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O _ ] ____ (_) ] (____) ] ] ____________________________ strasznych ale wielce przyjaznych ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]________ dziwnego tego poczatki _________________ ] ] ... ] ............ :.: ] : : ] : : ..... ] : : : : w koncu okazuja sie ... ____] : : :...: ] :..........: ] ] ] ] ] kuszaco zapraszajace_____] ] ] ] ] ]___________________________________ powabne i zmyslowe ] _ ] |_| __ ] ____ |__| ] | | ] |____| o ] ] ] ________________________________________________] ] ] ] oraz cudownie.... ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]_ciche____________ _ źźźź źźźź Rose... źźźź Kim ty jestes? Jestem czlowiekiem. źźźź Nie! Jestes jednym z nich! Jednym z tych stworow źźźź z moca jak tamten ktory byl tutaj podczas strajku. źźźź Moze wygladasz i zachowujesz sie ja czlowiek, ale źźźź nim nie jestes! źźźź Poniewaz czlowiek....mozna widziec jaki jest. źźźź Wie sie co czlowiek moze, a czego czego nie moze. źźźź Nie wiem kim ty jestes! źźźź Czy kiedykolwiek wiedzialabym, odpowiedz mi! Nie, Rose źźźź Nie wiem, czy bys źźźź potrafila. źźźź źźźź No, to... do zobaczenia w Nowym Yorku, stary! Jestem tylko czlowie- źźźź kiem. Ograniczonym i źźźź niedoskonalym. źźźź Ale serdeczny palec źźźź mojej prawej reki pro- źźźź wadzi do nieskonczonosci źźźź źźźź I tak dlugo jak zielona źźźź moc plynie tym kanalem źźźź zawsze bede kims wiecej źźźź I kims mniej od czlo- źźźź wieka. źźźź źźźź Ale jako czlowiek, czy źźźź nie, nigdy nie pozostane źźźź calkowicie samotny... źźźź źźźź ...dopukie jest prze - źźźź demna droga. źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźź źźźź źźźź Kiedy koczasz droge bardziej od miejsc źźźź polozonych wzdluz niej, czasami musisz nia źźźź isc, az sie skonczy... źźźź ...az do morza. źźźź źźźź Czasem podazasz jakas droga przez lata, a ona źźźź nagle urywa sie sie przed toba. źźźź Czasami podazasz jakas źźźź droga przez lata, a ona źźźź nagle urywa sie przed źźźź toba. źźźź źźźź źźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźź źźźź Tam gdzie znajduje sie źźźź twoj cel, widnieje źźźź jedynie czelusc. źźźź źźźź źźźź Odrzutowiec. źźźź Kiedy na nim startujesz źźźź przed toba rozciaga sie źźźź droga ku nieskonczonosciźźźź źźźź źźźź Ale kiedy pokonasz ostatni szczyt, widzisz źźźź jedynie czelusc. źźźź źźźź ............................... źźźź ::: : źźźź ::: : A kiedy do niej źźźź ::: : dojdziesz, nie ma juz źźźź ::: : dokad isc... źźźź _ s a t i v e m e a ______ __________ __________ ________::: ______ _____ _______ ._\ _____/__\ _/__\__ /_ __\ /__\ /________ \ __/__ __. | \____ __ /__ ____\ \__/ \ / \ ___/_ | | \/ _/ \ / / \ | |__ ______| _____ ____/ ____\__ /______/ \_| /__________\-----|_____\---/________\--/_____|-----/___/------/________\ ___ _______ __________ az0!/sea wicked knights of ______ / \_\ __/__ __\ _/__. s------mall lines | \/ \ ___/_ __ | 'bout ascii we | / _ / \ _/ | know almost all |___\ \______/ \_____| __| . ----\_/____\----/________\----|_____\- : ------------------------------------------------- : is proud to presents u next ascii travell handtyped by: : ----------------------------:-------------------- : ___ ___ ______ :_______ ____ ____ : ./ \ / \. __ _| 7__ _( ___ (_ _| (____ _| (____ˇ | X ||__|| / \./ \/ | ____/ \| ____/ \. Ż\___/ \___/Ż |_____/_____|_____/_____|___________|___________| ----------------------------------------------------------b|z'sea- Ť((( ... XBALL ... )))ť . ------------------------------ : today they name is: : ---------------------------------- : ___ __ ______ źźźź ____:::_________________ : __( /___\ źźźź ::: _/ : źźźź ::: l : , ˇ :: | : _______ --- |------|----- ˇ . / / --- | |---------- -×6L's3a~ ________ / __/________ __________ _______:________ _______ \ \ \__ /-\ _ \\ l // ____|__ ________\___ \ _ T/ _/ \ \ . / _l \ __/ //_ ________\ __ ______| \ \ \T __ _ ______ /__________ |_______\ ----------- /______________\_\\\ / __/_______ | | | : \_____ /_______ | ________ .......... | ˇ / // ____|__ _| |_ :::: :: | ......... /______ / _l \_ _/ :::: :: ......... :::: :: / T | :::: :: :::: :: ::::.....:: _ -------_----- | _____| ˇ:::......:ˇ :::: :: :::: \\÷ BOXED SET ONE ÷// | | :::: :: ˇ:::...... \---------------/ | | :::: :: . ___ -- |------|--- . : /_____ ______\-------------------/ _| : /________________\ : źźźź : -- ----------------- - źźźź ------ ---------------------------- ---- - boxedsetoneboxedsetone źźźź boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone --------- ------ ---- źźźź ------------------------------------------- źźźź ::: --------------------------- : --- źźźź ::: ˇ źźźź ::: : źźźź ::: : źźźź ::: Ś : Ś źźźź ::: Ś : ŚŚ źźźź ::: Ś : ŚŚŚ źźźź ::: ŚŚ : ŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ::: ŚŚŚ : ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź :::Ś ŚŚŚ : ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź :::Ś ŚŚŚŚŚ : ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ˇ::ŚŚ........... ŚŚŚŚŚ ........ˇ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ,---.______ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚˇ _| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ \_ Ok.guys we have next chapter of small lines eh as always |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ | under the one and the only mastakilla crew. |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ .| It's my third one sponsored by SEA company anyway this colly |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ || is smaller than the last one why? I don't know ehehehe.. |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ || BTW soon cooperation bewtwen me and bla.. Renton [Blunton;)] |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ||-/ will come out! catch your breath and wait for next SEA releases.|ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ˇ / _ _ |ŚŚŚŚ /-----------\\__XBALL.SATIVEMEA_in_1999__//_________________________|ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Śˇ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ_ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ. ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚ ź ˇŚŚŚ,, ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źź ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚ _______________________ źźź% ______ ŚŚŚŚŚ ----------------------- źźź% ---------- ŚŚŚŚ źźź% ŚŚ źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź ----------------------- źźźź -------- - -- ----------------- - źźźź ------ ---------------------------- ---- - boxedsetoneboxedsetone źźźź boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone --------- ------ ---- źźźź ------------------------------------------- . i n d e x . ______ ___________ ________ ____________ ________ _______________\ /__\ /__________\ /__\ ___ /__\ /____ \ \ / ___ \ \ ___/ \ / \/ // \/ _ _____________________________/ \_____________________________/ ______ /__________\ az0!/sea /_______\ amiga .......... the hooligan/dual crew-shining 719 [1] ash ............ ash.apathy+decree 307 [2] azzaro ......... azzaro.mawi+embassy 456 [3] breathe ........ climber/breathe 1024 [4] cefalon ........ swonyo/cefalon 925 [5] cefalondiz ..... swonyo/cefalon 381 [6] celebration .... renton/floppy+nah+potion 2655 [7] climber ........ climber/breathe 868 [8] contents ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion 854 [9] decree ......... roover/decree+apathy 976 [1o] demos ........... the hooligan/dual crew-shining 675 [11] dreams .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 866 [12] dual crew.diz ... the hooligan/dual crew shining 613 [13] dualcrewshining.. the hooligan/dual crew-shining 1466 [14] dymoza .......... evan/mawi+nah 625 [15] evan ............ evan/mawi+nah 346 [16] five to one ..... renton/floppy+nah+potion 1482 [17] grass ........... swonyo/cefalon 643 [18] greenday ........ ash/apathy+decree 787 [19] index ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion 977 [2o] init ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion 467 [21] korbol ......... swonyo/cefalon 496 [22] logos .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 748 [23] lothar ......... lothar/moons 360 [24] lumen .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 302 [25] math ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion 580 [26] mavey .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 691 [27] mawi ........... azzaro/mawi+embassy 466 [28] music .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 526 [29] nahkolor ....... evan/mawi+nah 1406 [3o] nelson ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 541 [31] overview ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion 1063 [32] ozone .......... skid/ozone 378 [33] ozonediz ....... skid/ozone 526 [34] pesti .......... evan/mawi+nah 368 [35] potion ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 751 [36] punk ........... ash/apathy+decree 449 [37] raider ......... lothar/moons 499 [38] renton++ ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion 1828 [39] roover ......... roover.decree+apathy 704 [40] skip ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion 512 [41] sniff ........ voicer/old bulls+void 422 [42] sniffdiz ..... voicer/old bulls+void 1270 [43] speed ........ evan/mawi+nah 507 [44] technicalinfo. renton/floppy+nah+potion 899 [45] thehooligan... the hooligan/dual crew-shining 844 [46] weirdo ....... the hooligan/dual crew-shining 514 [47] zito ......... zito/offworld 309 [48] --------------------------------------------------- size of pure logos: 60018 number of logos: 48 --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 1/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: amiga ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 719 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ______ -×6L \\\ \ _____ _ ÷ A M i G A ÷ /\ \_______ _____\ ,_ \ _____ / /// ___/\____ _________ / \ \ / -\) \\ \ / (___ ___)/ ___/____ / \ \ __ / ˇ \/ \/ \_ _/ / \ \ \____/ / _ /__\__ / \ \ \ /______\ _ / //____ / \ \ __ _____ \---- \______/ --/_____/ / /_ \ \ /_____ \ / ˇ ///_ _ \ \ s3a~ /_________\ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 2/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: ash ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 307 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ ______ _______/ ______)__ \ / __(____._______ \_ _/ \\____ | (_________ /__________ / / / _/ -×6L.s3a! <--A s h !- /___ /______/---/____________\:. <------------- ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 3/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: azzaro.mawi+embassy ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: azzaro ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 456 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________ _____ _____ \ _ /___\_ \___\_ \ _____________ ___________ s3a~ \ \\ / _____/ _____/ _ / _ / __________ \____\ / \ \ \ \\ / /_____/ / /________ \ ______ \ \____\ / \ / / -×6L \ ˇ / --------\ _ _______ / ˇ / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 4/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: climber.breathe ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: breathe ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1024 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ ____/. __\ / ____ ________) // ___ ______ (_ ˇ /----\ _/ _\ /ˇ (_ /---\ \_| \____| _/ ÷-- -- -×6L's3a~- _| \ b re.. at he . l ---------- ÷÷ ______ _ ___\_____ _________ _________ ________ ______ˇ_ _ _________ ./. __/_/_ ./ _. /./ ____/// ._ |/ _// _///__\/ ____/ l |_ \__ \Ś \|__/ | ___/_.| l/ | l |-/ | ___/_. Ś_ l/ _l_ \ \l_ \ || _| _l Ś |/ _||_ \ | /_________\\/_____\ \/_______ /`---\_____\\_______| ____/ _//________/ l_ \___l _ ˇ __\ /______\ - ----- ----- /__ ._ \----|____/ \_____| ----------- - ------ (___|/_____\ˇ /_________\ \\ \\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 5/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: cefalon ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 925 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ | ____ __|___________i___. ____________ | | | \ _____/ __________/__________ | | s3a~ \_ \_| // ____// ____/ ______ __:____ ___________ _ / _______ _/ \ _/_______)__ \___l \ / _ (___ ,_____ -×6L /__________ _ \_ | \_ _/ \ \ _\____ \l /____l /___________ \_ \ /__________ _/ _ ___\ \-- ( @ F A L 0 N ____. ˇ \______\ _ ___ __.|___|___. | : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 6/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: cfn.diz ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 381 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ / \ cefalon99 ____ˇ_ ___\__ ___/ ___/___| ___/____ ______ \| _/ \| | __ \ \ | /_//___________________\ _| s3a~ -×6L / _ ˇ \_______\ /_______\ \ \ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 7/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: celebration of the lizard ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 2655 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ]ˇ[ /\ ]ž[ / \ / \ F T A T I O N O / \, . F T H E T H E C E L E B R A T I O N/ ]˝[ O F T H E L R A T I O / ]ž[ N O F T H E L I Z A R D T H E C E L E B R A T I / ]˝[ O N O F T H E L I / ]ž[ˇ O N O F T H . / ]˝[ \OˇNˇOˇFˇTˇHˇE ˇ ]˝[ \ | _.__ _ _ _________ , ___________ _ __ ; |__\\) | |--------| (-----------' (//_| - ---------- / ]˝[ | ________ ________ ___. ________ ______ _ _________ ________. | / .____/// ___/./ | ./ ___/./ __/_/_ ./ _. /// ._ | | Ś l __/_.| |__ | __/_.l \__ \Ś \|__/ l/ | | | . _ \_ |Ś l \l_ \_ |Ś_ l/ _l_ \ \ _| _l ˇ `---/____l /_______/\________|/_______/ /_________\\/_____\ \.--\____\ _\\_| ˇ ________ ___ _ \___| / ______ ____ ./ _/(__//_)__ ________ ____ _____. / ( _____) {_ l l _/// _. \./ \\ | / l | Ś_ l \| | \ Ś _ __________ _______ \_______l/______/ } \ _| --\ _l | |--------\ (-------' `------/___\\ \_____\ ___. ___ _ ______ _______ __ _________ _____ ./ | .(__//_)____\__ \./ ._ /// _. / ____\__ \. -×6L's3a! | |__ ! ./ ___ | l/ Ś \|__/ / __/ l | l \|_ l_ \--ˇ _| _l_ \ \ l_ \l _Ś . \_______ |/_____/ /_______\ `---\_____\ /_____\ \.//_________\_\\__| ˇ \___\___| ˇ / ___ _ ]˝[ \ /_______________\ ]˝[ \ ]˝[ \ RˇAˇTˇIˇOˇNˇOˇFˇTˇHˇE]˝[ˇLˇIˇ _ \ T H E C E L E B R A T I O N O F T H E]˝[ L I Z A R - ---/ \ E C E L E B R A T I O N O F T H E]˝[ L I Z A R D /__________\ RˇAˇTˇIˇOˇNˇOˇFˇTˇHˇE]˝[ˇLˇIˇZˇA ]ž[ ]ˇ[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 8/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: climber.breathe ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: climber ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 868 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ ________ ___: _____ __ _ /______ \ _ / .____// |(_ //_/ \ _______./ / ____ˇ______ ___________ |/ | \/ \/ | __/__\__ ____\\ _ / __ |_ .\ / | \__ \ __/ /____/ \_\\______ ______/ _______|-\__/ _|__ |/ _/____ \ -×6L.s3a~ /______) /____ \ /____ ____ \ / ˇ \ \ ˇ / _ ____\ ˇ /___________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp: 9/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: contents ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 854 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ _ _______ / \ // .___/ ________.____ ,_____________ ˇ_______.____ ,___________________ ˇ l / _ /| \| \_ _/// ___/| \| \_ _/ __/_____/ __ \ \ T l _l \ T |\_____ / _/ ______\ ____\ _| | _____\ _|_____| ˇ/ / -×6L ˇ/________\ ˇ:\_____\ ˇ /_______\ ˇ:\_____\ˇ / / \ / \ s3a! /_____/ ˇ / ˇC O N T E N T Sˇ ˇ / / ___ _ ˇ /________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:1o/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: roover.decree+apathy ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: decree ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 976 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ _ _____ _________ \ / ---- - \\\ \ _ __________ .............. \ / \/ _________\___ _ \-\\\ /_ŚŚŚŚ :: \ //\ ˇ s3a~ \ ______/// _____/ |ŚŚŚ _ _____________ˇ \ / _ ___________ \ \ T .: _l_\ |ŚŚŚ \\\ _ /_ __ˇ________-\\\ /___ \_ \| ____ \ |ŚŚŚ \______/-\\\ /___ _____/ /____________\ / |ŚŚŚ _ \ _____/ _l_\ -×6L :ˇ/____________ |ŚŚŚ :. (_) \ _l_\ :. |ŚŚŚ ------- -- \ ____ / __ _ - -------------------------- |ŚŚŚ \ ˇ/ /_______ _ \_\\\ decree@999 overseping reality |ŚŚŚ /__________ _ |ŚŚŚ :: `ŚŚŚ........:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:11/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: demos ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 675 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ -×6L \ \ ________ \__ _ \ / \\\ __________ _______ :________ demosy stary, demosy.... \ _______\ ______/--/ |l \ ___________ _________ \ \l ____/ \\ _ \--/ ___/_____ \_ __ \ / \ \ \_____ / _ ___/_________\ ____ _ \ / __ / __ _ \ /________\\------ \/ -------\ / _ /______\_\\\ ˇ /___________\\ / / s3a~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:12/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: dreams ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 866 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ _ ______ - ------- - / \-------- -- - \/ ˇ -×6L \ \ ___________ /________ˇ ____________, ____; / _____\_ \T _ /// ___// _, l/ |________ ______/ / _/ \ \___// _/ \l _l |\ // __/______ \_ 7 _/_ \ˇ _ \_____\\ l/ \____ / /_______ _ \ \\_____\ \\_______________ _ \ _ ____\/ _ // / _ , _ \ \ ˇ:/_________// / _/_ \\ d R E A M ) // ˇ _ \ s3a! /______\__\ ---//_______\ / ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:13/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: dsc.diz ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 613 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ _ \ \\/ ________\__ \_ ____________ ____. \ ____/ // . / __l__________ \ \l :. |______/\_______ / \_ _ l/ _ / .: _/ __ .___/-----/______\____________// /_________\ ___\ /__ |-- ×6L.s3a -----------÷Dual crew-shining÷-------\/---. |_ | ./ Zaloga kapitana iglo is proud to presents: |_ | _/ |_ | /____________________________________________________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:14/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: dual crew-shining ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1466 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . ______________ ÷ D u a l c r e w |_ \\| s h i n i n g ÷ ______ _/ | \ \ | | ______ ______\__ \ . / / -×6L / ___/ \:::: :::: _____________:/ / \ \| /:::: :::: / _. | ___/__________ _ ----- - \ ____/ :::: ::::/ \|_ | \ // ----- -- \----- _ :::: :::: / _| \_ _ \ --- ------- ˇ ___\\::::..::::\_______/---- \ ____/ ______\ \ ------- ___________ ˇ::::::::ˇ ˇ / / ./ ___________ | / |_____|--______/__ /__________ _______ /\ .________ _ \_ |/ / / ______/ ______/--\ / \| / / /__ \ \ ____/ / \ /________ _\ ____\ _ \ /\ _ \ ˇ /______________\----\ / \_________\\ s3a~ ______ | \/ \__ /_) |_____ . ______ . _______ ______. __) l /_) l \_\ ) | \_\ ) (_\____l ˇ | | . |_ \------| /__________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:15/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: dymoza ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 625 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ _________________ \ \ _ __\ / _____\__ \ \ ..dy mo za.. / / __/ _______ \ / \ \l \ /_______ _ˇ______ _______ / \___ _ /\ |\ \/ /_________ _______ s3a~ /________\ /__\ / \ _ __/_\__ \ ____________ -×6L _ _ / ______\ /_____ / ______ // _. /____________\ \ \/ __ _____\ \ \l \ \ \ _______ \ \ / \______ \ |______ _ \ / ˇ \ \ / \/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:16/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: evan.nah+mawi ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: evan ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 346 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ _______ / _____/______ ____ _______ ______\___ \ ________ ._______ -×6L _/ / \_. \\ __/ \\ \l / _ __ \ \l / \l \ \ \:. /____________\ ______________ _______________ _ \_________\ s3a~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:17/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: five to one ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1482 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ][ ][ ][ ][ /\ ][ / \ ][ / \ ][ / \ .. F I V E [ T O ] O N E .. ][ / \ , _____ _ ________ / \ |/ / __/ ____ _. _ˇ___: \ --------- - - | / _l/(___//_|_ / |________ _ ˇ \ . / |\ \/ _________ |______\\\ | \\_______/\ l/ /// ___/____ -×6L ˇ\___l \_____ / __/ _l __________ ________ ˇ:/_______\ __ ___//__ _ /________\ \_ _/// _, /_ ˇ T l \| ˇ \ s3a! | | __ _________.____\ .______. _________ Ś ˇ \________\\__ _ _/ _. /| \l |// ___/___ _ . ˇ \| \ ˇ _l ][ / ______\ _| ___ _ ][ / _ /________\ \______\ /________//___//_/ ][ /_______\ \ \ [] __ ˇ \ ˇ the Masta phunkin Azkee (onquest ˇ /________________\ [] ][ ][ ][ ][ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:18/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: grass ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 643 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ _ _______ / \ s3a~ _____ ___/_____ ________ ________ˇ_____ ______ ______ | | \ / _ \ _ // __/____/ __/______ | | _ ___________ \ /____/ \ \\ / \______ \______ / l___| ________\ \____\ / / / / _ _ -×6L /_____/ /_____/ (___) __ ˇ /____________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:19/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: greenday ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 787 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ _ ___/________ / / ___// ____________ ________ ________ ____ _______ _ / _/ \ _ // ____// ____// |/ _______\____\_ \ \___/ _ _/ _/ | sea! / ˇ/_______\ \ _\/_________________\\ ___ __ | -×6L _____ | ______\ ˇ;\_____\\__\ \ ˇ \ \ __Ś_________ . , _____\___ \ _ _________ ____|__ / , | / _/ \\/ _. \ / / ˇ g r ee n d a y ˇ | l_ \_ l // \| _ / _/ _ ____l /_ /_________// \ ____\ _______ ) _/____________________\ ˇ:\_______\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:2o/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: index ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 977 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ -×6L / \ - - -------- - ---- / \ _____ / \ ------ ---- - - ˇ ___ ___.____ ,______: \ \ ˇ ________ \_______ _ \__(__//___| \| |____\__ \\/ ___/__\ \\/ ˇ \ / _/ \ _l \ \ ___________/ /\\ ___\ \_ 7 _/_ \ \\ / /__\\ ______\ ˇ:\_______\/_________\ \\___________/ / / \ ˇ __ ˇ:/_______/ _/ s3a! ˇ / _T \ ˇ/________\ - -- ------------- - /_______\ I N D E X \ / _ \ - --------- --- - -//________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:21/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: init ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 467 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ .________ _______ \\ I N I T ˇ ____ | / __/______/_ _____ :____. ________ ,______. _______\ / đ _ / Y \l |/_ _____/_ _i |_ _\ l______\\\________ Ś \ ˇ \_ _/_ _,-` /_______\ _7_______ / 7//______\ sea! ˇ:\_____\ ˇ/____/ _____/ -×6L --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:22/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: korbol ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 496 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ _ ____/ / _____________ .______ / / ________ _ _ /______ s3a~ | \ / / /_____/ / __________| \ ______\ \ / / \ ___/____\\ __ \ \_ -×6L \____ \ ____ / _____ \ \ \\ _______ \ ______ / \---- \ \ \ ˇ /________/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:23/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: logos ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 748 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ , ˇ _____ ______ / \ -= L O G O ) =- / Ś T \ _________ ˇ_____ _________ ______/ | | \\/ _ /_/ _/_______ ./ _ // __/______ _ __ ˇ l_ \_ \ \_ \T \ \_____ / \ l___//__/_______/ ___ _7 _l__ _ _ 7 /. \ ˇ:/________\ / \\_______\_ /_______/ /// /: _l / _ /_______\ˇ /______///______\ /____\ \ / ˇ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:24/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: lothar.moons ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: lothar ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 360 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ -×6L ______ | \ _________ _| |_ ____ ____________.______________ | \\ _ \_ _/ |____\ _. |T _ / l_ \_ \ | T _ \ \l || /_____/ /_____ / _______ | |-----/______ \ \____l|_______\ s3a~ ˇ Ś \____\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:25/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: lumen ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 302 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ _______/ \ /_____ _____._____ ____ ______ _____ _____ .______ \ / / /| / \/ // // \| /________/_ __ /-' _____\ / _ _/ _ ___ / -×6L'sea /_______\ \__/----/_________\\\_____\_\ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:26/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: math ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 580 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ ___; / \ ._______, ˇ / T__________ __ˇ_________| l_ ______/ s3a! _ / |\ // _. \_ _// /____________ \/ l/ \l _|l T _ ._ / \_____\/ \____\ll_______l//___l/ _/ -×6L /__________//_____ \ˇ ˇ:/___________\ ˇ \ / / _ __ m A t h __ ˇ /_______\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:27/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: mavey ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 691 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ / \ ˘ M A V E Y ˘ ___; / \ ___, / T_ˇ_______ __\_________ / | __________ _ / |\ // _. T/ |_______// ___/__ _______ s3a! _ \/ l/ \| _| l\ / _/ \\ T_______ \_\_____\/ \____\l _____/ \ _ |\_ \ /_________//_____ \ ˇ;/_________///__________________/ / -×6L ˇ \ / / ˇ:/ _///__ / __ ˇ ˇ /______\ /________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:28/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: azzaro.mawi+embassy ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: amiga ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 466 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ \ \ ___________ -×6L ___ \ \/ /__________________ ________ ___________ \ \ \\ _ // /\-------- \ _ _____\ __ __ /__ \ / \ \\ // / \ \ /---------- \_____\ / /\________ ___ \/ / _________/ /____________\ s3a~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:29/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: music ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 526 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ _ ___: ˇ ./ / l_________ ____. -×6L _____/ [ _ / |\ // |_____/ _/______ ________ _________ __ _ _______ | \/ T/ _ l\ \_____ //_ _____// .____/___ | ˇ \_____\/ \______`-\ _/ / / _ \ l _ / s3a! Ś ˇ | _ ˇ:/_________\ /_______\ /_____/_//_________/ //____/ .;Ś _| |__/ ___ _ \ / ˇ/______\ /___//______\ /_____________\ \ ˇ M U S I ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:3o/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: nahkolor ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1406 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______: .______ l | _ ___| \ __________| __ |_______ \\ _ \ \__ \ -×6L \ \ \l / ˇ ______ ____\ __\_____\ \ _ / _______ \ / / \________\ ________ /__ \ _______ / / _______\__ / / __________ _____/__ / _\ / / _ \ / /_ ____/ _ / /_____/ \ _/ __/ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ __\__ / \ _ \ ___\ sea~ \ ˇ ____ \ \ ___________\ \ /_______/ _________\ \ \ /_____\_ \ _ _ _ˇ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ˇ _ /_____\ |N| |A| |h| |K| |O| |l| |O| |R| |i| |Z| |m| 9 9 \_ Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż \ | _ _ ________\ | \ _________________________ / | |_____\ / --\---------| /________________\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:31/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: nelson ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 541 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ / ______ .______ _ ________ ____________/_ _________ ______ .______ l \l T/// ____/// / _/_\\ _ \l \l T |_ \ | _/ ./ \______ \ \ T_ \ | /___\ _l_ _|_ |_ / | _ |/___\ _l -×6L\_____\ /_______/__/_______// |//_______| \_____\ /_______l s3a! / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:32/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: overview ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1063 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ / \ / \ _________ ___, -×6L / \ / _ // |______ _ ___/____ __ˇ_______ _ ____________ \ \ \\/ ___/ / _ / | _ _ _ l\ \ _l T \___/ ˇ /_//_______//_____/______/_ _| \ _T s3a! ˇ/ ˇ:/______//|_______\\\________________\ ___________ ˇ_____ _ ____, ___ ____, ________ :______ ˇ | / |______(__//____|/ ___/__| /\----\ ˇ O V E R V I E W \ \ _l | / \ \ L_ __ _ l\ \_ ___ l_ /\______\ /_____________ _ ///___ /_____ //______\ˇ/_______ /_/____/:ˇ \ / \ / ˇ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:33/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: skid.ozone ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: ozone ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 378 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _________ _____ /___\_ \ __________ _________ _________ / / ______// // /______\ _____\ _ _______ / \ / / / / \ _/ /________ \ / ____ / _____/ -×6L's3a~ \ / /_______\ /_______________ _ _ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:34/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: skid.ozone ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: ozn.diz ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 526 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /\ // \ / \ / \ ozone99 ------- / _ˇ____ ------- s3a~ ._______/_ _______\_ \ ___ ______, | _ \\ _______/ \l | l_ \ \\ \ \ _| /___________\______\ _____\________\ ˇ -×6L \ --- /____________________ \ ---------- - | | | | | |_ /_______________________________________ __ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:35/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: pesti ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 368 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________ _________ _____ .____ _ // _____/__/ _/_______| |__ _____ _ __ /______/ ____/ \_____ / _/ ___//_)___ /____ \ _____ ___ / / | / -×6L's3a~ \ /___________\ /______ _______| ___________\ ˇ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:36/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: potion ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 751 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ ______________ ________ _( )_________ __ _______________ _____ \ _ / _. \_ _/ ______// )_ _. \| \. \ /____/ \l ˇ | ţ / \l \ _| \ \ | \ | / | \ \_| \ \ \ _________| \ ________/____ ____\ _| /--- \---------/ \ \ ---------/ \ \______\ -×6L ---\- - _____ \ \ - ------ ------ - ____\ sea! [ˇˇ] WE BORN TO RULE 1999 [ˇˇ] - -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:37/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: punk ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 449 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ _____________ / ______ \ _ /______ _____ /_____, ___ _ _____/ / -×6L \ /____// /___] // | \/ / / sea! _ _\ \ _ / / l ˇ _/ /ˇ _ / \/___\\ \\\_____________ / ___\ _l__ \ \\___\ / /_____] \ ˇ ˇ:\_______\ \______\ \/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:38/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: lothar.moons ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: raider ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 499 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ____________ ____ _ /___________(_ __). _____ -×6L /_____/ _ / |_____\__ \ ______ ____ \ \ \\ ___/ _____| __/ \/ ___| ______________ \\____\ \| | _l __ _ / s3a~ /___________|_ / /_____/ /_________\ \ \ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:39/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: renton++ ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1828 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________________ ___________________ _ \::::::::::::::::] [:::::::::::::::::/ \::\ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻˇ[::] [::]ˇŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/::/ _ __ _____ \::: [::] [::] /::/ _______ _ \:ˇ [::] [::] ˇ ˇ::ˇ ___________ ˇ [::] [::] :_______, -×6L _____/__ /________/ [::] [::] _| |_ / / ______/ ____ / ______________\_ _/__________ _ \ \ _/ / __ / T/ _ ///__ _ \ ____\ _ \ \l______\ | \ _________________ \ /__________ \_______\ . | Ś _ / __ / ˇ . ::] ˇ : \_______\\ \l_______\ s3a! /:: [::] . \_______\ /::/ [::] \ /::/________.[::] -------------------------------- -- /::::::::::::::::] RENTON.FLOPPY+NAH-KOLOR+POTION ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ` - ------------------------------ - ˇ ________ ___\ ______, ________/_ ____/_T \ _____ _| l_ _________ _ ˇ / __ / _l | \\ \_ __\\ _. \\\ ___\ T \___ / l_ \ \ l T \| | \ ______ ___ _ |_ \ _ ________ /___\ _| |_ \ T \\ \\__\\\ /______\ \_ __ _\ /_ __ |_ \ \ \ \_\\\\ ////_/----- -- /___\ _ ˇ \ / -×6L's3a! \_______\ \ / \ \/ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:4o/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: roover.decree+apathy ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: roover ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 704 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __ _____________ _ /__________ -×6L ,_________ /_____/ _ /________.|_ \ ________ ______________ _ _____ \ / // _ / / ____/ _ / /______________ / / / __/ _ /_____/ /_____________l_______/ _______ /______ \ /_________ s3a~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:41/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: skip ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 512 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ -×6L _____/ ______ _______ ________ ____________ ___________, ____ _ˇ/ _/____\\ // //_ _____/_\\ _ / | \ \____ / __/ / \ /____/ S K I P ˇ _\ _ / / \ / _ _________/ _ \ _| \_____////______/---- \______\ \ ˇ://______\\\____________\ / \__\ \ s3a! ˇ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:42/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: voicer.oldbulls+void ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: sniff.diz ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 422 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / _/_______ _____ _____ ______ ______ s3a~ -×6L\______ / /____(_ ___) ____// ____/_____ _ / / // / | _/ _/ / __ /___ /_________/________ \ __| ____________________\ / _ _ _//---------------------------------------------------\\_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:43/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: voicer.oldbulls+void ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: sniff ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 1270 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________ \ / _______ -×6L's3a~ \ ssssssniiiiiff... / / _/____________ \ / _ \ \ \ _________ / -------------/ ----- \__________ /_______ .______(_ _______) _____ˇ____ / / \l |/ /__________ _ / _/ \ l ____/_ / _ /-------- / _______ \ _____\ __________| \| / ____/_----\ ˇ \__________\ | ____/ \| / \ |_ | | ____/ \ /_____| |_ | \ _ /_____| \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:44/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: speed ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 507 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ ______ _ _____/ \ \ \// _/_______ __________ ________ _________ _____\_ \. -×6L \______ / _ // _ / _ // __/ | s3a~ : / / l______/_ /____/_ /____/ \_ \T __l : ..::. / / ____\ /______l /______l /_________\ .::.. -0------ /______/ -----------------------------------------------------0- / ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:45/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: technical info ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 899 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ _| L_ \_ __\ _______ _________ _______ ___ _ _______________ ___ _______ | T ___// .____/_/ /_______ | | | _l _ l / / I N F O R M A T I O N E S S A | l _ // ˇ ____\ __/ _ _ | ,//_______/ _________\ /_________\__\\_\\\ :____ ˇ ˇ / ,_____ _____ ________ _________ | \ s3a! _| Ś -×6L / T \l l/_ _____// .____/_,_______l_ \\\_____\ | _ / |_ \ \ | \_ l T _. \ \_ |___// ˇ _ /___\ _l ______ // ˇ _| \| \____/ /__________ \\_\__/ ˇ;\_____\ /__________\| \____/ \ ˇl______\ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:46/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: the hooligan ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 844 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ ___/ /_ \_ /_______ ____________ ˇ / / / \ _____\ _______/ /________/ _ /_______ _/ / / / / /________ __ -×6L's3a~ /_______\ \ ______________\\ ______\\__\ ______ _ _____ \________ \ __ /_____ ________ ____ _________ / // /--------- \\ ______\_ ______ \ \ / / / \ / / ______ -\________\ / ________/ \_ ______\ __/__ ___________\__ \ _____. / ________ / \_ \ _ / \/ | _ __________ \ \\ /___\ \ \____\ / -\_____\--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:47/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: weirdo ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 514 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ ._____ / //\| /__________ __________ ___________ _______ s3a~ / / \ \ _____//_ _______/__ _ /____\ __ \ ___________ / /\______\ _/ _ / /_____/ __/ \\ _ \--- /______ / ___ \________ \_____\ _ \| / \ -×6L /____________\ \ /_______________\ _ __ \ /_________\ ˇ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wickedknights ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ/// of lp:48/48 / small /______ __ .lines __________ ---------------- forpleasure: zito.offworld ambiented- ________________ SEA comapany@99 title: zito ---------------- _____________ _ BOXED size: 309 \\------------ SET \ \ 1 __________________\ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ˇ _____ \______\_ \ _____ _____ _________. s3a~ _ __ \ ______/(_____)_| |_\ _ |. _ /______\ \ |\_ _/ \ _|||______\ - ---- -×6L--- \_____\ ___ _ _l |_____T ________\ -------------- - \ \ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- źźźź --------------------------------------------------- źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź Ś Ś źźźź Ś ŚŚ źźźź Ś ŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź Ś ŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ źźźź ŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ,---.______ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚˇ _| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ \_ Hej man! and what do you think now? Ehmmm... some piece of |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ | this azkii work was done some weeks ago but i had not |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ .| any ideas to released it. At last the concept hit my head |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ || and I hope this collection will be usefully for you. |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ || WOW MAN! NOW IS AVAIBLE I-NET REQUESTING! IF YOU WANT SOME |ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ||-/LOGOS THAN SEND YOUR PLEASURE AT THIS E-MAIL: roover@free.com.pl |ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ˇ / _ _ |ŚŚŚŚ /-----------\\__XBALL.SATIVEMEA_in_1999__//_________________________|ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ t ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ o Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ z Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ i ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ l ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ o ŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ n Ś ŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ k ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ o ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ l ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ o ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ r ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś o ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś w Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ c ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ a ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ k ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ i Śˇ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e Ś ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ m Ś ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ f ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ a ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚ j ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚ n ŚŚ ŚŚ_ ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚ ŚŚŚ e ŚŚ ŚŚ. ŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ Ś c ŚŚ ź ˇŚŚŚ,, ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ a źź ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ l źźź ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ k źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ i źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ m źźź% ŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ z źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ d źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ r źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ o źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ w źźź% ŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ e źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚ ŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚŚŚ . źźź% ŚŚ . źźźź . źźźź . źźźź . źźźź źźźź --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ._____.__. ______. ____________ ___|__ /__ |___ ____ \ ___|__. __ / __/__ ___/ / _/ ___/__./ __/___. c r e d i t s .-- \ \ | _/ _/_.\___/_ \ / | \_ |\_____ | ----------------------. |_cRb\______|_\_____|______/__/___|________|________|e^D. __________________| main artworking by: XBALL.SATIVEMEA ----------------------------------- additional ascii work by: ------------------------- | azzaro/sativemea - sativemea | azzaro/sativemea - index | renton/sativemea - xball | chrombacher/epsilon d. - credits --------------------------| paszczak/ex.azkiness - ascii respects ------------ music support: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prana "alienpets-freetibetmix" - transwave "thereawalker-blackthundermix" quirk "lofiscifi" - joujouka "re-psyclegrequency" - digitalis "slotek" prana "kollage" - sandman "ghostrider [timetunnel remix] - digitalis "dr.sembei" ju-ju space jazz "whales" . ----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------- software: | ----------- | CygnusED Professional V3.5 | Spis 0.94 by: Inikep/confusion+venal+genetic | gfx2ascii v1.0 | ----------------------------------------------Ś--- - . ____ ____ ____ __ __ __\___Ź. / __/___ __\_ Ź. _) Ź. _) Ź. a s c i i r e s p e c t s ... _/oˇ __/ \______ ŹY l____Yˇ Yˇ \_ _ _________________ ___ _ \ \/ / l/ . | . . / _____________________) (___) (_) `---.___/`--._/___j---.____j--.__j--.__//, , ____ _____ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________ ____ .p)h __\_ Ź. __(____/ / __/___ ___\_ Ź. __(____/ __\_ Ź. ) ( / __/___ _/ / _/_oˇ __/__(______ ŹYoˇ l/ Yoˇ __/__/ l____Y _ (______ Ź\_ \ _ / ' . l/ . /____| ' . | .__/ \__ l/ / `---/____\---.____j--._/___j--.___\ `---.____j---.____j /____\ `--._/___/ ---------------------------- respects fly to following guys for quality'n experienced ascii fighting: ---------------------------- ćazzaroćrentonćrevićzaboraćkempyćlukćacidćbudgiećkrsć ćchosenćcrusaderćfolarćgdmćleunamćnemesisćpointćtaxić ćsundancećthefounderćxcluziwećpunkćmortimertwangć --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź źźźź zbr\s3a-----------------\ / _________ _______ ____ ___ ________ _______ ________ / __\__ __/_ __\ _/-ˇ-\ \/ /-+_\ __/__ ____\ _/__ __\ _ /__\ / | \__/ | \ | ___| | \___ | _ \--/________!-\________!---\_______|---\_______! ˇ--\__________!------/_______\ ____ ____ ________ ________ \ ___\ \/ /---+__\ __/__ __\ _ /___ _____________________________ \ \ / | ___| _ | WICKED KNIGHTS OF SMALL LINES \------\/|______!----\_______!------/______! ______ ______ ____ \\-----------------[.s.a.t.i.v.e. .m.e.a.]- -- AZZARO -- RENTON -- REVI -- \\ ______ _______ \\ [ s p e c i a l n - e w s ] -- X-BALL -- ZABORA! -- |sponsored by ADIHASH(tm)| - Blaze changed his handle for Blejz, but finally few days later he moved for Renton. New tag: třn'sea. Gee, a jednak wszystko jest po staremu... Znowu sië znatowaîem ;D - Revi got released his first colly under our name (sea-mysl.txt). Get it! He also changed the address, notice the new one instead of old! - Watch out at X-BALL carefully ;D - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide! [ o f f i c i a l r e l e a s e s t i l l n - o w ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- no | shortcut | full title | artist | date | lenght ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases till now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation | renton | 18/12/98 | 042.104 02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow | azzaro | 15/12/98 | 074.000 03 | sea-orig.txt | origami | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 116.314 04 | sea-4a3.txt | 456 alien 3 | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 124.145 05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 106.000 06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 108.000 07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac? | zabora | 10/12/98 | 021.550 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[20 releases till now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit | renton | 10/01/99 | 022.858 09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn | renton | 11/01/99 | 048.361 10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger | zabora | 16/02/99 | 050.777 11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix | azzaro | 27/02/99 | 183.000 12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta | zabora | 03/03/99 | 105.352 13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01 | azzaro | 06/03/99 | 047.733 14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head | renton | 05/04/99 | 080.548 15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman | azzaro | 06/04/99 | 100.000 16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89 | a+a+k+z | 25/04/99 | 400.000 17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness | renton | 03/05/99 | 048.663 18 | sea-mysl.txt | myôl | revi | 05/05/99 | 224.774 19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order | x-ball | 10/05/99 | 112.547 20 | sea-pace.txt | peace | renton | 13/05/99 | 060.927 21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon | az0!+třn | 16/05/99 | 100.436 22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic | renton | 21/05/99 | 068.808 23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch | azzaro | 06/06/99 | 192.593 24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the. | renton | 14/06/99 | 080.000 25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor | azzaro | 20/06/99 | 250.000 26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99 | azzaro | 27/06/99 | 117.541 27 | sea-cdn.txt | counting down [g] | darkus | 05/07/99 | 036.837 28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies | x-ball | 07/07/99 | 156.007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHCOMING]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | sea-mpf.txt | multiplastikk micro form | azzaro | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-hack.txt | hacka | zabora | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-0004.txt | numer 0004 | revi | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side..| az0!+třn | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-wbar.txt | whiskey bar | renton | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-near.txt | not to touch the earth | renton | xx/07/99 | xxx.xxx | sea-5to1.txt | five to one | renton | xx/07/99 | xxx.xxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- total number of collections: 026 total lenght in bytes: 002.997.192 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ s - t a t i s t i c s ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- actual members productivity: azzaro ---------- 12 ascii collections, 10 own made, 02 cooperations renton ---------- 09 ascii collections, 08 own made, 01 cooperations revi ------------ 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations x-ball ---------- 02 ascii collections, 02 own made, 00 cooperations zabora! --------- 04 ascii collections, 03 own made, 01 cooperations guest collections released: acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperation kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ c - o n t a c t ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- azzaro - tommy wisniewski ˇ szeroka 35/8 ˇ 75-814 koszalin ˇ poland e-mail: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl renton - pat kalinowski ˇ p.o.box 3 ˇ 21-200 parczew ˇ poland revi - sly ostruszka ˇ sw. jerzego 7a/17 ˇ 43-400 cieszyn ˇ poland e-mail: revi@mailcity.com twister - bart ptaszynski ˇ robotnicza 2 ˇ 14-530 frombork ˇ poland x-ball - mark nowacki ˇ dabrowskiego 66/7 ˇ 41-500 chorzow ˇ poland zabora - gregor zaborowski ˇ balonowa 5/17 ˇ 54-129 wroclaw ˇ poland e-mail: zabora@kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493 look oficial SEA web page: http://kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl/sea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typed by renton'sative mea, psychikal kreation at 05/07/99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ._____. _________ |Ż : ________[staff] prefix/appendix - ufok/appendix |Ż __ /_| __|____._\ ___/ [MASTER] madbart/appendix |______( \__ Ź: __>___:___________________ ___ _ /Ż / \ Ż| / . / _ _ [a1240T/603e/240MHz/quantum 1.3gb/4*cdrom] /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- - _______ ________ ________ _________.______ [node 0] +48-91-4879493 /Ż ___/_._\ ___/ ._\ ____/_._\ _ Źˇ | _ ___ __________._\____ Ź: ___> : \ Ź: /______. | [open] | / \ Ż\nd!:______: 22-13/week 22-10 cet _ _ _ _ \ |Ż | - ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______| [node 1] telnet [node 2] telnet [appendix] [pic saint loup] [da jormas] [teklords] [floppy] [kore] [linear] [old bulls] [sative mea] [dinx project] [mawi] e0f-----------------------------------------------------------------------------