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Amiga 2500 -+- 68040 35mhz -+- 340 meg Online Coming: 2.4 Gig -+- 2 nodes -+- IBM Section +1-514-582-9623 DUAL 16800! +1-514-582-9725 DUAL 14400! +1-514-582-2817 DUAL 14400! +1-514-640-8649 DUAL 14400! +1-514-PRIVATE! HST 14400! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ+-----------------------------------------+ | | | --C-O-M-M-O-D-O-R-E--I-S--D-E-A-D-!-- | | | | |-+- and this is unfortunately not yet | | | another evil rumour. This is a fact. | | | :(| +-----------------------------------------+ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ________________________ /\_______________/\______ ________________________ __ ///__ __/\ / ·/\ ____/\\\ __ /\_\ __ \_/ ·/\_\/ //·/ ____/\/ __ _____ /_/\ \/_/ /_/\ / //// / //// ·/\/ /\_\ / \__/\ \_\/ ____ \_\/ __ /___///___/ ////___ //// \/_/ /____/\_\ /\ / \ /\_\ \___\/\__/___///____\/// \ \_ \ // __ /\ \___\ \/_/ \___\/ \/ ____ \____\/ /\_\ \/ /_/ //\______________/\_____________________/ /\______/\______\/_/ \/_\_//· ____/\ __ ·/\_ __/\ ____/\ / / //·/__ ·/\ / ·/\ SdN/FLT// / /\/ //·// ·/\_\/ ____/\/ / / //// //·/ / //// __ // ¯¯·/// / ///// //// ·/\/ ·/// / //// __///__ /\_\ /_____ ////_/ /////___///_____ ////_______///_/ //// //\_\//\_\ \/_/ \_____\/·/_/___/// \___\/\_____\///________\/_/___/·/___///E^D\/_/ <«-----------\/--\___\/---------------\/------------\___\/\___\/---------»> Here are some messages posted to UseNet 29-30 April, 1994. It looks like the good times are over, Commodore _is_ out of business. For sure. I wont be missing Commodare, but I sure will miss the Amiga technology. The Amiga is dead. Long live the... what? / Martin 'Leviticus' Blom ******************************************************************************* Commodore's gone. Completely. Voluntary liquidation. Meaning there won't be _anyone_ making the Amiga any more. ::sigh:: Reported by three seperate news agencies, CBM apparently made this announcement just this evening (April 29th, Friday). --cut here-- Hot off the wires, after the close of business on Friday, Commodore made an announcement. Here are the stories carried on PRNewswire, AP News and Reuters for *StarShip* members information. COMMODORE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TO LIQUIDATE NEW YORK, April 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Commodore International Limited (NYSE: CBU) announced today that its Board Of Directors has authorized the transfer of its assets to trustees for the benefit of its creditors and has placed its major subsidiary, Commodore Electronics Limited, into voluntary liquidation. This is the initial phase of an orderly liquidation of both companies, which are incorporated in the Bahamas, by the Bahamas Supreme Court. CONTACT: Hock Tan, CFO of Commodore International Limited, 215-431-9160/ ### Commodore Folds By DINAH WISENBERG BRIN Associated Press Writer WEST CHESTER, Pa. (AP) -- Commodore International Ltd., a pioneer in the personal computer industry, said late Friday it is going out of business. The company plans to transfer its assets to unidentified trustees "for the benefit of its creditors" and has placed its major subsidiary, Commodore Electronics Ltd., into voluntary liquidation. "This is the initial phase of an orderly voluntary liquidation of both companies," Commodore said in a brief statement. Company executives could not immediately be reached Friday evening. The company last month reported an $8.2 million loss for the quarter ending Dec. 31 on sales of $70.1 million. A year earlier, Commodore lost $77.2 million on sales of $237.7 million in the same period. In the latest report, Commodore said financial limits had thwarted its ability to supply products, leading to weakened sales. One of its new products, the Amiga CD32 video game, had sold poorly in Europe, where the company did most of its business. The company's net worth turned negative in the fiscal year ended last June 30. Its stock, which had traded at around $3 per share before the quarterly results were announced last month, closed unchanged at 87 1/2 cents per share on the New York Stock Exchange Friday. "This is a company that briefly captured the attention of the American market and didn't go where the market was going," said David Coursey, editor of the newsletter P.C. Letter in San Mateo, Calif. "They just never managed to change with the marketplace." While grabbing some market share and attention in the late 1970s, Commodore's products were something between PCs and game machines "and never quite became either," Coursey said. Commodore started 40 years ago as a typewriter repair company in the Bronx. Its extension to the adding machine business paved the way for it to make calculators and then personal computers by the mid-1970s. Commodore competed with Radio Shack for the first computers sold to homes and co-founder Jack Tramiel became a highly-regarded figure in the fledgling PC industry. By the early 1980s, it was overshadowed in the PC business by Apple Computer Inc. and IBM. Software manufacturers didn't create as much software for Commodore's Amiga line as it did for Apple and IBM-compatible machines. In recent years, most of Commodore's business was in Europe. NewTek Inc. of Topeka, Kan., created a product called Video Toaster that converted Commodore's Amiga to a video-editing system. The $2,500 product was popular with small advertising agencies and home hobbyists. The company's phones were busy Friday night. ### Commodore International to liquidate NEW YORK, April 29 (Reuter) - Commodore International Ltd said it authorized the transfer of its assets to trustees for the benefit of its creditors and placed its major subsidiary, Commodore Electronics Ltd into voluntary liquidation. The company said this is the initial phase of an orderly liquidation of both companies, which are incorporated in the Bahamas, by the Bahamas Supreme Court. --New York Newsdesk 212-603-3310. ### --cut here-- ******************************************************************************* Take this for what you will. This is the information I have collected form sources including: The CSM, Scala, MicroPace (C= distributor) , CEI (C= distributor) and MicroTech (C= distributor as well) First off, I called Micropace and spoke with my Rep. I asked him if he had foudn out about the people they had liad off and he didn't really know as of then, I asked him if his customers were unhappy about not getting anymore A4000's. He then told me that they were recieving a new shipment of the A4000 line today. This could have included the new A4000LC and the under $1400 A4000CR (cost reduced) that CEI had in stock. ( I can varify this sence my friend now owns one from them, it's only difference is that the 030 is on the motherboard, but you can still upgrade with a 060 Modual later, it's SIMM ram sockets are on the motherboard as well.) So they are still in stock of A4000's for now. CSM told me that the phillipeans plant has indeed closed down for now and the CD32 isn't being produced, but they had made a large amount of them in the past 9+ months and have enough for the mean time, CEI is the main USA distributor for the CD32 is paying for several ads in several Magazines. Also the Plant in ScotLand is shutting down for one reason, seems C= didn't pay them for thier last batch of Amiga's.. so no more production untill somone can front the money for the new Amiga's to be produced. in other words, don't expect the A1200's to be very available anymore. Scala is trying to grab quite a fw A4000's to Run Info-Channel on until something can be done to make more. They are working on a IBM version that will not run quite as well (obviously) but in other words, they are covering thier butts.. I was told that the IBM support wouldn't ruin the amiga support tho...There are MANY Amiga's out there and they still need software. even if another Amiga was sold from this day, there is still a very large consumer Market out there. and this you can take for what you will, a person from MicroTech said it, not me, so you can believe it or not I quote: Today MicroTech, an Amiga distributor, said that several US distributors had signed agreements with C= Canada to get CPU/parts and peripherals. They also said that Most of C= USA's staff went to work for another which is actually a new C= organiation but with another name. Cirtianly is interesting... C= USA is more or less taken apart and being sold off... but Thhe AGA chipset doesn't nessasarily have to go with them, it does belong to the creditors yes, but, it belonged to C= before this and perhaps this was the plan to save the Amiga.. who knows what will happen in the next 3 months... CD32 is doing well.. to bad C= is all but dead and CEI has to take it all over... Oh wait, CEI is advertising, marketing, selling, getting reviews, you know, all those things that C= didn't do? hmm maybe this is all good news??? to end this off, I can't take any responcibility for the accuracy of this, I do give my word that nothing here I made up or just pulled out of the air.. all info was givin to me by other people, those people are trustable too even! see ya on the net.. with my A4000CR/future Cyberstorm 66Mhz 060 (that's right kids, let the 060 breath new power into that old amiga of yours) ******************************************************************************* _ ___________ ___________ ___ \_________/\ /\________________: | /Y\_________ ___/\ \ _ _ / |/ / ____/ \ \ _ / ___/ \ |/ \_ __/ | _/ \_/ |_/ _/ \____ \_____) & \_/ / __/\ Mb \ |\___/| | _| | Mb/ |____\_____/ / \ | / /\_ | \_ |/ \| | \_ | (_____| (________/---' (______/______/ \____(_____)___| |___| `---' `---' YA Staff: StRiKeR ZeNiTh & Trsi KiTaRo Classic & Fairlight, AbH/ZeNiTh & Trsi, GaZ P/SkiD RoW Chogie Master Console Nuker! Amiga 2500 -+- 68040 35mhz -+- 340 meg Online Coming: 2.4 Gig -+- 2 nodes -+- IBM Section +1-514-582-9623 DUAL 16800! +1-514-582-9725 DUAL 14400! +1-514-582-2817 DUAL 14400! +1-514-640-8649 DUAL 14400! +1-514-PRIVATE! HST 14400! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [ --÷oNe÷oF÷tHe÷fASTESt÷¡N÷eUROPe!!!÷-- ] ____ ____ ____ _ _____|_ __|__| __|__ _____________| __|__ _________/| ____________ / _ \\___ \ \___ \/\__ \ __ \ \___ \_/ _ / |/ / _ / / _/__/ |/ \ |/ \ \ \_/ / \ |/ \ /___/ _/ __/\ \_/ / / \_ / \ / \ / / / \ / \ / \ \ \__\_ \ / _/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /_/ / \ \_ / \ \ ________/_______/_______/_/____/_______/_______/______/____|\ /______/ \/ \_/-rS! [ bOONDOCKs! ] [ tRIStAr aNd rEd^sECTOr ¡Nc! & zENITh! eUROPEAn Hq! ] [ tRIStAr & rEd^sECTOr ¡Nc! cONSOLe eUROPEAn hQ! ] [ cOMMODORe 64 iNDy ] [tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST.sITE!][gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE dIST.sITE!] sYSOp: [-sAl-øNe!/tRSi & zENITh!/tRSI!/tOC!/gCS!/dOSSe pOSSe!-] cOSYSOPs: [x-tREMe!] [mARIo/tRSi^zNt!] [j.wALKEr/tRSi^zNt!/tRSi!] [-rEDSKiN!'/tRSi^zNt/aRt][sECTORCHARGEr/2000 aD/tRSi/tRSi^fTh!][aPOLLo/cLS] --»> oFFICIAl eQUINOx eUROPEAn tOp 2O & mYSTIc sCENe tALk vOTINg sITe! <«-- --»> mYSTic /X dESIGn tESt sITe! & dR.dRe tESt sITe! <«-- 2 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs! 3 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs fROm yOUr oWn gROUp! ---»> nO nEw uSEr pASSWORd aNd/oR sYSTEm pASSWORd! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -[hANSA^ADD·SCoPE/CAF]- It comes from one of :_________________: 16.800 DUAL ____|___________ ____|_/\__ R _|_ P O W E R: \_____\_________\/\_____\/\_\ I | | \____/ _______ _\/_ /___/ N ____ R . / / // / / /// ___/ _ / G ____ \ :!T.R.|.S.T.A.R: / // // / _/\__ \/ //.!R.E.D S.E.C.T.O.R!: / \/ N . / / // / / / // ./ O \/ G \/__/ \/__/ /_____/___/ : W D \/__/ | | N _|_ D |_________________|Sk!n. | O : B O A R D : W ThE CaUlDrOn eNjoy this taste of feeling...try to get the numba... ask a trsi-Member For NuP! ° [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]