__________  sysop: madbart'appendix, supporters: ufok+prefix+madbart
      __)      (__         _______      runned with: a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb
      \       ___/_ ____ _(  ___ /_                             ____________
       \     |     |    |    \__/  \. 2nd IN THE WORLD!        __)        (__
        \    |   --|--  |___________| (TSP01)    _______      _\_____       /
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      |  |-||_| )|_||_ |         /_____________|           b|z'sea \    /
            `    `       beebs.                                     \  /
            node00: +48-91-4879493 & node01: telnet & node02: telnet


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  []                   globe sessions 1:
  []_ "omnipotent technocrat" by azzaro _

 o m n i p o t e n t   t e c h n o c r a t - sative mea loves the ascii charts
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

  w i c k e d   k n i g h t s   o f   s m a l l   l i n e s   a r e   b a c k

                                    §§§ §§§
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                  t   h   e     u   n   i   v   e   r   s   e

                                    §§§ §§§
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                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

               #In the beginning was the computer. And God said -

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Let there be light!
                          #You have not signed on yet.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             #Enter user password.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                        #Password Incorrect. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                        #Password Incorrect. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                        #Password Incorrect. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                            :Omnipotent Technocrat.
                #And God signed on 12:01 a.m., Sunday, March 1.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                 ______ §§§
                                 \    /_____
                               .__\        /--|
                               |           ¯  |
                               | sative mea`s |
  _______        _____         ·_________     |_____          _________
 .\  ___/________\   /_________| ____   /______\   /__________\  _____/____
 |   \          |              | \_/          |   /_________ |     _______/_.
 |_____         ______         _____         ________    \_/ _______        |
      /_________|    /_________|   /_________\·     /________|     /________|
                               |              |                      az0!/sea
            ,-___  _____   ,-___   ,-___  _°  _____,  _____    ,-___
           , ¯ )l  )l__/, , ¯ )l  , ¯ )l  )l  )l___l  )l  `)  , ¯ )l
           ¯¯¯¯¯          ¯¯¯¯¯·  ¯¯¯¯¯       ·               ¯¯¯¯¯
                               |              |
                               |  _        ___|
                               |--/____    \  ·
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Let there be light!
                      #Unrecognizable command. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Create light.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             :Run heaven and earth.
        #And God created Day and Night. And God saw there were 0 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed off at 12:02 a.m., Sunday, March 1.
                       #Approx. funds remaining: $92.50.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                      ___           §§§ §§§                       ______
                    ¡_\  |          §§§ §§§              ______ !_\     |
                ____|   _|____      §§§ §§§           _!_\     ||      _|
               _\  _._   __  /_     §§§ §§§            |       ||      \.
             _\\___\|    |/___//_   §§§ §§§            |_      ||       |
       .___  ____.  |    |   ____.  §§§ .____   dz\a!  ./      .|       |
      _| _(  \ _ |_ |    |._ \ _ |_ § __| _ /          |        |       |
    _ (  //__ \\__ \_    ||/_ \\ / \_ (  _//_    ____. |    .____ ___.  |
    /_ \__. /_  __. /_   |· /_  /   /_  _.__/_   \ _ |_   __| _ / )_ |_ |
.___ :__ \|  l__ \|  :   |___:__\    l__ |/  l ___\\._ \_ (  _//_ \\__ \_ __
|_      `-----' `-----'  |     .`-----' `-----'  _. |/  /_  _.__/_  __. /_  | o
 /___/\ ___________ |  __|____/|_________________\| |    l__ |/  l__ \|  : _|/_
       \/           |__\ !          §§§ §§§       | `-----' `-----' `-----'
                                    §§§ §§§       |      |     |.      _|
            s a t i v e   m e a     §§§ §§§       |     _|     ||      \.
                                    §§§ §§§       |     \.____ ·__      |
  azzaro - renton - zabora - revi   §§§ §§§       |      |   \:|  | _   |
          twister - x-ball          §§§ §§§       |__    | ___||__||_|, |
                                    §§§ §§§       ! /____|              |
                                    §§§ §§§                    .|       |
                                    §§§ §§§            |_       |       |
                                    §§§ §§§            ./      ||     __|
                                    §§§ §§§            |     __||_____\ ¡
                                    §§§ §§§            |_____\ ¡
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

               #And God signed on at 12:00 a.m., Monday, March 2.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

             :Let there be firmament in the midst of the water and
                      #Unrecognizable command! Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Create firmament.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Run firmament.
         #And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed off at 12:01 a.m., Monday, March 2.
                       #Approx. funds remaining: $84.60.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                     ______         §§§ §§§
     _____     ______\___ /__ ___   §§§ §§§
 ____\_  //_ _\\      ___//  Y   \\ _                       _         _
Y   __      Y         \       _    \\   ]   . azzaro .   [  \         /
    \¦   ___l_________ \      / ____\\ _____     _____.    __\       //_
7_______\\        ______\___ /____ ____\_  //_ _\\    l__ _\           /_
            ___ _\\      ___//    Y   __      Y    __    Y      __       Y
  tG!.k0   /   Y         \            \¦   ___l_   |//___l____  \¦  _____l
          //___l_________\\       7_______\\   /___l         //______\
                           \_ __    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed on at 12:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 3.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

      :Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place and
                          let the dry land appear and

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

            #Too many characters in string specification! Try again.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Create dryland.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Run dryland.
       #And God created Earth and Seas. And God saw there were 0 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed off at 12:01 a.m., Tuesday, March 3.
                       #Approx. funds remaining: $65.00.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                   ____  _____   ::.   ·:: _______
                 __)   \/   _/_.........::_\_    /____  _/\_
                 \      __     ::::     ::      /\    \/ \/ \
         .  tSd!cR\     \/_____:::::::::::______/\    /______\
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

             #And God signed on at 12:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 4.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

       :Create lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night.
                         #Unspecified type. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             :Create sunmoonstars.
      #And God created Sun, Moon, Stars. And God saw there were 0 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

             #And God signed off at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, March 4.
                       #Approx. funds remaining: $54:00.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                 ____ _ §§§
                                 \      §§§
_  _________ ____:   - ---  /     /\   §  E   M   B   A   S   S   Y  §  -- -
/_/        //    |________ /     /  \ __________ _______  _______ ______.
      /___//     |\      //  ___/____/     _.   /    __/_/    __/_\     |_____
       _/ /      l/          \_       \    \|   \______  \_____    \    |\    \
  __     \______\/            7        \    \____ _ /        /             ___/
//_/______\    ·/________\\_          _______\   ·:/      _ /              \
                     -x6L ·/__________\ §\        /______///_______\\_______\
                                    §§§ § \                       .s3a!
                                    §§§ §§ ·
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed on at 12:00 a.m., Thursday, March 5.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Create fish.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Create fowl.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Run fish'n fowl.
     #And God created the great seamonsters and every living creature that
     creepeth wherewith the waters swarmed after its kind and every winged
                         fowl after its kind. 0 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

             #And God signed off at 12:01 a.m., Thursday, March 5.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                       #Approx. funds remaining: $45.00.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                    _ _______________:§ §§§
                   .)\\              |§ §§§
                   |                 |§ §§§
                   | p r e s e n t s |§ §§§
                   |                 |§ §§§
     ________      |          _______|§ §§§                    ______   _______
_:.__\_     / _____|_  ___   /     _/:__ §§    _______   _____/    _/  /
 ||   /    /:/ _    /_(  /___\     \(  /_____./   ._  \.\    /\    \ _/
 ||   \_____|  /   / \ _     /      \ _     /|    |/  \_      /\    \\
_|l____\   /   \______\/____/  \     \/____/ |____/    |______\_\    \\
------- --/______\-:(___________\     \______:---/_____|----/_________\\________
                   |       /____________\t^/lp!
                   |                 |§ §§§
                   |                 |§ §§§
                   |                 |§ §§§
                   |                 |§ §§§
                   |________________ |§ §§§
                                    \|§ §§§ at the ending of octoberfest
                                    §:§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

               #And God signed on at 12:00 a.m., Friday, March 6.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Create cattle.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             :Create creepy things.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                       :Now let us make man in our image.
                         #Unspecified type! Try again.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                  :Create man.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

      :Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and
     have dominion over the fish of the sea and over of the fowl of the air
           and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                     #Too many command operands! Try again.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
                        #Execution terminated. 6 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Insert breath.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
                        #Execution terminated. 5 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                          :Move man to Garden of Eden.
                  #Error: File Garden of Eden does not exist.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Create Gard.En.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             :Move man to Gard.En.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
                        #Execution terminated. 4 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                             :Copy woman from man.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
                        #Execution terminated. 3 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                            :Insert woman into man.
                        #Illegal parameters. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                            :Insert man into woman.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
                        #Execution terminated. 2 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Create desire.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Run multiplication.
     #And God saw man'n woman being fruitful and multiplying in the Garden.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                 #Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Create freewill.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Run freewill.
     #And God saw man'nwoman being fruitful and multiplying in the Gard.En.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                 #Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Undo desire.
               #Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Destroy freewill.
           #Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                  #Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

               #Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

           #Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.
                  #Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                            :Create Treeofknowledge.
     #And God saw man'nwoman being fruitful and multiplying in the Gard.En.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                 #Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                              :Create good'n evil.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Activate evil.
                       #And God saw he had created shame.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

        #Warning: System error in sector E95. Man'nwoman not in Gard.En.
                                   #1 errors.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                         :Scan Gard.En. for man'nwoman.
                   #Man'nwoman cannot be located. Try again!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                        :Search Gard.En. for man'nwoman.
                                #Search failed.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                 :Delete shame.
             #Shame cannot be deleted once evil has been activated.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Destroy freewill.
            #Freewill an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                  :S t o p !
                      #Unrecognizable command. Try again.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                  :B r e a k

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                  :B r e a k

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                  :B r e a k

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§


                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                               :Create new world.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

    #You have exceeded your allotted file space. You must destroy old files
                        before new ones can be created.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                                :Destroy earth.
                        #Destroy earth. Please confirm.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                           :Destroy earth confirmed.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                       ._           \    /          _.
                      _|/------------\  /-----------\|_
                      \|              \/             |/
         __________    | _________     __________    |        ___
        | ____    /____·_\       /_____\        /____·    ___|__/____.
        | \_/          |              |    __  /(    |____\__|      _|
        |____         _____\___/    _______)/  ¯¯   ___       ______\
            /_________\     /_______\      /________\ /______| az0!/sea
        ________________    ____        _______     ________    ____
    ____\ ____ | ____  /__ _\  /______ .\  ___/___ .\      /__ _\  /______
   |       \_/ | \_/       \_   _____/_|    _____/_|   __ /(   \_   _____/_.
   |_     __________      ______       ______      ____)/ ¯¯  ______       |
    /_____\        /______\    /_______|    /______| : /______\    /_______|
                       · __                          ·
 _l_     _____   ____    )l____  _____   _____,  ____    _____   ____-,  _l_
 )l___,  )l__/,  )l___,  l   l(  )l  `)  )l___l  )l___,  l(   '  )l___(  )l___,
                       ·                             ·
                       |                             |
                       | - omnipotent - technocrat - |
                       |_                           _|
                      _|/             /\            \|_
                      \|-------------/  \------------|/
                       °            /____\           °
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                      AT 6:00 A.M. YOU MUST SIGN OFF NOW!

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

              #And God signed off at 11:59 p.m., Friday, March 6.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                  #And God found he had zero funds remaining.

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
             ____                   §§§ §§§
       _____(____\ __________       §§§ §§§
      /           \         /_______§§§_§§§__ ___________ ___________
     /_____________\_______'_      /       __\           \           |
                         /________/__________\____     _._)____._____|
                                    §§§ §§§     )__________\   dwf
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
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    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§  hi   there  everybody  and  welcome  to  my  sixtysix  ascii  §§§
    §§§  collection.   add one six and you can see devil`s sign.  bad  §§§
    §§§  thing i think.  also what can i say - it`s something like my  §§§
    §§§  another  double  o`ascii  pack  -  two  collections released  §§§
    §§§  finally  at the same day on label of "globe sessions".  nice  §§§
    §§§       title, strongly inspired by new cheryl crow album.       §§§
    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§  what`s  up  in  sative  mea?   after  one  year  of activity  §§§
    §§§  everything  seems  that  just  half of the members are still  §§§
    §§§  active.   command  quarter at renton`s house is closed and i  §§§
    §§§  feel  tired  after  all those wars between sative mea vs the  §§§
    §§§  big  bad  world.  so i decided to get slowly and...  i don`t  §§§
    §§§  know  what can i do now.  left ascii buisness?  join another  §§§
    §§§  team?   really  hard to think about it.  sorry to all of you  §§§
    §§§  who was attacked by me.  you`re not guilty - it`s just me, a  §§§
    §§§  little  polish  "newbie"  from  "teenie  weenie town" at the  §§§
    §§§  seaside.   also  thanks to all of sative mea members to your  §§§
    §§§  style of being, your productivity and still increasing ascii  §§§
    §§§  skills.  much more hot words goes to thung - one of the best  §§§
    §§§  polish  ascii makers now in my opinion.  and that`s it.  bye  §§§
    §§§        for now and see you in the outer space.  bye bye.       §§§
    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§  ah  -  i love this name "teenie weenie".  who the fuck think  §§§
    §§§         about it?.  signed by azzaro - globe sessioner.        §§§
    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§                                                                §§§
    §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                         /\         §§§ §§§
                        /  \        §§§ §§§
                       /    \                   ,               ·
   _____ ______       /      \   -= L  O  G  O  ) =-           /
  ¦      T     \   _________  ·_____          _________ ______/
  |      |      \\/   _    /_/    _/_______ ./   _    //   __/______ _ __
  ·      l_      \_   \           \_       \T    \     \_____      /     \
  l___//__/_______/       ___     _7       _l__        _ _ 7      /.      \
               ·:/________\ /     \\_______\_ /_______/ ///      /:      _l
                /   _      /_______\·                    /______///______\
               /____\               \   §§§             /
                                     ·  §§§            ·
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
            §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
            §§§                                                §§§
            §§§                                                §§§
            §§§  apathy.diz ---------------------- 526  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  arcade -------------------------- 452  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  brutus -------------------------- 448  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  daze ---------------------------- 380  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  decree.diz ---------------------- 528  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  digger -------------------------- 443  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  embassy ------------------------- 470  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  embassy.diz --------------------- 528  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  floppy -------------------------- 453  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  floppy.diz ---------------------- 535  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  lumen --------------------------- 420  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  milk ---------------------------- 380  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  nah-kolor ----------------------- 758  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  nah-kolor.diz ------------------- 526  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  nah-kolor2 ---------------------- 387  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  old bulls ----------------------- 759  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  old bulls.diz ------------------- 529  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  optimal effex ------------------- 887  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  pesti --------------------------- 413  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  s.p.y --------------------------- 344  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  scatter ------------------------- 474  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  scenebook ----------------------- 792  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  skid ---------------------------- 382  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  soccer pack --------------------- 829  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  the sect ------------------------ 719  Ascii  §§§
            §§§  thorr --------------------------- 417  Ascii  §§§
            §§§                                                §§§
            §§§  all in all twentysix logos in the first part  §§§
            §§§                                                §§§
            §§§                                                §§§
            §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§

                t  h  i  s     w  a  y     p  l  e  a  s  e  !

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: apathy.diz          what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: rebel            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

        _|_____     _|_____ ____ |
    _____|___ /_____\|____ _\  /_|____
.--| ___ |     |     | \_/ \_   _|___/_.---.
¦--| \_/_|_______    |_____|____ |     |---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦  apathy presents ...                     ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: arcade              what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: gift.            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

        _|_____ _____|_     _____|          _|_____      | ____ _____|_
    _____|___ /_ ____|/_____\ ___|___________|___ /______|_\  /.\  __|/___
   | ___ |     | \_/ | ___ |     |     | ___ |     | ___ |     |    _|___/_.
   | \_/_|___________|    \______|     | \_/_|______ \_/_|___________|     |
   |_____|\         /|_____\    /|___________|\    |_____|\         /|_____|
         |           |           |  az0!/sea |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: brutus              what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: pron             for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

   ____ |      _____|_          |__    ____ |           |__    _____|_
  .\  /_|_____| ____|/____    __| /____\  /_|____     __| /____\ ___|/____
  |     | ___ | \_/ | ___ |___\ |     \_   _|___/_.___\ |    __     |     |
  |_____|_\_/ ______|    \      |__________ |     |     |____\/_____|__  _|
       /|_____|    /|_____\_____|         /_|___________|          /|____\
        |           | az0!/sea  |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: daze                what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: renton           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                     | ____     _|_____     _|_____ _____|_
                _____|_\  /._____|___ /_____\|__  /.\  __|/___
               | ___ |     | ___ |     |     |     |    _|___/_.
               | \_/_|______ \_/_|_______ ___|___________|     |
               |_____|\    |_____|\     /____|\         /|_____|
                     |           | az0!/sea  |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: decree.diz          what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: roover           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

         | ____ _____|      _____|_
    _____|_\  /_\ ___|_____| ____|/____
.--| ___ |     |     |     | \_/ | ___ |---.
¦--| \_/_|___________|     ______|    \|---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦  decree presents                         ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: digger              what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: digger           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

       | ____      |__    _____|_     _____|_     _____|_     _____|_
  _____|_\  /.   __|_/____\  __|/_____\  __|/_____\  __|/___ | ____|/____
 | ___ |     |___\_|    __   \ |     |   \ |     |    _|___/_| \_/ | ___ |
 | \_/_|_______    |____\/_____|     ______|     ______|     ______|    \|
 |_____|\     /____|          /|_____|    /|_____|    /|_____|    /|_____\
       |           |           |           |           |  az0!/sea |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: embassy             what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: humanoid         for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

 _____|_     ____|__   ____ |         _|__________|_    _____|_    _____|_
.\  __|/___ .\   | /___\  /_|__________|___ /\  __|/____\  __|/____\   _|/____
|    _|___/_|    |          | ___  ___ |          |          |         \|     |
|_____|     ___\_|_/  ______|_\_/  \_/_|__________|__  ______|__  ______|__  _|
     /|_____|   /|____\    /|__________|\        /|____\    /|____\  /__|____\
      |          |          | az0!/sea |          |          |          |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: embassy.diz         what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: humanoid         for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

    _____|_      ____|__    ____ |
   .\  __|/___  _\   | /___ \  /_|_____
.--|    _|___/_.     |     |     | ___ |---.
¦--|_____|     |___\_|_/  _|_____|_\_/ |---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦  embassy presents ...                    ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: floppy              what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: def              for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

        _|_____ ____ |      _____|__        _|_____     _|_____ _____|_
    ____\|     |\  /_|_____| ____| /________\|____ |____\|____ |\   _|/____
   |   __|______     |     | \_/ |     |     | \_/ |     | \_/ |    \|     |
   |_   _|___\ |_____|     _____ |    ___    |_______    |___________|__  _|
    /____|\         /|_____|   /_|____\ /____|\     /____|\       /__|____\
         |           |           |  az0!/sea |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: floppy.diz          what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: def              for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

        _|_____ ____ |          _|_____
    ____\|     |\  /_|_____ ____\|____ |
.--|   __|______     |     |     | \_/ |---.
¦--|_   _|___\-|_____|     __    |_____|---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦  f l o p p y  . . .                      ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/11/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: lumen               what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: renton           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

          ____ |           |__     ____|__    _____|_     _____|__
         .\  /_|_____    __| /_____\   | /____\  __|/___ .\    | /___
         |     |     |___\ |    __     |     |    _|___/_|   __|/(   |
         |_____|     |     |____\/___\_|_/  _______|     ____)/|¯¯  _|
              /|___________|          /|____\     /|_____|   /_|____\
               |  az0!/sea |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: milk                what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: renton           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                 ____|__         |__    ____ |      _____|_
               ._\   | /___    __|_/____\  /_|______\    |/___
               |     |     |___\_|    __     |     |     |_  /_.
               |___\_|_/  ___    |____\/_____|     ______| \/  |
                    /|____\ /____|          /|_____|    /|_____|
                     | az0!/sea  |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: nah-kolor           what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: pesti            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                      _____|__        _|_____ ____ |
                     .\    | /_________|___ /_\  /_|_____
                     |   __|/(   | ___ |     |   __|     |
                     |___)/|¯¯  __ \_/_|_________)/|    _|
                         /_|____\/_____|\        /_|____\
                           | az0!/sea  |           |
          ___ _|_     _____|__    ____ |      _____|__    _____|_
         .\  | |/___ | ____| /____\  /_|_____| ____| /___| ____|/____
         |     |_  /_| \_/ |     |     |     | \_/ |     | \_/ | ___ |
         |_____| \/  _____ |    _______|     _____ |    _______|    \|
              /|_____|   /_|____\     /|_____|   /_|____\     /|_____\
               |           |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: nah-kolor.diz       what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: evan             for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

    _____|__        _|_____ ____ |
   .\    | /_________|___ /_\  /_|_____
.--|   __|/(   | ___ |     |   __|     |---.
¦--|___)/|¯¯  __ \_/_|_________)/|    _|---¦
¦======/_|____\/_____|\========/_|____\ ===¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦  nah-kolor presents                      ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: nah-k               what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: renton           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

              _____|__        _|_____ ____ |         ___ _|_
             .\    | /_________|___ /_\  /_|_____   .\  | |/___
             |   __|/(   | ___ |     |   __|     |__|     |_  /_.
             |___)/|¯¯  __ \_/_|_________)/|    _\___\____| \/  |
                 /_|____\/_____|\        /_|____\        /|_____|
                   | az0!/sea  |           |              |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: old bulls           what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: shexbeer         for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                      _____|__    ____ |           | ____
                     | ____| /____\  /_|___________|_\  /.
                     | \_/ |     |     |     | ___ |     |
                     |____ |    _______|     | \_/_|_____|
                         /_|____\     /|___________|\
                           |           | az0!/sea  |
          ____ |           |__    ____ |      ____ |      _____|_
         .\  /_|_____    __| /____\  /_|______\  /_|______\ ___|/____
         |     | ___ |___\ |    __     |     |     |     |     |     |
         |_____|_\_/ |     |____\/_____|     ______|     ______|__  _|
              /|___________|          /|_____|    /|_____|    /|____\
               |           |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: old bulls.diz       what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: zabora           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

    _____|__    ____ |      ____ |
   | ____| /____\  /_|______\  /_|_____
.--| \_/ |     |     |     |     | ___ |---.
¦--|____ |    _______|     ______|_\_/ |---¦
¦        |           |           |az0!/sea ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦      oold bulls backs with...            ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦                                          ¦
¦__ __                                     ¦
  // //----------------------[dd/mm/1999]--'

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: optimal effex       what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: oopure           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

 _____|__      _|_____ ____ |          |__    ____|__        _|____ ____ |
| ____| /______\|____ _\  /_|___     __|_/____\   | /_________|__ /_\  /_|____
| \_/ |         | \_/ \_   _|__/_____\_|   __     |     | ___ |    |     |    |
|____ |   __    |_____|____ |    __    |___\/___\_|_/  __ \_/_|__________|    |
    /_|___\/____|\        /_|____\/____|         /|____\/_____|\        /|____|
      |         |           |          |          | az0!/sea  |          |
          _____|_         _|_____     _|_____ _____|_     _____|__
         .\  __|/___  ____\|     |____\|     |\  __|/___ .\    | /___
         |    _|___/_|   __|______   __|______    _|___/_|    _|/    |
         |_____|     __   _|___\ |_   _|___\ |_____|     _____/|¯   _|
              /|_____|/____|\     /____|\         /|_____|   /_|____\
               |           |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: pesti               what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: pesti            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

              _|_____ _____|_     _____|_     ____ |           |__
          ____\|____ |\  __|/___ .\ ___|/_____\  /_|____     __|_/___.
         |     | \_/ |    _|___/_|     |     \_   _|___/_____\_|    _|
         |_    |___________|     ______|__  ______ |     __    |____\
          /____|\         /|_____|    /|____\    /_|_____\/____|
               |           |           |           | az0!/sea  |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: s.p.y.              what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: oczek            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                      _____|_         _|_____ _____|_
                     .\ ___|/_________\|____ |\   _|/____
                     |     |     |     | \_/ |    \|     |
                     |_____|__  ___    |___________|__  _|
                          /|____\ /____|\       /__|____\
                           | az0!/sea  |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: scatter             what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: scatter          for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

 _____|_    _____|        _|____ ____ |      ____ |     _____|_     _____|_
.\ ___|/____\ ___|_________|__ /_\  /_|____ _\  /_|____ \  __|/___ | ____|/___
|     |          |     ___ |    \_   _|___/_\_   _|___/_|   _|___/_| \_/ | __ |
|_____|__  ______|     \_/_|_________ |     _____ |     _____|     ______|   \|
     /|____\    /|_________|\       /_|_____|   /_|_____|   /|_____|    /|____\
      |          | az0!/sea|          |           |          |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: scenebook           what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: skid             for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

          _____|_     _____|      _____|_     _____|__    _____|_
         .\ ___|/_____\ ___|______\  __|/___ .\    | /____\  __|/___
         |     |     |     |     |    _|___/_|   __|/(   |    _|___/_.
         |_____|__  _______|     ______|     ____)/|¯¯  _______|     |
              /|____\     /|_____|    /|_____|   /_|____\     /|_____|
               |           |           |           |           |
                ____ |      _____|__    _____|__    ___ _|_
               .\  /_|_____| ____| /___| ____| /____\  | |/___
               |     | ___ | \_/ |     | \_/ |     |     |_  /_.
               |_____|_\_/ _____ |    ______ |    _______| \/  |
                    /|_____|   /_|____\    /_|____\     /|_____|
                     |           | az0!/sea  |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: skid                what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: skid             for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                _____|_     _____|_          |__         | ____
               .\ ___|/_____\    |/___     __|_/___._____|_\  /.
               |     |     |     |_  /_.___\_|    __ ___ |     |
               |_____|__  _______| \/  __    |____\| \_/_|_____|
                    /|____\     /|_____\/____|     |_____|\
                     |           | az0!/sea  |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: soccer pack         what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: roover           for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

    _____|_     _____|__    _____|      _____|      _____|_     _____|_
   .\ ___|/____| ____| /____\ ___|______\ ___|______\  __|/___ | ____|/____
   |     |     | \_/ |     |     |     |     |     |    _|___/_| \_/ | ___ |
   |_____|__  ______ |    _______|     ______|     ______|     ______|    \|
        /|____\    /_|____\     /|_____|    /|_____|    /|_____|    /|_____\
         |           |           |  az0!/sea |           |           |
                    _|_____     _|_____ _____|      _____|_
                ____\|____ |_____|___ /_\ ___|______\    |/___
               |     | \_/ | ___ |     |     |     |     |_  /_.
               |_    |______ \_/_|___________|     ______| \/  |
                /____|\    |_____|\         /|_____|    /|_____|
                     |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)___________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ..............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: the sect            what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / --------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: madbart          for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... ................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... ::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: ::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................::::

                      ____ |      ____ |      _____|_
                     _\  /_|____ .\  /_|______\  __|/___
                     \_   _|___/_|   __|     |    _|___/_.
                     |____ |     ____)/|    _______|     |
                         /_|_____|   /_|____\     /|_____|
                           | az0!/sea  |           |
                _____|_     _____|_     _____|      ____ |
               .\ ___|/_____\  __|/___ .\ ___|______\  /_|____
               |     |     |    _|___/_|     |     \_   _|___/_.
               |_____|__  _______|     |_____|     _____ |     |
                    /|____\     /|_____|    /|_____|   /_|_____|
                     |           |           |           |

 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½                _______
        ½½½        ::::::::: _ _//       \\_ _ flying salsa brother a[z]zaro of
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ---------  \\  __ _ __  //  --------------------------------
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ :::::::::  \_  '     `  _/  wicked knights of small lines 99
_½½½½___½½½___½½½½_____________(\___) (___/)____________________________________
_½½½½___________________________)`-'   `-'(_____________________________________
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ..........   \   -=-   /    ................. ...............
 ½½½½   ½½½   ½½½½ ::: ...:::    \\_____//     :::: ....... :::: ::::..... :::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::....... \--=--\_/--=--/  ::::....:::: ::::...........:::::
        ½½½                   )\    (_)    /(  ....
o  m  n  i  p  o  t  e  n  t / _\\  / \  //_ \ :::: thorr               what?.
---------------------------- \  \  /   \  /  / ---------------------------------
t  e  c  h  n  o  c  r  a  t /  /  \\__/  \  \ :::: thorr            for who?.
        ½½½        ...       `-//\___ ___/\\-' :::: .......... .................
 ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½ :::.....       / `-' \      :::: .......::: :::: ...... :::::
 ½½½½         ½½½½ :::  :::     _ )  _  ( _    :::: :::....::: ::::....::: :::::
 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ :::..::: tG!(__\__l__/__)lA!::::........................:::::

          ____ |      ____ |      _____|__    _____|_     _____|_
         _\  /_|____ .\  /_|_____| ____| /___| ____|/____| ____|/____
         \_   _|___/_|   __|     | \_/ |     | \_/ | ___ | \_/ | ___ |
         |____ |     ____)/|    ______ |    _______|    \______|    \|
             /_|_____|   /_|____\    /_|____\     /|_____\    /|_____\
               | az0!/sea  |           |           |           |

 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§ /\
                                    §§§ § /  \
                                    §§§  /    \
_ _______                           §§§ /      \
//  .___/ ________.____ ,_____________ ·_______.____ ,___________________      ·
    l    /   _   /|    \|    \_     _///   ___/|    \|    \_     _/   __/_____/
__           \       \        T     l      _l     \        T     |\_____     /
_/ ______\        ____\      _|     |         _____\      _|_____|   ·/     /
   -×6L ·/________\  ·:\_____\      · /_______\   ·:\_____\·         /     /
                        \         /                  \        s3a!  /_____/
                         ·       / ·C O N T E N T S·  ·                  /
                                /       ___ _                           ·
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
       §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
       §§§                                                          §§§
       §§§                                                          §§§
       §§§   all ascii logos was done by me, azzaro/sative mea on   §§§
       §§§       october 1999 except some logos done by these       §§§
       §§§      following people:  renton/sative mea (the sect      §§§
       §§§   advert, sative mea), x-ball/sative mea (file_id.diz,   §§§
       §§§     embassy, logos, contents, music), dezibel/arcade     §§§
       §§§            (sative mea), thung/k0re (azzaro),            §§§
       §§§  the shepherd/crew (mawi), tommy/low profile (presents)  §§§
       §§§                   and dwarf/? (intro),                   §§§
       §§§                                                          §§§
       §§§                                                          §§§
       §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
  ____ _ ___:                       §§  ·§§
./      /   l_________ ____. -x6L _____/ §§
[    _ /    |\       //    |_____/   _/______ ________ _________ __ _ _______
|    \/     T/      _      l\    \_____     //_ _____//   .____/___          |
·    \_____\/       \______`-\    _/ /     / _        \   l _     / s3a!  ¦  ·
|  _     ·:/_________\    /_______\ /_____/_//_________/   //____/      .;¦ _|
|__/            ___ _ \            /                 ·/______\  /___//______\
  /_____________\      \          ·  M U S I (
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
 §§§                                                                      §§§
 §§§                                                                      §§§
 §§§  strongly inspired by the sounds of:  sheryl crow (globe sessions),  §§§
 §§§    chemical brothers (survive), kazik na zywo (las maquinas de la    §§§
 §§§           muerte) and techno, trance & house compilations.           §§§
 §§§                                                                      §§§
 §§§                                                                      §§§
 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                         ____________ § §§§
                       __)          (__ §§§
     _______       ____\__            /  ___        _________    _______
    _)  ___/__   _( ___  (_         _/__|___|____ ./    T    \._(  ___ /_
   |_______   \./    \/    |      ./             \|     |     |    \__/  \.
   |___________|_____/_____|      |_______________|\_________/|___________|
   ------------------------\      /--------------------------------b|z'sea-
   wickedknightsovsmalllines\    /|-|-     ______    _______      _______
   --------------------------\  /-|-|-  ___)    (_._(  ___ /_   _( ___  (_
   az0!-b|z-®ev¿-zbr--×6l-----\/--|-|-./   _  /   |    \__/  \./    \/    |

                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§
                                    §§§ §§§ the end of "globe sessions" volume
                                    §§§ §§§                                one
                   o m n i p o t e n t   t e c h n o c r a t

      __________  sysop: madbart'appendix, supporters: ufok+prefix+madbart
     __)      (__         _______      runned with: a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb
     \       ___/_ ____ _(  ___ /_                             ____________
      \     |     |    |    \__/  \. 2nd IN THE WORLD!        __)        (__
       \    |   --|--  |___________| (TSP01)    _______      _\_____       /
        \   |_____|_____|   _______           _(  ___ /_   _(  ____/_     /
         \  /              _)  ___/__________|    \__/  \./    )/    |   /
     ___  \/_  , _  _ ___ |_______________   |___________|___________|  /
     |  |-||_| )|_||_ |         /_____________|           b|z'sea \    /
           `    `       beebs.                                     \  /
            node00: +48-91-4879493 & node01: telnet & node02: telnet