114 pts    Proto Mix - cTrix
    3.  #01    81 pts    OSCyLATE - Retrovertigo+TrinaryLogic
        #02    81 pts    I Only Learned How To Use This On Wednesday -



    1.  #03   115 pts    Nu Disko - cTrix
    2.  #01   108 pts    Summoning name *failed* - Visual Basic Bitch,
    3.  #05   101 pts    grub - tommitytom
    4.  #02    99 pts    PsyCrance - DF0:BAD
        #04    99 pts    Unperdictable melbourne weather - Catchinashes
    6.  #06    90 pts    Yeah! - DF0:BAD



    1.  #04   126 pts    Not the same without Jazzcat - cTrix
    2.  #03   109 pts    Behold the power of seven channels - Dandy
        #05   109 pts    13sfbn_a2brk - Kazuaki
    4.  #06   105 pts    Everybody Dies down here - SnuggyMan vs Aday
    5.  #01    97 pts    Discovery - Maveritan
    6.  #02    85 pts    25 seconds - DF0:BAD
    7.  #07    63 pts    Get in the Sauna - Cranksy
    8.  #08    60 pts    Short 1 - Slaxx
    9.  #09    53 pts    I need a Shadow - TZX



    1.  #05   134 pts    NiGHTMARE LAB - Pselodux (ft. cTrix!)
    2.  #03   113 pts    OSCyLATE Visually! - Retrovertigo+TrinaryLogic
    3.  #06   109 pts    Vandalism News #70 - Onslaught & Offence
    4.  #02   102 pts    low tech eye candy - andrew and phil
    5.  #08   100 pts    Metal detector - Ant
    6.  #04    98 pts    _________ (What Even Is That Thing?) - Sumaleth,
                         SunraHeadgear, and Tanngnost
    7.  #01    86 pts    Circle of life - scotty and miri
    8.  #07    80 pts    Unsure - Yeff



    1.  #01     0 pts    je t'aime mon monstre - Atlantis
        #02     0 pts    Third - Kreator of CMS



    1.  #01    93 pts    mofos - disasterarea (or is it?...?!)



    1.  #04   116 pts    Equinox - Disaster Area
    2.  #03   100 pts    Honor Their Call - Jesder
    3.  #05    82 pts    Mega Beach Cruise - Jimage
    4.  #02    78 pts    Caustic Spasticity (aka. Craptro 1.5) - Agnostic
    5.  #01    72 pts    Beach Cruise - Jimage



    1.  #03   100 pts    Make the most of what you have - Dandy/greybot
    2.  #07    83 pts    ZeroParty - Kazuaki
    3.  #01    73 pts    Spinning Cycles - Illest Preacha
    4.  #04    68 pts    danglefisch - Onslaught
    5.  #02    60 pts    ac4slow25hone - Jellica
    6.  #05    59 pts    Pyramid - Onslaught
    7.  #06    40 pts    Purple Demoplanet - Jimage



    1.  #14   113 pts    4n____ki - Deev
    2.  #13    86 pts    Branz City - Cheapshot
    3.  #09    83 pts    Reinstalling Windows - greybot
    4.  #10    80 pts    sidblaster - dr terrorz
    5.  #06    77 pts    Smurfette - The Knight
    6.  #07    75 pts    Syntax2019 Halloween Edition - CoaXCable
        #12    75 pts    Sunset Lady - Slaxx
    8.  #03    74 pts    megabubble - Sylvao
    9.  #11    69 pts    nighttime harvestin' - Brittle
   10.  #01    68 pts    I refuse! - retrovertigo
   11.  #05    60 pts    pigInTrunk - Necro of Fuel
   12.  #02    54 pts    Jack da Kitteh - Cranksy
   13.  #04    53 pts    ONSMario - Adam
   14.  #08    41 pts    Brofist - Trey



    1.  #27    94 pts    Suspended beams - billius
    2.  #16    86 pts    caving - billius
    3.  #08    84 pts    lighthouse - billius
    4.  #03    83 pts    Welcome Home - Robynredbreast
    5.  #15    80 pts    Mannequin - Robynredbreast
    6.  #05    78 pts    Untiltled Catchinashes CAN project - Catchinashes
    7.  #02    77 pts    Straight off the plane - billius
    8.  #01    75 pts    Untiltled Catchinashes GRAND CANYON project -
    9.  #20    72 pts    ready for flight - billius
   10.  #06    71 pts    GhostTown - Mop of Alcatraz
   11.  #18    70 pts    Press start - Visual Basic Bitch
   12.  #21    66 pts    Malchovich - Visual Basic Malchovich
   13.  #04    64 pts    Cellular Memory - Lukasz Bogusz
   14.  #13    63 pts    Busted - Visual Basic Bitch
   15.  #19    62 pts    Strangers - greybot
   16.  #12    60 pts    Friend or Foe - Robynredbreast
   17.  #07    59 pts    Untiltled Catchinashes LAMP project - Catchinashes
        #32    59 pts    OSC2 - TrinaryLogic
        #24    59 pts    Substantial - greybot
   20.  #23    58 pts    some kind of music house - billius
   21.  #09    57 pts    IMG_61452 - Maveritan
   22.  #26    56 pts    desperately trying to upload from my phone before
                         cutoff - Maveritan
   23.  #17    55 pts    Untiltled Catchinashes ESSENCE OF CHIPTUNE project
                         - Catchinashes & ADAY
   24.  #10    53 pts    Untiltled Catchinashes MORNING RECOVERY project -
        #31    53 pts    Seeing double - billius
        #14    53 pts    A good place 4 linez - cdizzle + rupt
   27.  #11    50 pts    Taste the... oh - retrovertigo
   28.  #34    49 pts    Compos closing - Maveritan
   29.  #25    48 pts    gzdoom DreamLab.wad -fraglimit 50 -deathmatch
                         -host - aday
   30.  #28    45 pts    Morning Feels - Visual Basic Bitch
   31.  #30    40 pts    do not want - Jimage
   32.  #29    39 pts    Turtle Dream - Turtle Dream
   33.  #33    25 pts    Seeing double - billius
   34.  #22    19 pts    Untitled - Chris M



    1.  #08    94 pts    Davy Jones Floppy - Lobo
    2.  #20    93 pts    Witnessing The Equinox - Sumlaleth/Pearl
    3.  #10    89 pts    Commodore Dundee - jojo073
        #14    89 pts    Silver Clouds - Facet
    5.  #09    84 pts    retrovascular - dok^beige
    6.  #21    83 pts    Sokoboo - Andrew 'Boo' Davie
    7.  #03    82 pts    Bath time - Robynredbreast
    8.  #06    79 pts    Purp - Robynredbreast
        #13    79 pts    Gotcha! - Ged
   10.  #11    74 pts    Aqua Blue - Durand Amaury of BDCIron
   11.  #05    72 pts    Solarpunk Amstradcity - Jimage
   12.  #12    70 pts    CGirl - Toni Galvez
   13.  #07    67 pts    Void - greybot
        #01    67 pts    Loungeroom - Robynredbreast
   15.  #17    65 pts    Copyright Infringement - sh0ck
   16.  #19    64 pts    Good lord, it's a cheeseburger! - retrovertigo
   17.  #02    62 pts    vaporcloud - Jimage
   18.  #16    56 pts    Wasteland Showdown - el-topo
   19.  #15    52 pts    Theme Park - Malcom
   20.  #04    51 pts    Bloodtax 1998 - Visual Basic Bitch
   21.  #18    50 pts    Ctrix and billius Uber to syntax - Ctrix and billius



    1.  #02    88 pts    Birthday Offer You Can't Refuse - Lobo
    2.  #01    85 pts    Hovertopia - Jimage
    3.  #04    76 pts    Save the C - Mop of Alcatraz
    4.  #06    67 pts    Lofi Birb - Sumaleth/Pearl
    5.  #03    66 pts    Turtle Cruise - Jimage
    6.  #05    65 pts    Monky Business - Jimage
    7.  #07    64 pts    treesorsomethinidk - Jimage


                                 ^ascii by ozzy^

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