Scenemeeting 1999

Scenemeeting 1999

Scene Meeting 99 report

 By Ransom/IRIS

 It was with great expectation I drove to Odense the 8th July, I was looking forward to Scene Meeting 99, which I was going to help organize. When I arrived late Thursday, I saw, much to my suprise, that all the tables had already been set up nicely. So we used the rest of that night setting up our small demo lab, and prepared some of the screens that were to be shown on the projector we had to go fetch the next morning. We also made an Amiga quiz with alot of hard questions nobody would be able to answer :)

 Anyway, the first guests were already settled at their seats, although the party hadn't actually started yet. Very late that night, we went to sleep knowing that we would have to get up in a few hours to go get the big screen projector.

 Very early next morning, we went to the Audio/Video store to get the projector. That caused no trouble, except that I had to pay for the damn thing. This actually reminds me to tell you that the economy behind SM was really bad, there was no way we were gonna' make enough money on the entrance for this thing to even break even money wise. But more on that later :)

 After returning to the party place, we started to set up the projector, and we found out that it was actually very good compared to the one we had last year (which sucked quite much). Anyway, there was now a steady flow of new people coming in, and as people started turning the equipment on we started worrying about the power. Strangely enough, we had no power failures.. I guess the fuses worked extra hard because they knew it was SM, and they were not allowed to fail :)

 At this point everybody had a big smile on their face, because everything was working out just great.

 But accidents just have to happen I guess, so it did. Suddenly our big screen projector went dead. Uhohh, this was not good, we tried everything, but it just would not come to life again. I started getting scared that we might have to pay somekind of compensation. But after phoning the A/V company, everything was great again, they just told us that it was not our fault, and they would bring a replacement projector right away. The "sad" thing was that they only had one that was 3x better, and we did not even have to pay extra. Coool.

 Friday night was approcahing, and what a night it was gonna' be! Alot of sceners had been drinking quite heavily during the day (no names mentioned, they know who they are ;)), as the night drew closer more people joined the drinking and at the point were heavy drinking and old-demos on the big screen collided, some people just went half-mad. It was a show without its equal when Darkhawk and TrickTrax danced, jumped and headbanged their way through several classics.

 After the demo show, we went out to a nice fountain and countinued drinking and talking. Anyway, as with most other people the beers went to my head, and I have this nice non-existing memory of what I did during those hours.

 After getting over the initial hang-over saturday, it was once again time to get serious. People started handing in contributions for the various compos, so I had to start organizing them and make presentation screens. The first compo was surprise music, which had only one contribution. After this there was a steady flow of compos, leading up to the climax of the demo compo. During this time, I was fighting to keep up as people brought me contributions a long time after the deadline. Anyway, I will give you a quick review of the compos that were held.

 The first real compo to be held was the graphics compo, and it was a pleasent suprise compared to last year. The winner was Gafkhan/cromatics with a very nice picture. One hour later the 4CH compo was held, and although there were some nice contributions, the winner was a joke mod called "IK+ fubar", I think they were quite suprised themselves.

 Next up was the intro compo, which had 5 entries. The clear winner was Loonies with their "Sheep Dictionary", a very funny intro portraing the danish scene using sheeps. An ECS intro called "Rouge", made by Copy and Paste technologies, came second.

 The demo compo was won very clearly by GFB(tm), with their Megademo $c. It had alot of nice rutines, and, as usual, alot of funny parts. You might not be able to enjoy it as much if you do not understand Danish. IRIS came in second with a very quick but nice demo by TrickTrax, following closely was Unique with another short demo, which had some nice touches, such as three greetings for IRIS ;)

 Anyway, after the compos it was time for people to vote. There was just one problem. Adonis forgot the votesheets! Argh, panic ... Anyway we found some paper and had to ask people to write the catagories themselves. This worked ok I guess, since we got quite some votes. Just above 50% of the attenders voted.

 Early sunday morning we started the counting, and although it was hard we managed to keep Darkhawk from votecheating. We even had a non-IRIS member recalculate all the votes (thnx T1).

 Since the price for the projector had been so high, there was absolutly no money for prices. So we gave away alot of weird things such as games(we had been trying to sell them earlier, but not all of them were sold), RAM modules, food and similar. Anyway, no one got really angry with us, so I guess it was ok :)

 After the prizegiving, people started to slowly leave the party place, this meant that we could start cleaning up all the shit they had thrown everywhere. Darkhawk of course silently slipped outside and worked really hard collecting beer bottles, then he left all the easy work, such as carrying tables etc., to the rest of us ;)

 Cleaning the place up was not really that hard, we just took a long time doing it, but we eventually finished and went to Darkhawks place, there Darkhawk threw his body on his bed and told me to update the homepage with everything released. Then I could finally sleep.


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