Résultats de la Coding Party

Catégorie	Rang	Nom (machine)	Auteur(s)	Groupe(s)	Points	Nb "First"


1	Universe-Three (The Trip)  sur Amiga PPC	Crisot	96	23
2	AlchimieGarden  sur Oric	Dbug	Defence Force	68	9
3	With Me  sur PC	Shazz, Smith, Willfried	MJJ Prod	59	11
4	VIP 2014 invitro (party version) sur PC	BouB, Taggy, Anya	Popsy Team	52	5
5	Labo Demo  sur PC	Hellflip	X-Men	49	8

	56 votants

Fast Compo
(sujet : "What does the foX say?")	

1	what does the fox say (video)	Anya	X-Men	83	14
2	the fox says (graph)	Taggy	Popsy Team	81	18
3	That's-what-he-said (graph)	Doudoucrocodile	53	8
4	winshit (graph)	ACE	Purelam3rs	40	8
5	What does the fox says (graph)	Annie68	GGN	20	2
6	What does the fox says (graph)	Zak68	GGN	15	1

	54 votants

Graph 2D	
1	Fractal Flower	WoDK	TRSi - XMEN - Div0 - Joy Inn	92	23
2	TVTEUB 	Willfried	MJJ Prod	68	15
3	Dragon Firesum	Anya	X-Men	51	6
4	Confrontation	Yogibeer	VitalMotion / X-Men	51	5
5	Fox You	Sergio	28	3
6	Birgit-alchimie	Pulp	Pure	20	1

	53 votants

Graph 3D	
1	The Beach	TP	Purelam3rs	73	16
2	X-poilu	ACE	Purelam3rs	72	14
3	Cystal Farm	WoDK	TRSi - XMEN - Div0 - Joy Inn	71	13
4	Le Cube	Hellflip	X-Men	50	4
5	Cage of beer modern drug	Sergent Slayer	X-Men	36	4

	51 votants


5 MP3 et 1 MOD regroupés	

1	GOODSTUFF (mod)	Smith	MJJ Prod	69	12
2	Act In ALCHIMIE X (mp3)	Smith	MJJ Prod	56	11
3	Busy Bass (mp3)	Fabounio	Triple A	52	8
4	Z (mp3)	Sergent Slayer	X-Men	43	5
5	LoverBoy (mp3)	ACE	Purelam3rs	40	10
6	StressZoneV4 (mp3)	Kioniro	Vital Motion / X-Men	27	3

	53 votants


1	PiPiXELllleuuu	Anya	X-Men	105	16
2	Les bons mots du Docteur Bio	Slobman	Purelam3rs	95	18
3	INFECTED	Smith	MJJ Prod	82	16

	51 votants