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 /                                                                        .
/   GeekCamp IV - Back from the Dead  5.-8.11.2009 Altdorf/Switzerland    :
:                                                                         .
. -1    Sonne über Batman               TUM                    GFX        .
   1    Sahtinäkki - The Beer Kraken    Kalma / wAMMA          Wild       .
:  2    BlockCamper Boyz                enzO                   ANSI/ASCII 
.                                                                         .
  DISQ  Realtime GinTonic Blob          Topy44                 Wild       :
   3    Mřrk Og Stormfull Aften         TUFS                   Executable
:  4    Most money spent                DFox                   Other
        Fluelen Remastered              Technologische         Executable .
                                        Spitzenleistung                   :
.       Nikolausi naschte von den       MBB                    GFX        .
:       falschen Plätzchen
        GeekCump                        Tagaktueller Störfall  ANSI/ASCII
        Pokergeist                      Kalma                  Photo
.                                                                         .
:       Uninspired                      modoc / holograms      Photo      :
.                                                                         .
        albino crab                     sarah                  Photo       

.       Foggy Expression                Sol                    Photo
.       Schweizbastion Seefahrernation  Trabant Sechsnulleins  Photo
. DISQ  Mindfist                        Traumatische Szenen    Photo      :
:                                                                         .
  Note: Due to the low number of entries and their varying quality we     .
:       decided voting for an overall 1st/2nd/3rd place instead           .
        Thanks to all visitors and participants of GeekCamp IV!           :
:                                                                         .
 .   .      .      .     .      .        .       .       .        .     .