__________ sysop: madbart'appendix, supporters: ufok+prefix+madbart __) (__ _______ runned with: a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb \ ___/_ ____ _( ___ /_ ____________ \ | | | \__/ \. 2nd IN THE WORLD! __) (__ \ | --|-- |___________| (TSP01) _______ _\_____ / \ |_____|_____| _______ _( ___ /_ _( ____/_ / \ / _) ___/__________| \__/ \./ )/ | / ___ \/_ , _ _ ___ |_______________ |___________|___________| / | |-||_| )|_||_ | /_____________| b|z'sea \ / ` ` beebs. \ / \/ node00: +48-91-4879493 & node01: telnet & node02: telnet hq APPENDIX - DA JORMAS - DINX PROJECT - FLOPPY - KORE. - LINEAR - MAWI hq hq NAH-KOLOR - OLD BULLS - PIC SAINT LOUP - TEKLORDS - SATIVE MEA hq @BEGIN FILE_ID.DIZ .______ ._____ -×6L |/ / ______ __________ __T 7________) /___l /__) __/ \_ _______ ______.__________,__ _ \_. i / __/__/ __|/ __. | Ś | \____ \ _l \_l | :ˇ / // / \ _| -s3a .Ś: |_ /______/_____________/___\ )___.i||| /__ _ /___\ <--s a t i v e m 3 a-[999]------------> brothers in law, azzaro&blaze gives you another travel into da borderline "MORNING LEMON" coop, 19th from SEA POLSKA ASCII KURWA ROCKIN' @END FILE_ID.DIZ sof - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jesteô pasaűerem z zielonym klaserem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ś Something has to change. Ś Un-deniable dilemma. Ś Boredom's not a burden Ś Anyone should bear. Ś Constant over stimu-lation numbs us Ś and we wouldn't have Ś It any other way. Ś Ś | Ś | i | Ś --ˇ------- ŘL ¸| Ś | ŘŘ _ř | Ś ,_ ŘŘL _Ř' | Ś | ŹŘćľ_ ŘŘL _đŘš | Ś --ˇ-----|---------------|- śŘŘŘľ ŘŘl ,ŘŘP ---ˇ- Ś | | ._ ŹŘŘŘŢ ŘŘL yŘŘF |É Ś art work | --ˇ--- ~#ľ__ ŹŘŘŢ ŘŘ zŘŘ` řŘŘ' zbrŚ dezign | | ŹMŘŘľ,_ ŹźŘLŘ#_đŘF _ľćŘŘ°| s3a| logos | ________ ______ Ź~źŘŘŘŘľľľ,¸ŹśŘŘŘF_ľwŘŘŘP~ -ˇ-----+- concept | _\ _ /__\ /____ ~ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘćwŘBŘŘŘŘP° | | blunting ˇ--| _ | | _______ Ř______ _________ | | ˇ--/______!--/_______|_\ _ |_Ř\__ /___\ ____/ | | | __ || / | __| | ˇ-----ˇ[.b.l.a.z.e.]ˇ---!---/_____|--/______!--/_____\--ˇ Ś s a t i v e m e a d i r e c t s m o k e r . Ś Ś It's not enough. Ś We need more. Ś Nothing seems to satisfy. Ś We don't want it. Ś We just need it. Ś To feel, to breathe, to know we're alive. Ś Finger deep within the borderline. Ś Ś 445575642 Ś 12 Ś 273424354661622 ____. ____. ____. ________ ____ Ś logos ._375632_ .____25____\__ |____\__ |____\__ |_\____ /_( )_. Ś_______. | 154515 || 37 _______| _______| ______ __/ ______ || | | 435375452355445 \_l \_l \/ ` \_ l_/ || | |________||_____________________________________|____________||________| __________________________________________________ Ś luk!|__________________________________________________|la! idea Ś p r o v o k a t i o n i s h i s s u r n a m e . Ś Ś Show that you love us and that we belong together. Ś Relax, turn around and take our hands. Ś We can help you change Ś Tired moments into pleasure. Ś Say the word and we'll be Ś Well upon our way. Ś Blend and balance Ś Pain and comfort Ś Deep within you Ś Till you will not have us any other way. Ś Ś ... Ś . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ś ˇ . ... Ś . . _ Ś .______ _________. _________: ˇˇˇ s Ś ˇ ._| ___\ ___\ |/ Ź| ::: a Ś -×6L's3a!| )___ )____ Ś _| ::: t Ś ˇ Ś / / . . O ˇ ). ::: i Ś _ććĎ**Ďćľ_ /____/____ ° o ÷ ::: _ ___ v Ś âŘPŻ ˇ °# _____ ) ) . Ś ::: T___e______Ś_ _ ¤P : ' ____________ ____________ ___ˇ __ __________ __Ś__ #ź _____ / _ Ľ ____Ľ(____/_/_\ _ _ Ľ ___)____ Źś@@@ś°°"""°°˘Ďćľ_ \_ \ l \\ / _l \ _ćć****m__ "#ľ__l_______\ ____________________ \\ /_____________\ q# g* _ă .::: Ř ______ _____ ______ _ ________\ˇ /____ Ś_ _ śhľ__Ź°°°°" _â@__\ \/ Ľ ___)____ _ \_/______Ś______ _ "°N#ćľľľ_____ľgć@°\ \\ / _l \ \_ \\ . Ż"~"""""Ż \\ \__\\__\ /__/______________\_l_______\\____________ _ ___ . Ś__. ___ _ \/:ˇ ˇ ˇˇˇ _____ _ Ś_ . ÷_\|_ \___ \___ : ::: .___T _ Ś . .___/ __) __) ˇ÷ ::: m Ś . |_ \ \ Ś| ::: e Ś . /_____________\.___\ :Ś| ::: a Ś . | . .. ....:ŚŚ| ... Ż Ś l_________________| Ś ˇ . . . . . . . . . . ... Ś Ś w e a r e u n f o r s e e n s . Ś Ś It's not enough. Ś We need more. Ś Nothing seems to satisfy. Ś We don't want it. Ś We just need it. Ś To feel, to breathe, to know we're alive. Ś Knuckle deep inside the borderline. Ś Ś _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _______________ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) | | | Ż Ś ___ ____|_ _|______ ______ ___' ___Ś__ \ ( ___) (_ _) __ (_ ___7 (_ __|___|__ ___7 (_ \/ ./ _ / | ||| | _)/ \| Ż\ \./ \| Ż\ \. |_____\/____| |_____\_____|_____\_____|___________|_____\_____| b|z'sea | ___| _______ _____| __|___ |___________| (____ _( ___ /_ ___) (_ ___7 (_ | ____/ \| \__/ \./ _ / | |||| Ż\ \. |___________|___________|_____\/____| |_____\_____| | | b e t t e r t h a n s h i t t y c o f f e . . . |_______________| Ś This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to. Relax. Slip away. Ś Something kinda sad about Ś the way that things have come to be. Ś Desensitized to everything. Ś What became of subtlety? Ś How can it mean anything to us Ś If we really don't feel anything at all? Ś Ś .____. Ś _______ _____ ___|__ | _______ Ś .--\ | _____ .---\_ Ź..ˇŹ ___/ |-\ ___/_ Ś pl/eng .Ź /\ |---\__ Ź.| _/ . \| | \_____ Ź. blaze only | / \ | \/ . \ _/_____ | \/ | azor missed <----l_____ | \ | \_____\----`.___.' ______.'------------> `.____.' _____.'____| .xl____| Ś `.____.' Ś Ś Mamy was w dupie, panowie zagraniczni ascii twórcy! I na tym mo- Ś Howdy ho. űna byîoby zakoďczyę ten tak zwany wstëpniak do wszystkiego. Ale Ś Welcome i nie, bëdë drâűyî dalej. Bo jest kilka spraw, które nie dajâ mi Ś n another spokoju od dni kilku. Ta kolekcja jest tylko jednym z wielu ele- Ś SATIVE ME mentów ukîadanki, jakâ tworzy caîa nasza druűyna, spodziewajcie Ś A asciico sië wiëc wiëcej. Przerzuęcie teű kalandarz o kilkadziesiât kar- Ś llection. tek wstecz. Dojdziecie pewnie do identycznego wniosku co ja. Co Ś As you ca staîo sië z resztâ rodzimych mieszaczy? Na dzieď dzisiejszy ka- Ś n see, I sujemy wszystkich, a przecieű istniejemy najkrócej. Acid, kurwa, Ś belived i do roboty leniu! Zabora, list mi oddaj! Krys, Luk, Budgie, Thung Ś n myself czy Yaneq - daliôcie linearnie dupy űe tak powiem. Mîodzi gniew- Ś once agai ni teű ucichli. Tomasz W. tylko, duszâ obecny tutaj ze mnâ, daje Ś n and spa sobie jakoô radë. Respekt przyjacielu.. Wszyscy inni sâ chujowi. Ś nked this Ś kolly in Zmieniîem styl, Azzaro teű. Co na ten temat sâdzicie - usîyszymy Ś during on pewnie niebawem. Mój jest czysto eksperymentalny, powrócë jesz- Ś e dark ni cze do tego ze "Stacked Up!" niebawem. Zapewniam, űe nie powie- Ś ght. It's dziaîem jeszcze w tym temacie ostatniego sîowa. Ś so-called Ś cooperati Trochë komercji teraz. Fabryka SATIVE MEA z.o.o. ogîasza nabór Ś on betwee nowych pracowników. Wymagania: trzeba mieę coô, co mnie zainte- Ś n me and resuje. Regulamin pod tym wzglëdem nie jest konkretnie ustalony. Ś Azzaro, h WSZYSCY sâ mile widziani, nie wyîâczajâc pc sceny oraz poczâtku- Ś e's my sp jâcych. Paszczak teű mógîby wrócię:[ Chëtni niech piszâ do mnie. Ś irit chas Numer skrytki pocztkowej znacie, a jak nie, to znajdziecie. Ś er and au Ś thor of h Udaîo mi sië stworzyę coô niesamowitego. Dwa w jednym, istne Ś alf reque wash&go. Jestem tylko ciekaw, jak to odbierzecie. Z biegiem cza- Ś sted logo su sië okaűe. Tomaszu, chciaîeô dwuznacznie i wesoîo? Twe űycze- Ś s. But by nie jest dla mnie rozkazem. Ale űeby mi to byîo ostatni raz..... Ś who? Dunn Pewnie chciaîbyô coô powiedzieę, lecz niestety, skucha. Moűe in- Ś o... Sorr nym razem. Ś y for all _ Ś of you, f b|a/e/jesteômy nie do wyjebania Ś or not gi / Ś ving more ŻŻ Ś words fro Ze sîodkâ dedykacjâ dla wszystkich pierdolonych faszystów. Ś our side. Wiecie kim jesteôcie. Ś Polessax? Ś I'll keep digging till Ś I feel something. Ś Elbow deep inside the borderline. Ś Show me that you love me and that we belong together. Ś Shoulder deep within the borderline. Ś Relax. Turn around and take my hand. Ś Ś . Ś ___ ______________ /| Ś -| \\ / /_| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01a: azzaro. for him - | /____Ś- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01b: azzaro. for him -|____ | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02a: blaze. for him // _/___ _____ : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02b: blaze. for him / \ \\ \ ______| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03a: cnr. for him \________/ \\ \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03b: cnr. for him -| \_______/ \ /____ - - - - - - - - - - - - 04a: embassy. for them -: \____/ _// \_ - - - - - - - - - - - 04b: embassy. for them - |_ /___\ _/______ - - - - - - - - - - 05a: emb. for them - \/ 2.50 sië |______|_\__ |- - - - - - - - - - 05b: emb. for them -|_____ naleűy Ś - / /___| - - - - - - - - 06a: embora. for them - __ -/ :- -\________\_ - - - - - - - - 06b: embora. for them - | / /_______\\________|- - - -\ \ - - - - - - - - - 07a: emr. for them -|/ ___________\_______:sTZ!/sE/ \ / - - - - - - - - - 07b: emr. for them -ˇ-/ \ | - ___/___/ _/ - - - - - - - - 08a: excess. for them - -/_____ ______________|- -\_ /___\ - - - - - - - - 08b: excess. for them - - - - \\ - - - - - - - - -| _/ - - - - - - - - - 09a: kore.. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _|_____| - - - - - - - - - - 09b: kore.. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - / _/___ - - - - - - - - - - - 10a: ko!. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - \_____ \- - - - - - - - - - - 10b: ko!. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /_______// - - - - - - - - - - 11a: krs. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11b: krs. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12a: linear. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12b: linear. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13a: la!. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13b: la!. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14a: luk. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14b: luk. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15a: mawi. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15b: mawi. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16a: mwi. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16b: mwi. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17a: noxis. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17b: noxis. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18a: peer. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18b: peer. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19a: pride. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19b: pride. for them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20a: revi. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20b: revi. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21a: roover. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21b: roover. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22a: sative mea. for us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22b: sative mea. for us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23a: sea. for us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23b: sea. for us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24a: x-ball. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24b: x-ball. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25a: zabora. for him - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25b: zabora. for him Ś 50 - enuff Ś znów? Ś /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś AZZARO Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ._\ _/___\_____ /___\_____ /__\ _/___\ /__\ ___ /_. | __ ____/ ____/ __ __/ \/ | | _/ \/ \/ _/ _____\ | |____| ____ ____ ______| _______ ______________| ----|_____\-/__________\-/__________\-----|_____\-----|______\---az0!/sea-- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś AZZARO ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______________ _______ | | _______ _______ __\___ (_ ______|_ | _( ___ (_ __\___ (_./ _______|______ _) __ (_ | ./ \/ |/ _______|___________|___ (_| _)/ \. |||| | |_____/_____|___________________./ \/ |_____\_____| | --------------------------------|_____/_____|b|z'sea| | -sceneronin-----------------------------------------|______________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś BLAZE Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____ _____ __________ __________ _______ _\ /_______\ /_________\ _/___\_____ /___\ __/__ __. | / ___ / __ ____/ \ ___/_ | | _ \/_ / _/ \/ / \ | |__/ \________ /_______| ____ ______/ \_| /_________\------/___/--------|_____\-/__________\----/________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś BLAZE ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ ______ ______ _| (____ _______ ______ _( ___ )_ _| 7_| ____/ \. _( ___ (_ __\___ |_| \___| \. | / |___________|/ \/ |/ _______|___________|_ |_____/_____|-b|z'sea-|_____/_____|_________________________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś CNR Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ __________ _________ _\ ___/____\ /__\ ___ /___. | __ \//_ | | |/ _ _/ \ | |_____ |_________/ \_| ----/____/______|--------/_________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś CNR ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ _______ ___________7 (_ b|z'sea _( ____(_| Ż\ \._______ ./ )/ |_____________\_____| __ (_ |___________| _______________ | _)/ \. ___________________________/ |_____\_____| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś EMBASSY Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ ___ _____ __________ __________ __________ _______ _\ __/__ ______ / \\ /______\ _/___\ _____/_\ _____/__| _/ \ ___/_ \/ / ___ __ \____ \____ | | / \ / _ _ \/_ _/ \/ \/ | | ____/ \__\ \___/ \_____| ____ _ _ ____| ---/________\--\_/____\-/_________\----|_____\-/__________\__________\____\--- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś EMBASSY ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ / \_________________ anti-kosovo conflict warriors. emb4all! / ___) (_ _______ ______________________________/___ ____/__ _ / |______ _( ___ (_ _______ _______ _____j__ / _( ___ /__\/____| 7__./ \/ |_) ___/__ _) ___/_\ 7 / | \__/ \. b|z| / |_____/_____|_______ \|_______ \_. / ./ |___________| sea|_____/__________________________|___________||_____| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś EMBASSY.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ ___ _____ _\ __/__ ______ / \\ /______ | \ ___/_ \/ / ___ | | / \ / _ _ \/_ | |____/ \__\ \___/ \_| .----/________\--\_/____\-/_________\-. |=====================================| | | | Embassy presents .... | | | | | | | `-az0!/sea--------------[dd/mmm/99]---' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś EMBASSY.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ ______ ______ _( ___ /_ ___) (_ _| 7__ | \__/ \./ _ / | / \. |___________|_____\/____|_____/_____|-. | _|_ | embass / | ____ / | \ /| | \ / | | \ / | | / | | / | `-b|z'sea-------------------dd/mmm/yy-' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś EMBORA Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ ___ _____ __________ _________ __________ __\ __/__ ______ / \\ /______\ ___ /__\ ___ /___\ _/__ | \ ___/_ \/ / ___ \/ \//_ __ | | / \ / _ _ \/_ _ _/ \ _/ | |____/ \__\ \___/ \_______________/ \_____| _| ----/________\--\_/____\-/_________\-------------/_________\----|_____\- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś EMBORA ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____________________________ |_______________________._____|--____________----------------------- |_______________________| _____| | b|z'sea _______ _______ ______ _| 7__ |_______ _( ___ (_ _( ___ /_ ___) (_| / \. || _) __ (_ ./ \/ | | \__/ \./ _ / |_____/_____| || | _)/ \|_____/_____| |___________|_____\/____| | |_____\_____| _________ --------------------------------|____________|-----------|_________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś EMBORA.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ az0!/sea ___ _________ __\ __/__ ______ / \\ ___ /____ | \ ___/_ \/ \//_ | | / \ / _ _ _/ \ | |____/ \__\ \____/ \_| ----/________\--\_/____\--/_________\-- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś EMBORA.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ________ _______ _____ _) __ (_ _( ___ /_ ___) | _)/ \. .| \__/ \./ _ / |_____\_____|. -||___________|_____\/____|----------|- _____ | | | | |_____| m b o r a givez you today: | `--- | | | | | | | -|-b|z'sea-----------------dd/mmm/yy-|- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś EXCESS Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' | | R E A L __ S U R R E A L _________ | | __ /\/- \ / |___ | ____ -\/-\ __ \ __ /_______\ / | __ \ / \/-\/---- - - ---------\\/ / |\/--- - -- - |- \/ \/ _______ \/ _________ _________ _________| __________ |_________ _\ ___/__ / \ _ /_\ ____/___\ ___/__ \ ___ /__\ ___ /______ _____/______|\/ / \ _____/___\__ \/ \__ \/ ___ __ | / \ _ __ __ \____ \___ _ \ / _ /__ \ \ \ / \/ \/ \ ..: \ / \/ \ :.. \ ..: \ ...\ ..: /:. __ __ ...:\__ ____/ /___| \____/ \___/ /_____/ / /_ ---/ /----|__________\--/__________\-/ / /________/\__________/-- /______/ /______/ | az0!/sea | | E X C E S S D I S K M A G A Z I N E F I V E |- - ---- --- --|___ B Y M A D W I Z A R D S F A K T O R Y | \ / | |\/ H I G H E R S T A T E O F | | C O N S C I O U S N E S S | | | | /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś EXCESS ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ___ ___ _______./ \ / \. _______ _______ _______ _( ___ /| X |( ____(_ _( ___ /_ _______ _) ___/__ | \__/ Ż\___/ \___/Ż )/ | \__/ \._) ___/_|_______ \. |___________|b|z'sea|___________|___________|_______ |___________| | _________ diskmagazine, issue fifth, produced by madwizards | |_________| ____________________________________________________| |_________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś KORE. Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ __________ _________ _______ _\ |______ _\ ___ /__\ ___ /____\ __/__ ___ | ____/ \/ \//_ \ ___/_ .___ | _____\ _ _/ \ / \ |_ /_ |_____ __________________/ \_____/ \_ /__| ----|______\----------------/_________\---/________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś KORE. ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____________ ____ | |_______ _______ b|z _| )__|_ _) __ (_ _( ___ /_ sea ./ / / || | _)/ \| \__/ \. _ |______\____\ || |_____\_____|___________||_| ________ | | _¸_ |________|-|____________|-theartfortheart-------|- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś KORE.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ __________ _____ _\ |______ _\ ___ /__| /_ | ____/ \/ | | | _____\ |_ | |_____ ________________ /____| .-----|______\-----------------(__)-. | ,_ | | |\ _ o r e . p r e s e n t s . . .| | \/ | | | | | `-az0!/sea-------------[dd/mmm/99]--' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś KORE.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ _________ _ _| )___./ ___ \._)| . ./ / | (___) | | . -|-|______\____|___________|__|-|- _ __ | |-< o r e . )__( | \ | | | | | | | `-b|z'sea-------------dd/mm/yy-' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś KRS Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ _________ __________ _\ |______ _\ ___ /____\ _____/__. | ____/ \//_ \____ | | _____\ _ _/ \ \/ | |_____ ______/ \___ __| ----|______\----/_________\/__________\- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś KRS ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ ________ _| )_____) __ (_ _______ ./ / / _)/ \._) ___/__ |______\____\_____\_____|_______ \. b|z'sea |__________________________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś LINEAR Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____ ______ __________ _______ __________ ___________ _\ /________ _\ /__\ /__\ __/__ ___\ _/__\ /. | / \__/ __ \ ___/_ __ __/ | | / |/ / \ _/ _____\ | |_______ /______/ |__________/ \______| ______ _| -------/___/------/__________|---------/________\-----|_____\----|______\- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś LINEAR ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ ___ ______ _______ _______ ________ _| (____ __|___|__ ___7 (_ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ _) __ (_ | ____/ \./ \| Ż\ \| \__/ \./ \/ | _)/ \. |___________|___________|_____\_____|___________|_____/_____|_____\_____| -asciibanda------------------------------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś LINEAR.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____ __________ _____ _\ /________ \ _/__| /_ | / __ | | | / _/ |_ | |_______ /_______| __ /____| .-------/___/--------|_____\---(__)-. | | |-l-i-n-e-a-r- -a-s-c-i-i-b-a-n-d-a-| | | | | | | | | `-az0!/sea-------------[dd/mmm/99]--' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś LINEAR.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ _______ _ _| (____ _( ___ (_ _)| . | ____/ \./ \/ | | . -|-|___________|_____/_____|__|-|- . __ | | i n e a r )__( | `---------- | | | | | `-b|z'sea-------------dd/mm/yy-' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś LUK Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____ ______ ______ _\ /________ _____\ /__\ |______ | / | ____/. | / | _____\ | |_______ /_____ _________ __| ------/___/-----/_______\------|______\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś LUK ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____ ____ ____ ./ T T \. ____ _| (___| |-| || )____ | ____/ Ż\_________/Ż / / |___________|b|z'sea|______\____\ --------------------------------- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś MAWI Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ___ __________ _ _______ _____ ________ / \\ _/____/ \ /_\ /_ \_ \/ __ / \_/ | | / _ _/ \ | |___\ \______| ____/ \ /____/ | -----\_/____\-----|_____\------\__/----/_____| az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś MAWI ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ _______ __ ___ ___) (_ _( ___ (_ /__/ \__\ ____|___|____ ./ _ / |/ \/ |/ / /\ \ \./ \. |_____\/____|_____/_____|____/ \____|_______________| -madwizards-----------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś MAWI.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ._________. | | .-| |- - ---- - - ---- - - ----. :_____ ______ ____ ______ ________.: :\ \/ . ../---\. /---/\ . ../-\______/ : +-\---\/____/_______\___/\____/_________\-+ :---------- -- - - -- -- - - ----: : Madwizards manufakktories in 1999 backs : : with : : : `-| |-------- - - - --- - -- --' |_________| az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś MAWI.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ __ ___ ___) (_ /__/ \__\ __|___|__ ./ _ / |/ / /\ \ \./ \. |_____\/____|____/ \____|___________| | | _ _ | | | | a d w i z a r d s demofaktorie | ` ' | | | | | | | `-b|z'sea-------------------dd/mm/yy-' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś NOXIS Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ __________ ______ ______ __________ _\ /__\ ___ /__\ /_____\ /___\ _____/__. | __ \/ \ / \__/ \____ | | |/ Ż / _ \/ | | |_____________________/ \____/ ___ __| |_____|--------------------/_______\--/_____|/__________\- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś NOXIS ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _____________ | | ___ ____|_ _|_ ___ ______|___|______ _______ ___7 (_ ./ \ / \./ \._) ___/__ | Ż\ \. ooo | X |___________________|_______ \. |_____\_____| Ż\___/ \___/Ż _______________________| -b|z'sea| |-n-----------------------oxis'mawi+pride- |_____________| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś PEER Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ _______ _______ _________ _\ /_\ __/__ __\ __/__ ___\ ___ /___. | __ \ ___/_ \ ___/_ \//_ | | |/_____ / \ / \ _ _/ \ | | | |___/ \____/ \____/ \_| |_____|--------/________\--/________\--/_________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś PEER ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _________ _______ _______ ________ _\ __ \._( ___ /_ _( ___ /_ _) __ (_ | \______| \__/ \| \__/ \| _)/ \. |_____| |___________|___________|_____\_____| -----------------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś PRIDE Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ _________ ______ ____ _______ _\ /___\ ___ /____\ /_________\ /___\ __/__ __. | __ \//_ \__/ ___ \ \ ___/_ | | |/______ _ _/ \ _\/ _ / \ | | | |___/ \____/ __/ \______/ \_| |_____|---------/_________\--/_____| /_________\----/________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś PRIDE ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _________ ________ ___ ____ _______ _\ __ \._) __ (_ __|___|__ ____7 |_ _( ___ /_ | \______| _)/ \./ \./ Ż\ | \__/ \. |_____| |_____\_____|___________|_______\___|___________| -----------------------------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś REVI Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _________ _______ _____ ______ _\ ___ /____\ __/__ ___\ /________ _\ /_. | \//_ \ ___/_ \ / \__/ | | _ _/ \ / \ \ / | |___/ \_____/ \_____\__ /______/ | ---/_________\---/________\------/___/------/_____| az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś REVI ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ________ _______ _________ ___ _) __ (_ _( ___ /_ ./ T \. ____|___|____ | _)/ \| \__/ \.| | |./ \. |_____\_____|___________|Ż\_________/Ż|_______________| -----------------------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś ROOVER Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _________ __________ __________ _____ _______ _________ _\ ___ /___\ ___ /_\ ___ /_\ /________ \ __/__ ___\ ___ /___ | \//_ \/ \/ \ / \ ___/_ \//_ | | _ _/ \ \ / / \ _ _/ \ | |___/ \__________________________\__ /______/ \____/ \_| ---/_________\---------------------------/___/------/________\--/_________\ az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ROOVER ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______________ | | ______|_ _|_______ _________ _______ ________ _) __ (_ ./ ___ \./ T \._( ___ /_ _) __ (_ | _)/ \. |||| | (___) | | | \__/ \| _)/ \. |_____\_____| |___________|\_________/|___________|_____\_____| -b|z'sea| |--------------------------------------------- --------|______________|-decreechów---------------------------------- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś SATIVE MEA Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ __________ _________ ______ _____ _______ ._\ _____/__\ _/__\__ /_ __\ /__\ /________ \ __/__ __. | \____ __ /__ ____\ \__/ \ / \ ___/_ | | \/ _/ \ / / \ | |__ ______| _____ ____/ ____\__ /______/ \_| /__________\-----|_____\---/________\--/_____|-----/___/------/________\ ___ _______ __________ az0!/sea wicked knights of ______ / \_\ __/__ __\ _/__. s------mall lines | \/ \ ___/_ __ | | / _ / \ _/ | |___\ \______/ \_____| __| ----\_/____\----/________\----|_____\- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś SATIVE MEA ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ____________ __) (__ _______ ____\__ / ___ _________ _______ _) ___/__ _( ___ (_ _/__|___|____ ./ T \._( ___ /_ |_______ \./ \/ | ./ \| | | \__/ \. |___________|_____/_____| |_______________|\_________/|___________| ------------------------\ /--------------------------------b|z'sea- wickedknightsovsmalllines\ /|-|- ______ _______ _______ --------------------------\ /-|-|- ___) (_._( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ az0!-b|z-Ževż-zbr--×6l-----\/--|-|-./ _ / | \__/ \./ \/ | -------------------------------|-|-|_____\/____|___________|_____/_____| /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś SATIVE MEA.DIZ Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ _______ __________ ._\ _____/__\ __/__ __\ _/__. | \____ \ ___/_ __ | | \/ / \ _/ | |__ _____/ \_____| __| .-/__________\---/________\----|_____\--. |WICKED KNIGHTS OF SMALL LINES-SATIVEMEA| |=======================================| | | | | | | | | `-az0!/sea---------------[xx/mmm/99]----' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś SATIVE MEA.DIZ ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' _______ _______ _______ _) ___/__ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ .|_______ \| \__/ \./ \/ |. ||___________|___________|_____/_____|| |-------------------------------------| |[ˇdˇaˇfˇlˇyˇiˇnˇgˇsˇaˇlˇsˇaˇbˇrˇoˇsˇ]| |-------------------------------------| | | | | | | `-b|z'sea--------------------dd/mm/yy-' /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś X-BALL Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______ _____ __________ _____ _____ _\ /____ _ _\ /______\ _/___\ /_________\ /________ | \ / || || / ___ __ / /| | Ż / _ || || _ \/_ _/ / / | |___/ \_||_||__/ \_____| _________ /_________ /__| /_______\ /_________\----|_____\-------/___/---------/___/--- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś X-BALL ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ___ ___ ______ _______ ____ ____ ./ \ / \. __ _| 7__ _( ___ (_ _| (____ _| (____ | X ||__|| / \./ \/ | ____/ \| ____/ \. Ż\___/ \___/Ż |_____/_____|_____/_____|___________|___________| ----------------------------------------------------------b|z'sea- /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś ZABORA Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' __________ __________ _____ __________ _________ __________ ._\_____ /__\ _/___\ /______\ ___ /__\ ___ /___\ _/__ | ____/ __ / ___ \/ \//_ __ | | \/ _/ _ \/_ _ _/ \ _/ | |__ ______| ____/ \_______________/ \_____| _| /__________\-----|_____\--/_________\-------------/_________\----|_____\- az0!/sea /___ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś .---. (/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | ./ (. Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś .-------| /____ / Ś Ś | | __ (_//_) /_ ŠMt Ś Ś `-------' ś/ \._/-/-/\ _Ś_ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _Ś_ _ _ _/__\__ _/. !\ˇ_ ( | ) (_) ( ( ) (_) ( ) (_| |_ (-' ( | ) (_) ( ) \ ) /_ )__!_____ˇ ˇ) Ś | Ż Ś \_)__\/ \ / \ Ś ZABORA ' Ś | `-' / / Ś Ś | __/_____/__ Ś sative_meahugemastakillescrew1999 Ś |-------. \___/ \_ Ś morning_lemon.azzaro&blazecoopere Ś | | \_______/ Ś tofeel,tobreathe,toknowwe'realive Ś `-------' ______________ _______ | | _______ _( ___ (_ ______ | _|______ _______ __\___ (_./ \/ |_| 7_| || _) __ (_ _( ___ (_ ./ _______|_____/_____| / \. || | _)/ \./ \/ | |_______________________|_____/_____| || |_____\_____|_____/_____| ----------------------------------| |-------------b|z'sea- |______________| Ś .______ _________ .______ _________ .____._______ _______ Ś | ___/_ \______ \_| __/_ \______ \_l____| _ \ \ __/_ Ś | | \_| _/ | ____/__| | | |_____/ \_\_____ \_Ś | | | _ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dL! | l | | | l | l | | | | l | |_____ |____| |_____ |_________| | | |_____ | `----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----Ś Ś w h o a n d w h a t m a k e s t h i s p o s s i b l e ? Ś Ś AUTHORS Ś - - - - Ś artwork, concept, logos - - - - - - - - - - - (blaze/sative mea) Ś b|z'sea idea, logos, moral support - - - - - - - - - (azzaro/sative mea) Ś az0!/sea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ś - - - - - GUEST STARS Ś - - - - - - Ś sative mea.diz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (x-ball/sative mea) Ś -×6L/s3a blaze - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(zabora/sative mea) Ś zbr/s3a azzaro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(luk/linear) Ś luk!/la! sative mea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (x-ball/sative mea) Ś -×6L/s3a words - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(exile/grand royal) Ś .x contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(stezotehic/style) Ś sTZ!/sE credits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(deathlord/art-core!) Ś dL! respect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (relief/twisted) Ś -rLF/-T! releases - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (h7/save our souls) Ś h7/sos ascii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (krs/linear) Ś kŽs!/la! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ś- - - - - - TOOLS Ś - - - Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ced proffesional v4.2 Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -hip v2.44 Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ś - - - - - MUSIC Ś - - - Ś - - - pherplexer/cloud9, sonicator+p-tec+paws/zine waves entrophy Ś gooooooa! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bay tremore/loveboat+mono211 Ś finland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dharma/mono211+voodoo Ś finland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - revisq/anadune+floppy+nah-kolor Ś poland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shrine/halcyon Ś finland - - - - - - - - - - - substance/dual crew-shining+mono211+voodoo Ś finland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vim!/mono211 Ś england - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - motorpsycho, the doors, tool Ś umphrf? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ś- - - - - - _ Ś |_ _ _ |_ _ = _ _ | = _ |_' _ Ś | |-' |_ | | | | |_| |_ |_| | |_| | | | |_| Ś Ż ` Ś shortcut- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sea-mlem.txt Ś size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.436 bytes Ś day/month/year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16/may/1999 Ś support- - - - - - - - sahara coffe, l&m cigarettes, wacky backy Ś last touching- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03:44:30 a.m. Ś ... Ś ..: :.. Ś _____ ______:::: ::::_______ _ ____________ Ś .______. ___/__\\_ /:: ::::\ __/_____ ___________ _ /__________Ś _| l_/ \ \ __/\:: :::: \__ \\\ __ /____/ ___/Ś__\ / \-----/_______\:.::::--(/ \_______________________ | / :::: ..... /_____________|-rLF -T!/----Ś---/_______| / ::: ::::: Ś /____ :.: d a s w e e t e s t t h i n g Ś Ś grzesiu, sîawku oraz marku - trwajcie dalej! Ś SEAKINGS the shepherd Ś CREW twister Ś DEEZ NUTS acid, kempy, sundance Ś K0RE. budgie, krs, luk, yaneq Ś LINEAR crusader Ś MO'SOUL darkus Ś NAH-KOLOR skope Ś UPROUGH Ś __ _______________________. Ś \/ ____. .\ | 1 sea-dubt.txt blaze Ś 18/12/98 .__ _/ | | | 2 sea-neon.txt azzaro Ś 15/12/98 |__\ \_____| | | 3 sea-orig.txt azzaro Ś 20/12/98 ._____________| SATIVE MEA previous | 4 sea-4a3.txt azzaro Ś 20/12/98 |\ : | 5 sea-blue.txt azzaro Ś 20/12/98 | releases | 6 sea-pulv.txt azzaro Ś 20/12/98 __:_ | 7 sea-jtkn.txt zabora Ś 10/12/98 lŘŘŘŘ666yyy __ got all? | 8 sea-1pos.txt blaze Ś 10/01/99 ŻŻ _. ŘŘŘ,,yyy66ŘŘl | 9 sea-1999.txt blaze Ś 11/01/99 lŘŘ: yyŘŘ77^^""":ŘŘ: noooooo? : 0 sea-fngr.txt zabora Ś 16/02/99 ŘŘl "ŻŻ ,xŘŘ'___ ._____ ____ .____ __. ____ Ś __. lŘŘ ,yŘŘ7"/ _/__| |/ _/__| ._ )__._/ _|____./ _/__Ś_/ _|____. ŘŘ: .ŘŘŘ'_/ _/ | |_ _/ |/ /|\ /| _/ |\ /| "ŻŻ lŘŘ: \___\____|_____/_\______|_____|/________|__\____|/________| h7 :ŘŘl,: . Ś ŻŻ"""|___________ pitty... : 1 sea-zero.txt azzaro Ś 27/02/99 ___ \\__________| 2 sea-psyl.txt zabora Ś 03/03/99 \__\ 3 sea-ck01.txt azzaro Ś 06/03/99 4 sea-pead.txt blaze Ś 05/04/99 5 s+k-kl89.txt a+a+k+zŚ 25/04/99 6 sea-time.txt blaze Ś 03/05/99 7 sea-nwor.txt x-ball Ś 10/05/99 8 sea-pace.txt blaze Ś 13/05/99 9 sea-mlem.txt az0+b|zŚ 16/05/99 Ś . Ś __________ ˇ\-|-------------------ˇ-] a s c ii - Ś ______\_____ __/_____ ______________ Ś ___Ś____ \ ___ \ __/__\___ _____/_____ ________ _____\__ _/___ \___ \ /\_______ \ \ __/__\__ _/_\__ / /-------/ / / _ \____ \ /____ / /_______\-----\ /------/\_____ / /------/ /-------/ kŽs!/la! Ś w i c k e d w o r l d o f s m a l l l i n e s . . . Ś Ś - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - koniec podróűy, czas jest w kaîuűy eof - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @BEGIN FILE_ID.DIZ .______ ._____ -×6L |/ / ______ __________ __T 7________) /___l /__) __/ \_ _______ ______.__________,__ _ \_. i / __/__/ __|/ __. | Ś | \____ \ _l \_l | :ˇ / // / \ _| -s3a .Ś: |_ /______/_____________/___\ )___.i||| /__ _ /___\ <--s a t i v e m 3 a-[999]------------> brothers in law, azzaro&blaze gives you another travel into da borderline "MORNING LEMON" coop, 19th from SEA POLSKA ASCII KURWA ROCKIN' @END FILE_ID.DIZ __________ sysop: madbart'appendix, supporters: ufok+prefix+madbart __) (__ _______ runned with: a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb \ ___/_ ____ _( ___ /_ ____________ \ | | | \__/ \. 2nd IN THE WORLD! __) (__ \ | --|-- |___________| (TSP01) _______ _\_____ / \ |_____|_____| _______ _( ___ /_ _( ____/_ / \ / _) ___/__________| \__/ \./ )/ | / ___ \/_ , _ _ ___ |_______________ |___________|___________| / | |-||_| )|_||_ | /_____________| b|z'sea \ / ` ` beebs. \ / \/ node00: +48-91-4879493 & node01: telnet & node02: telnet hq APPENDIX - DA JORMAS - DINX PROJECT - FLOPPY - KORE. - LINEAR - MAWI hq hq NAH-KOLOR - OLD BULLS - PIC SAINT LOUP - TEKLORDS - SATIVE MEA hq