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                                  October 12-13
                       Carnegie Mellon University Campus
                                Pittsburgh, PA USA

                            * COMPETITION  RESULTS *

|Combined Demo|
1. 73pts Premas - Youth Uprising
2. 64pts dspc - rqdq (tie broken by higher average)
3. 64pts 19 bytes for color - goblinish
4. 55pts Doctor Whaa? - RiFT
5. 54pts Flow - QuĂŠbarium
6. 54pts GP2X Twistro - TRSi
7. 52pts BITS 5021 "Flash Stars" - BITS

|Freestyle graphics|
1. 90pts pixels alive - rqdq
2. 82pts Insecti-side - the Obsessed Maniacs / dienstagstreff / neoplasia
3. 77pts MotionPicture - the Obsessed Maniacs / dienstagstreff / neoplasia
4. 75pts Famous In Vegas - Forcer/TRSI