----------------------------------------------------------------- here is sof [b|z'sea] ____ _:___________________________\ 7 · __________ \/ | / ______\ , . | · /______ / ) a t | v e · | / _______/____ | · / / _______/ m e a · |/· / ______|_________ | =//====\_____ / ____ \=·= ·/==========/ / \ / /=|= =·===============\_____/ /==·= =|====================/ /===|= "D.UBITATION" 5th kollektion from masta blaze debut of SATIVE MEA forget about standards! d.ubitation __ __ ____ \/ \// __ \ / /______________________ __ _______ \/ \/ _____ \\/ \ /________________ _____________ / ________ az0!/l124 / ___\ /_________\ ___ \ _____\____ /_____________ \ \ // \\ _ / ______/\ ____ / \_____\-------/\ \ /\------/_______\ \ \/ ___/---/ __ \_____\--------/ /________\-------\____________/ \//_________________ ______ ____ __ \\ / \ / __ ________________\\/ \ / \/ \// ( o v ) \/ [ b|z'sea ] _:__________/_______ __________:_ __________ ____________ \| / \) |7 / ______\ / ______ / : / \ | /______ /_____\______\ / __:_ /___________ \· | / _______/ ____ \/ /_______|__| / _______/ \\ |7 / / / \ / / / ________|/ / ______| \\ / \_____/ / / / __ / /\_____ / ·\ /: / / / / /_/ / / / \ : / \__________/ / /____ o j / : / _ ____ \ : , ___ . _ / _____ : / \/ / ; ) /\ | | \/ E |`|'| E /\ : / /______/____ | \ : / / _______/ | * azzaro * blaze * revi * zabora! * \ : / ______|_______:_ \: \_____ / ____ \ \ / / \ / / :\ \_____/ / FORGET ABOUT STANDARDS! : \ / / |_(\__________________________: d.ubitation _________ ______________________________\ŧŧŧ·ŦŦŦ/______________________________ |_\_______________________________________________________________/_| : ___________ ____________ | ___:___/ / / ______ \ / ______ / _____________ : / _: / /______/ / _\____ / _\____\ / / ______ / : / \_/ / / / \________/__|__| / /______\____\ / : \____:_____/ _/ / / ___________| / / ____ \/ / __:_ : \__________/ / / / \ / / /__|__| : / / \______/ / _________|___ : / / / : \ : \\ d. u. b. i. t. a. t. i. o. n. // / / _____: / : _______/ / \ : / : f i r s t a s c i i / / /\ : / : e x p e r i e n c e f r o m / /\/ / : : s a t i v e f u n f a k t o r y / /______/ [b|z'sea] : |____ / / ____| l\__(___________________________________________________________)__/j d.ubitation _ ______/_ ______ _\______ \____\)____\ __ /____\ /_______\_ /________/ __/\ __\ |/ /__ ___/ |/ /_ __ /__ /\__ \/ /____________/______)_______ _/_____)_______\ \/ df \_____| yuppie. B|AZE on the keyboard. after a three month|y break I'M back, with the new kind of sty|e, co||ection and no-design aftera||. it's not most important as some of you might know, but makes production more timetaking and proffesional. first of all: I don't have any time for anything, second: surely I'M not proffesiona| ascii dezigner. I'M sti|| making this on|y for ME, MYSE|F and I. except friends and pure fun ofcourse. "conception 5", MY ascii tri|ogy wasn't finished yet, the third story is sti|| under construction. I did "d.ubitation" becouse of two reasons: 1. people couldn't forget me so simply, 2. it's first production from SATIVE MEA, the new ascii group formed by ME and AZZARO. Except us, memberlist is fullfilled with REVI, also ex.LINK124 member and ZABORA!, the furthcoming ascii-star. from poland as you might know, LINK124 is officially dead at this moment. SEA is looking for new members and boards worldwide, interested should write at MINE or AZZARO'S address. however, maybe "TIME|ESSNESS" wouldn't be never finished? I fuck a|| of those standards, which wants to fu||y exp|antations about MY move, about MY |ife and this, what I'M doing with MYSE|F. as a|ways, I'M waiting for your requests, ti|| now I'|| make |ogos only for specia| requests and MY own business. simi|ar |ike this one, except some gifts ;D besides a|| of that, this co||ection is dedicated to k0re. members, in persons of acid, sundance, fitzroy and kempy. big respektz! . patryque aka. B|AZE/SAT|VE MEA d.ubitation _______ ______ ._\ _ // /_. -sg/jA! | \/ ___|____ ________ ________ ___|________ ____\ /________\ _ \ _______ _\ /.\ _ / _ /_\ __/_\ \ \/ / _ _/ | / /_ \) / _/ \_ \ /_ _ )\\----------:----/______/------------\----\______/ /______//( |__ __| \______/ /_____//_____\ 01. 214 -------------------------- 214/prophets 02. beret squad -------------- myself, me and i 03. beret squad.diz ---------- myself, me and i 04. blaze -------------------- myself, me and i 05. dual crew-shining ------------ kind of gift 06. dual crew-shining.diz -------- kind of gift 07. decree --------------------- gorzyga/decree 08. floppy ------------------- myself, me and i 09. floppy.diz --------------- myself, me and i 10. kempy -------------------------- acid/kore. 11. lumen -------------------- myself, me and i 12. milk.diz --------------------- kind of gift 13. mystic ------------------- myself, me and i 14. mystic.diz --------------- myself, me and i 15. nah-kolor.diz ------------ myself, me and i 16 prophets --------------------- 214/prophets 17. revi --------------------------- acid/kore. 18. sative mea --------------- myself, me and i 19. sative mea.diz ----------- myself, me and i 20. scoopex ---------------------- kind of gift 21. twilight ----------------------- acid/kore. who am i? d.ubitation / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: 214 \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: 214/prophets /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% __________ %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% __________ / _____ \ %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ____________/ ______\ / \________/__%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%_%%%_______/ ______ /______ / / / _____ \%%_%%%__%%% %%% %%% %/ _______/\______\ / _______/ / / \___ \_ / \__________/ ______| / / / /_____\ / _____ / _____ \_____ / / / b|z'sea / / \ / \________/ / / / \ / / / /· nik hall / / ____ / // 37 hayfell ave. \_____/____/ // heron hill ·/ kendall, cumbria \\ t.wo o.ne f.our / p.rophets // / la9 7jh o united kingdom / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: beret squad \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: bs members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __________ ______________________ ________________________ / ______ \/ _______/ _____ \/ _______/ ______ / ._ / _\____ / ______| \___ \_ / ______|\______\ / _. |(_/ \_______/\_____ /_____\ /\_____ /______/ /__)| | / ______ / ____/ /______/ / ____ /______/ / | :/______ / \__/_ / / / \ / / _ / / b|z : / ________/\_____/ / _/ /\_____/ / \_/ / sea : /: / / /\__________/ / /\__________/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : .:_ _.. .._ _:. ||(___)|| \\--B-::--E--R--E--T-::-T-::--H--R--E--E--// ||(___)|| |l_(_)_l|____________________________________________________|l_(_)_l| / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: beret squad.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: bs members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __________ / ______ \ b|z'sea __ / _\____ / __ |(_/ \_______/________)| | / ______ / | :/______ / : / ________/ BS daje : /: / wam dzisiaj : : : : "BERET" - numer trzeci : : data wydania: xx.xx.98 : _:_ _:_ \|/ \\ b.eret s.quad // \|/ l\______________________/j / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: blaze \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: myself /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j ___.___ _______________\\___//_______________ | ___ | [b|z'sea] : __________ / \ ___:________ : / ______ \/ / /______ /___________ :/ _\____ / _/____________/ _____/ ________/ / \________/ / ____ \_____ / _______| /: / / \ / / / /\____ / : \_____/ / : / / : / / : : : b.laze : : f.loppy : : m.ystic : : n.ah-k.olor l__ __j )_______________________________( / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: dual crew-shining \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: dcs members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j ______________________________.______________________________ [b|z] |__(--|__|--|__|--|__|--|__\\_|_//__|--|__|--|__|--|__|--)__| [sea] |_/ __________ __________ \_| ____:__/ / ____ \ ____________/ _____ \ : / _ : / / \ / /____ / __ / \___ \_ /_____:/ / / \_/ /\_____/ / / / \______/_____\ / / / \__________/ / / / / \_____ / / / ____/\_ / / : / / / _/_______ / / / / __:__/ / ;_/ / / / / _______/ : \__________/ / ______| : : ____ \_____ / : \\ d.ual:c.rew - s.hining // ________|__| / / : : __________ / ________| ____ ______:_____ : / ______\/ / ________|__| / _______/ : /______ / /______/ / ________| / /___ / : / _______/ / / / / \_____ / : / / / /\/ / /______/ / / : / : / ____ / /______/ / / / : : \_____/____/ / / /\/ / : : / /______/ : :__ / / __: |__\_____________________________________________________/__| lŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧ·ŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦj / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: dual crew-shining.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: dcs members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j ____________ _______/ / __ / / _ / / \______/ b|z'sea / \_/ /\_____ /_________ _. \__________/ / / ______\__)| /______ / | d.ual c.rew / _______/ : s.hining999 ·/ / : // : // : // __:_ // :/ /o ____| ___________ /____________________|(_)j / · / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: decree \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: gorzyga+roover /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j . |_/___________________________________________ ____ |\/ \\ / | ____________ ____________ \\/ : / __ / / _______/ l __:____/ / / \______/ / ______| : / _ / /_____\_____ /_____\___ /____:______ / \_/ / _______/ / _____ \ / _______/ \___:______/ ______| / \___ \_ / / _:____| : \_____ / \____\ / \_____ : / : / / / / / : / \ : : .\ : : \\: \\ d.ecree999 // : \\\ | \\\______________________________________________j \\\ o \ [b|z'sea] / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: floppy \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: defolot+me /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j ___ ___ ___/\·/\____________________________/\·/\___ | | : \\ y.ou g.et w.hat y.ou d.eserve // : __:_________ : / __________/ __________ - f | 0 p p y - : / _________| / \ ________:_ / / \ / _____ /_________ / ______ \ / /: / / \ / ______ \/ \________/__ / / : _/_____\ / \________/ / ____ \ / : / / / /\____\ / / : / / / / b|z'sea: / / : / : b.laze d.ef f.ame m.aq p.ickpoke r.evisq / :_ v.isual x.ceed z.ig _/ l_\_ _/_j ||(_)__________________________________(_)|| / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: floppy.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: me+defolot /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j b|z' ____________ _________________ 'sea / __________/ j | / _________| / : / / \ / __________ : / / / ___/ / ______ \ : / / _/__:___/ \________/ : / : / / : : / / : f.loppy'999 : : g.ives : : y.ou __: :__ w.hat \l_____________________l/ y.ou d.eserved f.or ======================= [dd/mm/yy] / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: kempy \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: acid/kore. /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j _____ / _____ |(__[ŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧ / ŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦ]__)| | / | :______/ / : /: / / \\ k.empy / k.0re. // : / : \ /___________ : ____________ /__:___/ / _______/ ____:_____/ ____ / : / / ______|_________ / _____ \____\ / / : / /\_____ / _ ____ \/ \________/ / / :/ / / \/ / / : / / / / /______/ / : /: / / : [b|z'sea] / : : : : |____ ____| |\_)|ŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧŧ(·)ŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦ|(_/| / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: lumen \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: myself /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j _____ __________ ________/ / / / / _ ____ \ / / / / / / \/ / / /\/ / / _/_______/ /______/_____/ /______/ / ______/ / _______/ / / / / ______| issue001 __ _____/ _/ /\_____ /__________________|) | \__________/ / / / | ·/| | // | | /. | | N A H - K O | O R i n 9 9 9 . . | . | ·. | .· | ( | U M E N 0 0 1 ) ·. ` :: .· | · :::::: · | ::;::;:: | -- - - -::::;;:::::: - - - | / ::;;;;:: | ·/ polish scene oriented . :::::: . | // international chartmag .· . :: ·. |/· .· | ·. /_ · | · (|(______________________________________________| b|z'sea / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: milk.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: daze /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __ __ _|(_________________________________)|_ | __________ |7 : / _ ____ \ \\ m.ilk999 // / :/ \/ /___ /: / /______/|__|___ _______/ / : /: / ________|/ \/ / / : : / / / / \ / : : / / / _/______/ / : :/ / / / / : / : /: [release] ----------------- #0473 : : [charakter] transcendental dethro : : [title] -------------- makaroniki : : [sounded] ---------- daze+deetsay : : [format] --- extented module/10ch : : [timing] ------------------- 4:16 : : [ranking] ----------------- 10/10 : |_ __________________ _| l(b|z'sea) (dd/mm/yy)j / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: mystic \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: myself /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j _____________ __ ____________ | /____\/____\ | : : : l.egend c.ontinues 9.99 : : __________ : b|z'sea ___:______/ ____ \__________ : ____ / _ ___ \____\ / / ______\ : ________|__| / \/ / / /______ /____:______/ _______|_____ / /______/ / / _______/ ______ / / __ / / / : / / \______\ / / \______/ : / /: / /\_____ / : /o/ / : / / / : ___ /// ___ : l__)·(_______ ///____________)·(__j /// ·/· \\ M . Y S T I C // / / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: mystic.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: myself /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __________ / _ ____ \ \\ m.ystic // / \/ / ____________ _l/ /______/__/ ______ /_l_ ļ_/ / ______\______\ /ļ_|_ļ ·-|---/______ /----/ /-·-|-· | / _______/ / / | | / / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l____________ ___ ____________j [b|z'sea] //___\\ [dd/mm/yy] / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: nah-kolor.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: myself /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __ _______/ / __ l(____/ / /_________)| / | / /\/ / / | / : / /______/__/ _/ : / : / / ____ \_____/___:/ : / / \ / / : :/ \_____/ / n.ah : / / / k.olor : /: : : : : : | | l__________ ____ __________j [blz'sea]/_/_/\_\_\[dd/mm/yy] / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: prophets \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: two one four /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j _.___. \ .___ | _|___________________________________________\|__( |_/ : \\\ __________ : old star legend is back on track: :\__ __________ / _____ \ : ________:___/ ______\ / \________/__: \\ p.rophets999 // ____________/ ______ /______ / / / _____ \__________ / _______/\______\ / _______/ / / \___ \_ / \__________/ ______| / / / /_____\ / _____ / _____ \_____ / / / b|z'sea / / \ / \________/ / / // \ / / / //· / / ____ / /// \_____/____/ /// /·/ o / / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: revi \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: acid/kore. /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j ____________ / _______/ b|z'sea ____ __________/ ______| ________|__| / _____ \_____ / / ________| / \___ \_ / / / / / /_____\ __ / _______/ / / ___ / |(_/ / __ / /__________)|( | / / /_/ / |/ ·/ \__________/ | // | //| \\ r.evi / s.ative m.ea // | /· l_____________________________j / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: sative mea \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: sea members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j [ b|z'sea ] _:__________/_______ __________:_ __________ ____________ \| / \) |7 / ______\ / ______ / : / \ | /______ /_____\______\ / __:_ /___________ \· | / _______/ ____ \/ /_______|__| / _______/ \\ |7 / / / \ / / / ________|/ / ______| \\ / \_____/ / / / __ / /\_____ / ·\ /: / / / / /_/ / / / \ : / \__________/ / /____ o j / : / _ ____ \ : , ___ . _ / _____ : / \/ / ; ) /\ | | \/ E |`|'| E /\ : / /______/____ | \ : / / _______/ | * azzaro * blaze * revi * zabora! * \ : / ______|_______:_ \: \_____ / ____ \ \ / / \ / / :\ \_____/ / : \ / / |_(\__________________________: / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: sative mea.diz \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: sea members /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j [b|z'sea] ____ _:___________________________\ 7 · __________ \/ | / ______\ , . | · /______ / ) a t | v e · | / _______/____ | · / / _______/ m e a · |/· / ______|_________ | =//====\_____ / ____ \=·= ·/==========/ / \ / /=|= =·===============\_____/ /==·= =|====================/ /===|= / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: scoopex \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: thunder+decoy /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j __________ / \ __________ / _____ / [b|z'sea] / ______\ / \ / __________ %%% %%% __ /______ /__________\__________/ / _____ \ %%%%% %%%%% __ |( ___/ _______/ __ / \/ \________/_%%%%% %%%%%__ )| ||__/ / / / \______/ _____ / / _______%%%%%%%% /__|| : \_____ / \ / / _____%%%%% %%%%% . : : / /\ / \_____ %%%%% %%%%% . : :. \\ s.coopex999 // / / / %%% %%% . : : . ·// . , . : : . prudly presents /// . R A N G E R | ) M . : : . /// . , ___ . : : . "system crime 2" 40k intro /// . I ) N O | . ____ : : . /· . . \ / : : . for the party 8 . D E A D . . . . . . . . ___\/___: : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ /\ /; l___________________________________________________________________\/__\/_j / ·/ , ___. _ / ____ /// ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ /// \________ /// \ \\ d.ubitation // /· : __ says: twilight \__________________/l__ _|____/_| maked for: acid/kore. /__|_/ l|(_(_)|______________________________________________/(_)j x ___________ ____/ \____ __________ |(zmierzch)_______________\ūū/Ŧ·ŧ\ūū/________________(b|z'sea)| | ____ | : ________|__| : __:_________ / ________| ________:___ / ______ / / / \\ t.wilight999 // / ______: / \__:___\ / / /____ ____ \______\ : / : / /______/ / / ________|__| _______/ / :/ :/ / / / / / ________|_____/ / / /· / ____/\_ / _/____/ / _______/ ____/ / ·/: // \__________/ / / /___ /\_____/____/ o/ : //: \_____ / // : o/ : . / / // : ·/ : g|ves you today /· : : / __/:__ : ____ ( S T R E F A M R O K U 0 4 ) __/_:_( _|____/_| /__|_/ l|(_(_)|__________________________________________________/(_)j d.ubitation , ___ . _ / ____ ) /\ | | \/ E |`'| E /\ \ \ [ o f f i c i a l n - e w s ] - SATIVE MEA was formed by ex.LINK124 members like Azzaro, Blaze and Revi. - Zabora! joined from nowhere. - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide! [ o f f i c i a l r e l e a s e s t i l l n - o w ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- no. | shortcut | full title | artist | date | lenght ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[01 release till now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation | blaze | 18/12/1998 | 042.104 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHCOMING]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02. | sea-neon.txt | neon flow | azzaro | xx/12/1998 | xxx.xxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- total number of collections: 001 total lenght in bytes: 000.042.104 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ c - o n t a c t ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- azzaro - tommy wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland e-mail: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl blaze - patryk kalinowski · p.o.box 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland e-mail: blaze@yahoo.com revi - slawek ostruszka · moniuszki 4 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland e-mail: revi@mailcity.com zabora! - grzesio zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland e-mail: zabora@kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- who we are? d.ubitation ..:.. ::· .:. ...... ::· .:::::..: .::::::::: ...::::: .:::··:::::· :_____________:.__.::··___·:::::_..:::::..____.:::···:::__:::·____::·_____. | ..:::.. ::.::· :::::::·· ·:::. .:::· :::.::· :· | | ::::··:::. :::: ::::::: ::::.::· :::::· ... | | ::::· ·:::: .: .::·:::: . ..::::.::· .::::: ..::··::: | | :::: ·· ::: ..::·· :::::.·······..::: .::.::: ..::· ::: | |_::::_______:._::::··_____.::::::::::::··::::..:::·_::::.::·_.______:::__| ·::: ::··::::.....::·· ·::::·· ·::· ·:::....::: : ·::: ::· ::: ····· ··:::::·dto/m's ·:::...::: ::: ··::::· :· all logos maked by me, except some by gueststarring of azzaro, dataflow, shock g and desoto. style constructed under influence of mushrooms green support allowed in time of putting this all in one file and powered by monar rekordz, milk and mono211+monotonik modules who are you? d.ubitation [b|z'sea] ____ _:___________________________\ 7 · __________ \/ | / ______\ , . | · /______ / ) a t | v e · | / _______/____ | · / / _______/ m e a · |/· / ______|_________ | =//====\_____ / ____ \=·= ·/==========/ / \ / /=|= =·===============\_____/ /==·= =|====================/ /===|= "D.UBITATION" 5th kollektion from masta blaze debut of SATIVE MEA forget about standards! and here is eof -------------------------------------------------------------