/\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\ũeũ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM MhQ \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK] NUT & BOLT WHQ HYBRiD HQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET ************************************************************************* * CALL MAMBA BBS ! FOREIGN CALLERS DISABLED RATIO ! * * ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ * * |~ ~\ /~ ~| \~~ \ |~ ~\ /~ ~||~ __ ~\ \~~ \ * * |: \/ :|___\ \\ || \/ |||: |__| / ___\ \\ * * || | | :/~ ~/\ \\|| | | |||| ___ \\ /~ ~/\ \\ * * || |\ /| // /__\ \\: |\ /| |||| |___| ||// /__\ \\ * * |___| \/ |_/____________\__| \/ |___||__________/____________\ * * * * The oldest scene board in Poland ! (on-line since 1991) * * * *Running on latest DayDream +48-22-367443 SysOp - EaSy RiDeR* *USR 16800 DS Stuff - DPJ/MST * *Enough HD Space AMIGA latest wares UFOk/MST * *Hydra installed ! Walek/MST * ************************************************************************* * MYSTIC Polish HQ * Biggest in Poland UFO Base * MANGA Collection * ************************************************************************* _______ ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS: / __ Ž\ / Ž\(_____)______ Ž\ PyRo & VOICE / _|/ \/ \___/| Ž| | \ \ / \_ \ / Ž\| | | / \sECoND mASTERS: \ | / / \ | |/ / Etron & Joker \____| /\_____ / _|_____ / EdE·Ian·SiRiaX ======|___/=======\___/|___/==[sLa]\___/== ________.____. _______ __ __ - ProdigY EhQ - / Ž\ | __ / __ Ž\ / \ / Ž\ Smurf WHQ / \___/ |/ Ž\/ _|/ \/ Y \ HellfIRE GhQ - \___ \ / \ \_ \ \ / \ / / | / \ / / -7 noDEZ- \ ___/____ /\____| /\___|Y| / =\___/========\___/======|___/=======|__/== ______ _____ _____ ________ __ _____ _) _Y _Y _Y Y__Y_ ·| .--\_ |_\_ | \_ `-\_ | | | / |__| | | l | | |--, | | | | / l |-----------------------------------. | l__ l_____l__ l__|__| l_/l__ | !fEEL dA gENERATION! | | `--' `--' `--' `--' | | [Ũ] pRODIGY aMIGA gHQ [ŨŨ] nEUTRON aMIGA & /X-iNSPIRATION wHQ [Ũ] | | [Ũ] qUASAR cONSOLE mHQ [Ũ] sHOOT aMIGA eHQ [Ũ] iLLUSION aMIGA wHQ [Ũ] | | | | dA cHEEF: gENERATION/PDY^NTR^QSR^SHT^ILS | | | | dA sTAFF: eCS & mARIO/TRSI · tROOPER/QSR^ORS · mR.bIG/ILS · cAOS/TRSI | | dAN/NTR · hITPOINT/PDY · kRYPTON/SHT^SUB · aWESON/ILS | | | | 2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | -- -+-rUNNING a4OOO/O4O/25mHZ & 4 nODES - uSR v.34+ & iSDN-+- -- | | ______ __ _____ _____ __ __ _____ | | !fEEL dA gENERATION! _) Y__Y_ _Y Y | _Y | | `--------------------------------------\_ |__| / l_\_ |__| | \_ `--| | | l | / | | l | | |--, |--' l__ |_/l__|2Fl__ |_____l__ | `--' `--' `--' _ _ _ \/ _______ \/ .__________ __________ .___________ \/ /Ŋ _ Ž\___.___| _____ /__. _____ /____| _____ / _ // | \ \ Ž| Ž\ \ Ž\/ _l___ _/ Ž\/ _ Ž\ _ Ž\/ _\/_ (_____l_____) | \\_______) \ Ž\______) _ \\__l____) __ \/\/ l__________) l__________) l____|_____) /\_\ _ _ \/_/ __________ __________ \/ ________ \/ ___________ _. /Ŋ _____ /_______ ____ /________ _ Ž\__________ ____ / Žl____ // _ Ž\/ ____ /____ Ž\/ _____ / _ \\ _____ / \ Ž\/ _ Ž\ _ (_____l____) _/ Ž\/________) __/ Ž\/___l_____) _ Ž\/________)___| \\ \/ l________) _ l_________) l____l____) _ l______) \/ \/ -(12-31-95 01:15:23)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- -(Uploader:-[GENER/\TOR]- )- -(Location:->TCE!^CRU!^PGS!<)- -(Nd:01)- ø=========================================================================ø |_________________________ _ ________: |__________________________ | |___ ______\_ /____ \ |__________ | |____ \_______ ___ ______\| | | l/ / \/| \__ \ | / | _| | \__ \ __/ /| l/ /| | | / / | | \ | / | \_ : | \ \ / | / / | | ø / / | | \_ / | | | | \_\ /__ø / / | | |______/|_____|___| /___/ |____|____:___| /_\___/|______/ | | : |____/ : |____/ :[kAm] | | | | =>>> AMiGA: c·R·U·x WORLD-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: a·T·O·M·i·c WORLD-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: m·O·T·i·O·n SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> SNES!: a·N·T·H·R·O·x SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> SEGA!: a·N·T·H·R·O·x SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> ASCii: a·R·T·c·O·R·e SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | | | Sysop: FURY/PRESTiGE | | Cosysops: DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY | | -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT! | | | | [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] NUP REQUIRED! | | [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | | `=========================================================================' __________ \ ____/__ ___ ______ ____ _____ ______ _ ____ ______ _____ __\_____ / / _/_ | _/_ /_____ \ \/ _/_ ________ \__________/ /_____ / / / \_ \ \ / /__ _ __ ____\_____/__________/__________/______/___\______/ /_____/ / X- -- --- ---- ----- ------------------------------------_-__-____________/-X | | | · [UNiQUE] LEADER HEADQUATERS - [MORBiD] EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS · | | · [HELLFiRE], [LSD] aND [FLOOD] SWEDiSH HEADQUARTERS · | | · GENERAL /X BETATESTiNG SiTE · | X- -- --- ---- ----- ----------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -X | REcAll/MYSTiC^LSD^HELLFiRE^FLOOD - -jUAN&HARPOON!/TRSi^iNSANE^SKiD ROW | | CHARLiE/LSD - SNAKE & DELBOY/PRESTiGE^CREAM^MYTH - AXEN/LSD - ViSiTOR | X------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -X | AMiGA 4000/030/50, 16MB RAM, 1.6GiG STORAGE | | MAXiMUM TRANSFERiNG OF [AMiGA], [CONSOLE] AND [PC] STUFF | | HOME OF AMiGA ANSi/ASCii ARTiSTS! FAST ONLiNE ORDERiNG | | LET THE NATURAL SELECTiON DECiDE WHERE TO GET THE FAST WAREZ | | NUP REQUiRED! - WELCOME ONLiNE | X- -- --- ---- ----- ----------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -X | NODE 1 US ROBOTiCS COURiER 33600 [+46-691-30800] | | NODE 2 US ROBOTiCS COURiER 33600 [+46-691-30996] | | NODE 3 US ROBOTiCS COURiER 33600 [+46-691-30599] | | NODE 4 US ROBOTiCS COURiER 28800 [+46-CHRiSTMAS] | | NODE 5 US ROBOTiCS COURiER 28800 [+46-CHRiSTMAS] | X- -- --- ---- ----- ----------------------------------- ----- ---- -M- -- -X THiS GUY: WRAITH ^ ==-->LSD · MOB<-- == iS ONE OF THE USERS WHO SUPPORTED STRONG AT 12-30-1995, 17:23:11 . :::. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ·:::. _ _________. ________: .-----------------------------. ·:::...... ___/:__\ _____/__: _____ : MoRBiD SWEDiSH hEADQUARTERS : ..:::::::::···::·· ·:|__________. | \____\`-----------------------------' .:::·· ··:::. | ·:| | . :::· : ·::: _ _______|____________| : . ... ... ... ... :::· . .::: . . : . : . . : _:__ :::: : .:::: ____ : ________ : : : . _________._____ \ / ::::.. ..:::::_____/__:____:____:_\ _____/_| |____ :\_______/: /___\/ ··::::::::·· | ·:| | ·:|________. | ______/__| ·:| . \_: . . . : | : | ·:| | : ·:| | : ·:| : : |___________|_________|__________|_____ |_________|____| | . . : : : . . . :. . |______| . .. :czar|_____| :.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..: : : : : : . : . : :.. ... ... ..: .-------------------.-----------------------------------.--------------. : WRAiTH^LSD^MOB : rUNNiNG øN a A2øøø/ø4ø/1ø/EnøUGh : sYSpW = øK : : REcAll^LSD^MST^HF : aMiGa,pESE,H/P/A,CøDER,sECRETs : nUP rEQUIRED : : aCTiVATE^iND : fRiENDsHiP iS tHE lAW aRøUND hERE : +46-2619ZøøN : : MiCKMiCK^iND : 2*cREDS gIVEN føR mAJøRS : +46-26194305 : :...................: 3*cREDS gIVEN fRøM yøUR øWN gRøUP :..............: ·-----------------------------------· ...................................................................... : : : .___. [ iNHUMANS SHQ ] [ iFFTiC UNDERGROUND ] : _____|_ | _______ ____ ______ _______ _______ ___. ___ ________. _\ __ |_\ __ \_\ \/ /_\ ___/ _\ ___/___\ |__ (___)_\ __ | \ \ | \ \ \/ / __/__.\____ / __/__| | /___| \ \ | \ \____\ / \ | / / \ \ | / | \_______|___________\ /____/___________|________/|__________\__|_________| .____. : _______ .____| _|____________ ___________ .____. : : _\ ___/______|_ | __ / __/_____\____ /__|_ | : : .\____ / / | / / \ \ _ / / | : : | / / / | / / /\ \ / / /_ | : : |________/\_________|________/_____/\_____\_______/______ |PHS!: : |____| : :....................................................................: RUNNiNG 0-3 DAY AMiGA/PC/CONSOLE WAREZ ON AMiGA 3000! 1.5 GiGS OF ONLiNE FiLES! AMi-X SALESNET AND ACTiVE REQUEST CONF! GALiANO/iNHUMANS·MAGMA/iFFTiC·HARPOON/SKiD ROW·ViSiTOR/iNHUMANS MAD MAX/iNSANE·THE UNLORD/iFFTiC·GiLHOOLEY/REBELS·ZEAL/iFFTiC NODE1 +46-ASK-ELiTE 28K8 V34/VFC ũ NODE2 +46-ASK-ELiTE 28K8 V34/VFC UPLOADED ON 30-Dec-95 ----------------------------------------------------------> Total Eclipse <-- _________/l___.______________.__. This file \ _ Ž\__. Ž| _ Ž\____ Ž| Ž|___. Sysop: Zcandaler was uploaded / |__/ Ž| | |__/ _ | | Ž| and downloaded \___| \___ |___| \___| |___ | Cosys: Dale^X3M again from `---'tGø `---' `---' ________________._ _____/\______________________ \ ____ .____ Ž|___._____)_____Ž\ _____ ____/ / ___) | Ž| | Ž| Ž| ___/____ Ž\ ____) \_________ |___ |__ |___| _______/______\ `---' `---' `---' NO NUP +46-31-572545 AMIGA ONLY Upped by: Chucky 12-29-95 Location: Amiga 4000/040 SUX 22:53:27 -------------------------------------------------> Online Since 28/1 1991 <-- Ŧ-ŧ Diz file passed trough GANGBANG BBS! - ViRTUAL WHQ Ŧ-ŧ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZPartyreport from "The Party 5" by Chucky/VTL @END_FILE_ID.DIZ P A R T Y R E P O R T F R O M T H E P A R T Y 5 ========================================================= Experienced by Chucky of ViRTUAL I, my girlfriend and some friends started the trip the day before the party as we should stay in Gothenburg over the night. It started BAD as I crashed my car before even starting our trip (when going to fill the car with gas). Three hours too late we started our trip (with my fathers car instead) and all went ok. We came to gothenburg and fixed everything for the party. At 9:30 on the morning the 27:th we was on the ferry to Denmark, there we met quite many guys from the scene drinking some beers, hotshots and other important drinks. When we arrived to denmark we have to drive 280 kilometers more to get to Fredricia where the party should take place. And DENMARK is incredible, its the worst place I ever have been in driving a car. first of all we was on a narrow road (but on the map it was marked as a BIG road) but it was ok first in Aalborg, there it was quite good actually, many restplaces etc around the road. Quite close to Fredricia we had to fill the car with more gas, and then suddenly there was NO gasstation close to the main road so we had to drive off that road into a small place, and yes there we could find 4 different gasstations, I filled the car and then wanted to enter the main-road (quite similiar to a highway but limited to 80km/h (but I was driving 130Km/h)) but what the fu*k, it was not possible to enter the road again, I had to drive 25 kilometers (!) to get on the damn road again. (yes 25 damn kilometers, you could get OFF the road but not ON it!) After a while we drive by a McDonalds McDrive restaurant and decided to take some food with us. I wanted to pay the food with my Swedish VISA card (as I had only 500Dannish KR with me) but to my BIG surprise it was not possible.. (WHAT?? McDonalds doesnt accept VISA????) ok 119DKR later we had 3 burgers (I ordered McFeast but got McBacon...) (and the damn coke was PEPSI! YAKK!) Well finally we came to the party place, there I got the information that the greedy arrangers wanted 250DK in entrace fee for my girlfriend aswell.. (what I know girls will come in for free on partys) ok after some problems we got in (as I now only had 480DK something and the entrance fee was 500DK for 2 persons) (and the VISA machine at The Party did only take DANNISH Visa cards!) Then I wanted to go to my table that I have reserved (for 40 persons and computers) I did this reservation via e-mail and got a reply that it was registered as OK!) but no.. there was no table reserved for us, after complaining THREE times we got a table. the local was a quite BIG local and could take atleast 500 persons more, so that was no problem. The day went on, I got hungry and went to McDonalds with some friends. this restaurant didnt take my VISA either so I had to borrow some money to get my burger. Just by testing I went to Statoil close to the McDonalds restautrant and THEY did accept my VISA card, but I wasnt allowed to buy a coke and take like 200DKR out of my VISA, no only for the coke. The same on all other gasstations. Tried a foodstore, no they didnt even accept VISA cards. the banks was closed so I couldnt test them. ok the night went on. I Wanted to get some sleep. BUT what was this in the "sleeping-hall" there was a damn RAVE-PARTY.. yeah LOAD Rave-music in the SLEEPING HALL.. (with like 10 persons jumping around) at 03:00 something the music ended and I could try to get to sleep.. but THEN you wasnt allowed to sleep at some places on the floor. it was some stupid "fire-gates" (no, not bill gates) I and my girlfriend finally found a small spot to sleep on where the rave party was located. 2 cars was parked there but well we wanted some SLEEP. then they started to pack equipment into the car for like 1 hour and when they was finnished they drove out the cars. abt 30 minutes later the port opened again and a big TRUCK was driving into the place. (YES a damn big TRUCK!) they packed the speakers used for the rave. it took like 30-45minutes and they used the lift and all other NOISY equipment they could use. and drove out.. so at 05:30 something we FINALLY could get some sleep. but the LIGHT was turned on and the arrangers refused to turn it off.. but at 06:00 something they did turn off the light and we could get some sleep. At 09:00 something I woke up hearing some music (the sleeping hall was located too close to the party hall (the hall nextdoors actually!) and ALL doors open. TIRED and PISSED I went back to the partyplace. We decided to drive back and booked our tickets on the ferry to Sweden at 22:15. at 16:00 we left the party pissed on the SHIT. Plus and minus About the Party: PLUS; BIG Hall + Easy to find + McDonalds and pizzeria close to the party (but I would prefer Burger King) MINUS: - 250DKR in entrancefee even for GIRLS - VISA machines on the partyplace that only takes DANNISH VISA cards. - Quite ok speakersystem, but the soundquality in high volumes was not good. - The bigscreen was of a BAD quality. or as it was so light in the hall. the GFX compo - BAD cleaning in the toilets (as USUAL) - High prices in the cafeteria. - Still the CRAPPY food in the cafeteria. (lousy pasta and burgers that tastes more like paper then food. - BAD arrangement, table reservations etc didnt work and all they sait was SORRY. (damn they must have SOME coder who would code a program that can fix the reservations etc) - GREEDY arrangers. (A friend sold the CD "The Best Of The Amiga Scene" and the greedy arrangers wanted him to rent a place for 250DKr per mē - No sleeping hall.. that hall that the arrangers called sleeping hall was infact more a rave-party hall and garage. Sleeping was close to impossible. - No showers, it costed 25DKR to take a shower in the Swimming hall located quite close to the partyplace. - BAD parking place, if you had to take a ride with your car, you had to be lucky to get a parking place (where does Dannish person learn to drive a car. some cars was parked over like 3 or even 4 places when there WAS a place a car would fit in) - The Party network was a BIG Joke, it just didnt work. it worked for some minutes, then hanged and was down for a while. got up again etc. totally unusable. (but well, PCs... you all know that a PC cant do anything right) - The Amiga vote disk was stored on a HD disk in DD format (making it as a NDOS disk on out A3000T and on all A4000 machines (all Amigas with HD drives acually) we had to put some tape on the HD hole to read the disk. Then the lame arrangers have done a AGA only voteprogram.. WHY use AGA? cant the lame programmers do something REAL? a vote-program doesnt have to use any plasma, vectorstuff etc.. do it SYSTEMFRIENDLY.. <SIGH> - I heard about Internet should be avaible at the party, but I for sure didnt see anything like internet there. Well I personally think that the party SUCKED, it was quite many persons there (like 2500 persons according to the arrengers). I will propably NOT go to The Party next year if it will be one. the "Dronning margarethe hallen" (or what it was called) is NOT suitable for a party as it lacks showers. (I just HATE being on a party without any possablility of taking a shower) The Party have been to commercial and the Arrangers doesnt know how to handle it anymore. The Party 2 and 3 was all OK, The Party 4 was quite ok. but THIS one.. no it was a big JOKE. (BIG actually) I will not recomend ANYONE to go to The Party next year. Go to The Gathering, Assembly, Remedy or any other party instead. and DENMARK.. well its a joke if you want to get some money out of your VISA, I wasnt allowed on ANY bank to take money from my VISA (but the gasstations I visited accepted em, but only on the amount I was buying stuff from them) And roadsigns sucks (if they even does exists) if the signs was covered by snow, they was unreadable... a big JOKE. This is anyway the LAST time I visit "The Party", it will need quite much for me to spend like 1000-2000 SEK visiting it again. / Chucky of ViRTUAL _Chucky_ on the IRC at #Amiga ·Ŧ<(-/~\_/^\_/~\-)>ŧ· Tired of BBSAdds? this one is short! ____________/\ /\ /\______________/\___ /\ /\ /\ /\/\_______ \____________ \ / \ \ _ _________/ /__ \\ \ / \ \ \\ _______/ / /______ \ \ / /\ \ / // /______ / /__/_/ \ \ / /\ \ / // /____ / /____ / /\\ \\ \ \ \/ // /____ / / ____ \ /\\ \\ \ \ \/ // /____ \ / /____/ / / /_\ \\ \ \ // /____/ / / /___/ // /_\ \\ \ \ // /____/ / \_______/ /_______\\/ \/ \_______/ /_______//_______\\/ \/ \_______/-zk- · ONLINE SINCE 1989 · | +46 54-833882 USR V.Everything 9600-33600, HST,V32,V32",V32T,V.FC,V34+ | | MultiBBS With Aerosol Art Using AmiExpress, Reccoon and Trapdoor for | | 100% sure Lamerprotection, Regular Backup and CID for maximum-security | | 1,4GB HD, Amiga 3000T/040/35MHz - ViRTUAL - Sysop: Chucky of ViRTUAL | ·Ŧ<(-/~\_/^\_/~\-)>ŧ· ũ iNHUMANS SHQ ũ iFFTiC UNDERGROUND ũ _____ _______ .____ ____.________ ________ .____. .____.________ .__\___ \__./ _ \| \/ | ____ // ______/_| |_. |____| ______/_. | | | | | | \____/_\______ | __|_| | \| | | | | | | \ / | \ | l/ | | \ | \ | |__________|_________|____\/____|________|_________|_________\___|_________| _______ .____ ____._____. .____..____. _______.____.____. / _____/_| Y | ___|___| || |__\___ | | | .\_____ | | | \_____ \_ /\ | ___ |_____ | | l/ | | | l/ / / \ | l/ | l/ | |_________|_________|_________/____/\____|_________|_________|jN! RUNNiNG 0-3 DAY AMiGA/PC/CONSOLE WAREZ ON AMiGA 3000! 1.5 GiGS OF ONLiNE FiLES! AMi-X SALESNET AND ACTiVE REQUEST CONF! GALiANO/iNHUMANS·MAGMA/iFFTiC·HARPOON/SKiD ROW·ViSiTOR/iNHUMANS MAD MAX/iNSANE·THE UNLORD/iFFTiC·GiLHOOLEY/REBELS·ZEAL/iFFTiC NODE1 +46-ASK-ELiTE 28K8 V34/VFC ũ NODE2 +46-ASK-ELiTE 28K8 V34/VFC UPLOADED ON 30-Dec-95 . :::. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ·:::. _ _________. ________: .-----------------------------. ·:::...... ___/:__\ _____/__: _____ : MoRBiD SWEDiSH hEADQUARTERS : ..:::::::::···::·· ·:|__________. | \____\`-----------------------------' .:::·· ··:::. | ·:| | . :::· : ·::: _ _______|____________| : . ... ... ... ... :::· . .::: . . : . : . . : _:__ :::: : .:::: ____ : ________ : : : . _________._____ \ / ::::.. ..:::::_____/__:____:____:_\ _____/_| |____ :\_______/: /___\/ ··::::::::·· | ·:| | ·:|________. | ______/__| ·:| . \_: . . . : | : | ·:| | : ·:| | : ·:| : : |___________|_________|__________|_____ |_________|____| | . . : : : . . . :. . |______| . .. :czar|_____| :.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..: : : : : : . : . : :.. ... ... ..: .-------------------.-----------------------------------.--------------. : WRAiTH^LSD^MOB : rUNNiNG øN a A2øøø/ø4ø/1ø/EnøUGh : sYSpW = øK : : REcAll^LSD^MST^HF : aMiGa,pESE,H/P/A,CøDER,sECRETs : nUP rEQUIRED : : aCTiVATE^iND : fRiENDsHiP iS tHE lAW aRøUND hERE : +46-2619ZøøN : : MiCKMiCK^iND : 2*cREDS gIVEN føR mAJøRS : +46-26194305 : :...................: 3*cREDS gIVEN fRøM yøUR øWN gRøUP :..............: ·-----------------------------------· [AĄRaDDer v3.4 By AĄRcø] . wHEN qUALiTY iSN'T 'nUFF aND u'RE sTiLL lOOKiNG fOR mO' pHUN · · tHEN tHERE iS oNE bOARd oPEN fOR u eVERY dAY! · : ____ _ _____ _ .________ _ : ____Ķ_ _ ____. / ///_ / ///__._____l_ ___ \\\__Ķ____ _ xCz __/ ____///_/ _l/ _/ Ŋ \/ / Ŋ /l______/ | ĶŊ _____///_ _ / \_____ Ŋ / \ \___ / /___ Ķ | | ____/ Ŋ \ _ ///____ / ______\ \/ __ _/ \ ____| _ l ____\\\ - --ũ/__________/ũ---ũ\___________/ũ---\______\ũ--' l____l_________\ũ-- - : : uNiQUE! aRTS lEADER hEADQUARTERS Ŧ·ŧ lSD sWEDiSH hEADQUARTERS hELLFiRE sWEDiSH HEADQUARTERS Ŧ·ŧ mORBiD eUROPEAN hEADQUARTERS fLOOD sWEDiSH hEADQUARTERS Ŧ·ŧ gENERAL /X dOORS bETA siTE - -·ũ-- --:--- ------------------------------------------- ---:-- --ũ·- - REcAll [mYSTiC/lSD/hELLFiRE/fLOOD] Ŧ·ŧ viSiTOR [sPACEBALLS] cHARLiE [lSD] Ŧ·ŧ aXEN [lSD] Ŧ·ŧ -jUAN&hARPOON! [tRSi/iNSANE/sKiD^ROW!] sONNY [lSD/diViNE] Ŧ·ŧ sNAKE & dELBOY [pRESTiGE/cREAM/mYTH] - -·ũ-- --Ķ--- ------------------------------------------- ---Ķ-- --ũ·- - · a4OOo/o3O/5omHz/1OmB rAM/1.6giG · mAXiMUM tRANSFERiNG oF [aMiGA], [pC] aND [cONSOLE/sNES] wAREZ! : : · oRDER aSC2 fROM: · recall, xcluziwe, vietcong, misfit, woober, u-man, tommy, rooster, druid java, trivial, relief, kerosene, wedlock, harpoon, the kestrel, skautch, . aND mANY mORE... . - --------Ķ---------------------------------------------------Ķ-------- - : [nODE 1 uSR cOURiER 33600 +46 691-30800] : . [nODE 2 uSR cOURiER 33600 +46 691-30996] . [nODE 3 uSR cOURiER 33600 +46 691-30599] . [nODE 4 uSR cOURiER 33600 +46 cHRiSTMAS] . - -ũ nUP! rEQUiRED! - wELCOME oNLiNE! ũ- - ø=========================================================================ø |_________________________ _ ________: |__________________________ | |___ ______\_ /____ \ |__________ | |____ \_______ ___ ______\| | | l/ / \/| \__ \ | / | _| | \__ \ __/ /| l/ /| | | / / | | \ | / | \_ : | \ \ / | / / | | ø / / | | \_ / | | | | \_\ /__ø / / | | |______/|_____|___| /___/ |____|____:___| /_\___/|______/ | | : |____/ : |____/ :[kAm] | | | | =>>> AMiGA: c·R·U·x WORLD-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: a·T·O·M·i·c WORLD-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: h·E·L·L·F·i·R·e SWISS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> AMiGA: m·O·T·i·O·n SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> SNES!: a·N·T·H·R·O·x SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> SEGA!: a·N·T·H·R·O·x SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | =>>> ASCii: a·R·T·c·O·R·e SWiSS-HQ <<<= | | | | Sysop: FURY/PRESTiGE | | Cosysops: DEATHKNiGHT, BEAST, ECHO&GUIDO, SNAKE & DELBOY | | -[dEViL&rAVEN]-, aRTiC CAT! | | | | [ NODE-1: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | [ NODE-2: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | SYSPW REQUIRED! [ NODE-3: 33.6 V.34+] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] NUP REQUIRED! | | [ NODE-4: ISDN X.75 ] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | [ NODE-5: ISDN X.75 ] [ +41 ASK-4-iT ] | | | `=========================================================== _ _ _ \/ _______ \/ .__________ __________ .___________ \/ /Ŋ _ Ž\___.___| _____ /__. _____ /____| _____ / _ // | \ \ Ž| Ž\ \ Ž\/ _l___ _/ Ž\/ _ Ž\ _ Ž\/ _\/_ (_____l_____) | \\_______) \ Ž\______) _ \\__l____) __ \/\/ l__________) l__________) l____|_____) /\_\ _ _ \/_/ __________ __________ \/ ________ \/ ___________ _. /Ŋ _____ /_______ ____ /________ _ Ž\__________ ____ / Žl____ // _ Ž\/ ____ /____ Ž\/ _____ / _ \\ _____ / \ Ž\/ _ Ž\ _ (_____l____) _/ Ž\/________) __/ Ž\/___l_____) _ Ž\/________)___| \\ \/ l________) _ l_________) l____l____) _ l______) \/ \/ -(12-31-95 01:15:23)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- -(Uploader:-[GENER/\TOR]- )- -(Location:->TCE!^CRU!^PGS!<)- -(Nd:01)- .oO pC > aMIGA cONVERTED wITH FID v3.2 bY fLI7e/sAD Oo. ______ _____ _____ ________ __ _____ _) _Y _Y _Y ·Y__Y_ | .--\_ |_\_ | \_ `-\_ | | | / |__| | | l | | |--, | | | | / l |-----------------------------------. | l__ l_____l__ l__|__| l_/l__ | !fEEL dA gENERATION! | | `--' `--' `--' `--' | | [Ũ] pRODIGY aMIGA gHQ [ŨŨ] nEUTRON aMIGA & /X-iNSPIRATION wHQ [Ũ] | | [Ũ] qUASAR cONSOLE mHQ [Ũ] sHOOT aMIGA eHQ [Ũ] iLLUSION aMIGA wHQ [Ũ] | | | | dA cHEEF: gENERATION/PDY^NTR^QSR^SHT^ILS | | | | dA sTAFF: eCS & mARIO/TRSI · tROOPER/QSR^ORS · mR.bIG/ILS · cAOS/TRSI | | dAN/NTR · hITPOINT/PDY · kRYPTON/SHT^SUB · aWESON/ILS | | | | 2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | -- -+-rUNNING a4OOO/O4O/25mHZ & 4 nODES - uSR v.34+ & iSDN-+- -- | | ______ __ _____ _____ __ __ _____ | | !fEEL dA gENERATION! _) Y__Y_ _Y Y | _Y | | `--------------------------------------\_ |__| / l_\_ |__| | \_ `--| | | l | / | | l | | |--, |--' l__ |_/l__|2Fl__ |_____l__ | `--' `--' `--' _______ ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS: / __ Ž\ / Ž\(_____)______ Ž\ PyRo & VOICE / _|/ \/ \___/| Ž| | \ \ / \_ \ / Ž\| | | / \sECoND mASTERS: \ | / / \ | |/ / Etron & Joker \____| /\_____ / _|_____ / EdE·Ian·SiRiaX ======|___/=======\___/|___/==[sLa]\___/== ________.____. _______ __ __ - ProdigY EhQ - / Ž\ | __ / __ Ž\ / \ / Ž\ Smurf WHQ / \___/ |/ Ž\/ _|/ \/ Y \ HellfIRE GhQ - \___ \ / \ \_ \ \ / \ / / | / \ / / -7 noDEZ- \ ___/____ /\____| /\___|Y| / =\___/========\___/======|___/=======|__/== ************************************************************************* * CALL MAMBA BBS ! FOREIGN CALLERS DISABLED RATIO ! * * ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ * * |~ ~\ /~ ~| \~~ \ |~ ~\ /~ ~||~ __ ~\ \~~ \ * * |: \/ :|___\ \\ || \/ |||: |__| / ___\ \\ * * || | | :/~ ~/\ \\|| | | |||| ___ \\ /~ ~/\ \\ * * || |\ /| // /__\ \\: |\ /| |||| |___| ||// /__\ \\ * * |___| \/ |_/____________\__| \/ |___||__________/____________\ * * * * The oldest scene board in Poland ! (on-line since 1991) * * * *Running on latest DayDream +48-22-367443 SysOp - EaSy RiDeR* *USR 16800 DS Stuff - DPJ/MST * *Enough HD Space AMIGA latest wares UFOk/MST * *Hydra installed ! Walek/MST * ************************************************************************* * MYSTIC Polish HQ * Biggest in Poland UFO Base * MANGA Collection * ************************************************************************* /\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\ũeũ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM MhQ \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NiGHt AsSAsSiN/SNK] NUT & BOLT WHQ HYBRiD HQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: ++ASK-4-TELNET [AĄRaDDer v3.4 By AĄRcø]