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Competition results

Freestyle graphics competition results
1.  15 - A02 - St. Brite by bracket / Accession
2.  14 - A03 - Wild bean by Felor/HBC
3.  12 - A04 - Subpixels by Mazor of Fairlight
4.  2  - A01 - Towards light by Leary/Ajna

Photo competition results
1.  11 - B12 - Desert Winter by blueflame / Ananasmurska
2.  9  - B08 - Ass Warmers by Terwiz / Alumni
3.  8  - B04 - Fare Thee Well by Elisa Andretti
4.  5  - B11 - Lost my amiga ball by biini/ehx
5.  4  - B13 - Still Sleep by LB / mfx
5.  4  - B09 - Bokeh the Squirrel by DiamonDie
5.  4  - B10 - Water Bird by MQsto/Queer Conspiracy
8.  3  - B05 - What is he thinking? by myy
8.  3  - B07 - interbits by jmagic/komplex
8.  3  - B03 - mOHka by Elisa Andretti
11. 2  - B02 - Medina by Elisa Andretti
11. 2  - B01 - Caution! Crossing! by Bobic/4Sceners.de
13. 1  - B14 - Truck vain nauroi by megamies

Film & digital video competition results
1.  15 - C09 - Film works by nosfe
2.  14 - C08 - Will make FX for food by HBC
3.  10 - C06 - Time (and Tide) by ANDREA MILANA
3.  10 - C01 - Moleman 2 - Demoscene by Flame Film
5.  7  - C07 - Orfeus by PMPFRD
6.  6  - C03 - Demolabra by Freon & Terwiz / Alumni
7.  5  - C05 - Ponikylän uudet tulokkaat by JUMALAUTA
8.  2  - C04 - Art Must Be Original, Artist Must Be Original. by Eero Yli-Vakkuri
9.  1  - C02 - The apple tree by Bobic/4Sceners.de

VJ demo competition results
1.  16 - D04 - Droid & Pommak & Jugi VJ set by Droid & Pommak & Jugi
2.  13 - D03 - Dep VJ set by Dep
3.  8  - D01 - Sellek & Hanks VJ set by Tommi Mustaniemi/Sellek & Hanks
4.  5  - D02 - Visy VJ set by visy

1K intro competition results
1.  16 - E06 - paleozoa by fsqrt
2.  10 - E02 - Mengling by Cenon
3.  8  - E04 - Interstellar by ayn rand() / Fecal Faced Martians
4.  7  - E03 - Shimmering Depths by Luminesce
5.  6  - E05 - Prismatic Strands by Luminesce
6.  3  - E01 - 116 byte starfield by Jupp3

Demo competition results
1.  24 - F02 - PROTON-K by Kewlers
2.  21 - F03 - Karoshi by Satori
3.  2  - F01 - BITS2007-GBA by BITS

Music competition results
1.  7  - G09 - Why Don't We Build... FLOATING AIRPORTS by Jori Kemppi
2.  6  - G06 - Probe by T-101 / Darklite
3.  5  - G10 - Dan Janhammer by Roz / Fit
3.  5  - G08 - SynthetiX by Buzzer/Brainstorm
5.  2  - G07 - Flight Of The Alpha Centauri by SunSpire
5.  2  - G05 - Drunken Party Interrupt Handler by FLD / r00t3d
7.  1  - G04 - 0ut 0f ic0ns by StatusD / r00t3d
8.  0  - G01 - Icons Cracker by StatusD / r00t3d
8.  0  - G02 - Skenerin Pillimehut by StatusD / r00t3d
8.  0  - G03 - TISSIT!!!!! by StatusD / r00t3d
NOTE: Unfortunately at the competition we noticed during entry G05 that right audio channel was dead (audio cable's one channel broken). Apologies to entry participants who were affected by the problem!

IBNIZ demo competition results (competition winner decided by viznut)
1.  1  - X14 - Duncan - tuo vanha homo by Damones
2.  0  - X01 - higher state of art / prelude to the beauty of swastika by Jumalauta
2.  0  - X02 - unohdettu postilaatikko / näkymätön jääkiekkoilia by iSO
2.  0  - X03 - Horror never dies by HTEL
2.  0  - X04 - Onk Jeejoo by Muoviviidakko
2.  0  - X05 - Little queer thing by Queer conspiracy
2.  0  - X06 - That's going to be very hard by Disco meats
2.  0  - X07 - Okei by The Alberts
2.  0  - X08 - ööö by Rfid
2.  0  - X09 - Live coded visuals by Trilobit
2.  0  - X10 - I don't know yet by Truck
2.  0  - X11 - Aegisby Pwp mascot division
2.  0  - X12 - n/a by Lunni
2.  0  - X13 - entry name by Lineout