_ _________/   //   \____    /    /   _______/   _   \_______/    _   \_____  _
 \ \        \  //    /   /   /    /___/   _   \  /   _/   _   \   /    / _   \ /
  /   _    /       /   /___/         /  /    /      \   _    /  /    / /   _/
 _/   //   /_______/        /________/       /___/___/       /_______/      \
 \___//___/      /_________/       /____/___/       \_______/      /____/___/

                       N - U - L - L - A - R - B - O - R
                                2 - 0 - 0 - 8
                         R - E - S - U - L - T - S

nullarbor 2008 was held in Perth, Western Australia, 16th - 17th August.

 ______________      __                             __      ______________
 \___          \    /  \       _____________       /  \    /          ___/
   \___         \__/  __\_____/             \_____/__  \__/         ___/
     \___         /  /       /   Game COMP   \       \  \         ___/
       \_________/  /_______/  _____________  \_______\  \_________/
                \  /    \  ___/             \___  /    \  /
                 \/      \/                     \/      \/

01 - [043] Buttons' Grand Adventures - ECU ML Red Team '08
02 - [042] The War of Art - AH,MD,SM
03 - [040] Morning Star - Peter Alexander
04 - [038] Ladybug - beetlefeet
05 - [024] Thrust Harder - Kransky Bros
06 - [020] The Things - NoTime
07 - [019] Super Jesus - Twelve Productions
07 - [019] Space Pirates - First Empire
09 - [018] Retrovector - Brad Power
10 - [011] Column Breaker - OneTwentyThree
11 - [008] Awakenings - TeamMe
11 - [008] Lurching Urchins - Dodgy Software
13 - [003] PongPong - RimWorlds
14 - [001] Contact Agent - Chris McCormick

 ______________      __                             __      ______________
 \___          \    /  \       _____________       /  \    /          ___/
   \___         \__/  __\_____/             \_____/__  \__/         ___/
     \___         /  /       /   Music COMP  \       \  \         ___/
       \_________/  /_______/  _____________  \_______\  \_________/
                \  /    \  ___/             \___  /    \  /
                 \/      \/                     \/      \/

01 - [049] RunningPsychoman - Nxus7
02 - [048] ULTIM8 REMIX - cTrix
03 - [042] Neurotically Ill - One_Volt_Sun / -= SyNtHaCY
04 - [029] Genetic Disorder - One_Volt_Sun / -= SyNtHaCY
05 - [026] Hawaii - Game Pride
