___ ____
                                     .        /\  \\___\
                                     .        \ \__\___/
       ____       _____     _________.   ____  \/__/  _______ ______
     _/  _/_____ /    /\  __\__     /: _/  _/_________\___  /_\     \  _____
 ____\__      _//    /_ \/   _/    / |/\    _>     /    \/    \\     \/    /
 \    //     /\      _/\/    \     \ |  \   \\     \     \     \\    _  _  \_
 /____      / /_____/\\/_____/     /\|  /______     \_____\_____/_____\/____/
 \   /_____/  \     \ \\    /_____/  | /      /\_____\    /    /      /    /
  \__\     \  /\_____\/ \___\     \  |/______/ /     /___/____/______/____/



|       30 | Bad Seed                                            |  by  | T-101                                      |
|       21 | The Inland Lighthouse                               |  by  | Jean Nine                                  |
|       14 | A Stripper That Happens To Be Male                  |  by  | rm / RNO                                   |
|       11 | unipoerroe                                          |  by  | lemonade / sitruslapset                    |
|       10 | Sunnuntaivibat                                      |  by  | Little Bitchard                            |
|       10 | Every Heart Will Be Attacked                        |  by  | Trailing Space                             |
|        4 | kaenninen eaalioe mouhoaa vituti                    |  by  | shroomi                                    |
|        2 | Shining Slightly                                    |  by  | Roz                                        |
|       -5 | INVATRANCE                                          |  by  | folk psychology theorem prover             |
|       -6 | Avenger                                             |  by  | Signal                                     |
|       -7 | Blunt Trauma                                        |  by  | Teel                                       |
|      -11 | the truth they told you                             |  by  | squeek                                     |


|       59 | Oot musta magee                                     |  by  | nops                                       |
|       55 | Much more than a machine                            |  by  | Dice / Doomsday                            |
|       17 | Mikä Kellottaa Kellomiestä?                         |  by  | bracket                                    |
|       13 | Mister Bear Took Over                               |  by  | tokai                                      |
|       12 | behold your gods!                                   |  by  | wolf_                                      |
|        8 | PsyFina                                             |  by  | Felor                                      |
|        5 | In my dreams I see pyramids                         |  by  | rjkkrik/jml                                |
|        4 | ansisoppaa                                          |  by  | parkitus                                   |
|       -1 | Joku geneerinen naama                               |  by  | Naetti tyttoe joo                          |
|       -6 | hox                                                 |  by  | jori                                       |
|       -7 | Per heporteertertt8i                                |  by  | Naetti tytt?e                              |
|      -10 | Nomless                                             |  by  | c8h11no2                                   |
|      -11 | bulletmullet                                        |  by  | glass                                      |


|       45 | subspace (short mix)                                |  by  | shroomi                                    |
|       40 | bit by bit                                          |  by  | glxblt                                     |
|       32 | Eka Kerta (Disco Versio)                            |  by  | Little Bitchard & 1in10                    |
|       20 | Vampire Druids, Attakk!                             |  by  | Xander Pills                               |
|       16 | Down Tonight                                        |  by  | rm / RNO                                   |
|       15 | Damage Control                                      |  by  | Jean Nine                                  |
|       11 | The Final Countdown - The Awesome Jumalauta Megamix |  by  | Jumalauta Dance Committee                  |
|        7 | Skidmarks                                           |  by  | Trisector & Inztance                       |
|        6 | Liquid State Of Subconscious                        |  by  | SBA                                        |
|        0 | Rest Your Head Against My Pillow                    |  by  | Jobe / Matt Current                        |
|       -7 | Heart Offbeat                                       |  by  | Ernesto Aeroflot                           |
|       -8 | Doom Judgement                                      |  by  | Suffocator, M.Sci, PhD                     |
|      -13 | McGyver Eats Donkey Poo                             |  by  | DR SECTOR                                  |


|       21 | Taide on laitonta                                   |  by  | aeroflot & raina                           |
|       13 | Yhteiskunta on portti mm. kulinarismiin             |  by  | Jumalauta                                  |
|        7 | awakening                                           |  by  | valmet children                            |


|       52 | SubSurface (Teaser)                                 |  by  | HBC                                        |
|       29 | Wamman ajan sitruunakilju                           |  by  | wAMMA                                      |
|       12 | Koulukiusaaja                                       |  by  | iso                                        |
|       -6 | Accession Bzm10y Cracked by Cosk'in                 |  by  | Verärgerten Multi Mittel Knabe             |
|      -27 | Hui unia                                            |  by  | SBA                                        |
|      -34 | Tha Real M Walk                                     |  by  | Martsari Rollin 20 Cripz                   |
|      -35 | Pool Deco                                           |  by  | HiSt/BITS                                  |
|      -36 | She asked me to untie her                           |  by  | Nutcrak                                    |


|       47 | Moldtype                                            |  by  | African Khat Federation                    |
|       37 | DRM VII - Astronomical Pursuit                      |  by  | Dragon Magic                               |
|       -1 | The serious lack of everything                      |  by  | npli                                       |
|      -20 | Pilluminati                                         |  by  | Lucy                                       |


|       66 | Future 1999                                         |  by  | PWP                                        |
|       64 | We                                                  |  by  | Jumalauta                                  |
|       22 | Triptych Preview                                    |  by  | Trilobit                                   |
|       -4 | loeoeppi                                            |  by  | oetoekaet                                  |
|      -34 | SuperSekssual Satanix Zen-pyramid 666               |  by  | HORRIFIC TERRORMASTER                      |


|       38 | Speedlimit                                          |  by  | Accession                                  |
|       16 | reaktor                                             |  by  | jumalauta.pl                               |
|       -9 | THE MEGA DEMO                                       |  by  | jumalauta                                  |
|      -11 | 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 001                       |  by  | krsplsk                                    |
|      -11 | Yellow Stream                                       |  by  | Immersion                                  |


|       42 | Father of The Great Nation Remix                    |  by  | Matt Current                               | 
|       36 | Ballad of a Cluster Bomb Director's Cut             |  by  | Kooma                                      |
|       34 | Paha Kukka                                          |  by  | HiRMU                                      | 
|       30 | KYKLOP                                              |  by  | mfx                                        |
|       18 | Smugglers On Acid                                   |  by  | Australian drug foundation & Disaster area |
|       12 | Ediacara                                            |  by  | Traction                                   |
|        9 | Tai Bao Capsule                                     |  by  | Trilobit                                   |
|        7 | fr-003: Protrackt                                   |  by  | Friction                                   |
|        6 | COCKroach                                           |  by  | PyroteCh                                   | 
|        4 | Ultramagnetic                                       |  by  | mfx vs. flo                                |
|       -1 | Dea Alba                                            |  by  | Panasqnic                                  |
|      -40 | r80                                                 |  by  | Häläbläp Crew                              |
|      -42 | xt%%%                                               |  by  | Häläbläp Crew                              |
|      -48 | __*                                                 |  by  | Häläbläp Crew                              |