@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ -------------------------------------- anther ascii release from Sative Mea - "Portrait out of the blue" by Azzaro Phase third - mass production again -------------------------[dec/20/98]-- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ n e w k i d s o n t h e b l o c k Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż o`boy. so cool to see them again! n e w k i d s o n t h e b l o c k b e t t e r k n o w n a s [ b|z'sea ] _:__________/_______ __________:_ __________ ____________ \| / \) |7 / ______\ / ______ / : / \ | /______ /_____\______\ / __:_ /___________ \· | / _______/ ____ \/ /_______|__| / _______/ \\ |7 / / / \ / / / ________|/ / ______| \\ / \_____/ / / / __ / /\_____ / ·\ /: / / / / /_/ / / / \ : / \__________/ / /____ o j / : / _ ____ \ : , ___ . _ / _____ : / \/ / ; ) /\ | | \/ E |`|'| E /\ : / /______/____ | \ : / / _______/ | * azzaro * blaze * revi * zabora! * \ : / ______|_______:_ \: \_____ / ____ \ \ / / \ / / :\ \_____/ / FORGET ABOUT STANDARDS! : \ / / |_(\__________________________: _______ .__\_ / ÷ p r e s e n t s ÷ | /___/________ _____ ____ _____ ____ | |__\___ /_.\ _)_ ._\ _/___.\ _)_ .___ ____ ___ ._\ _/___. ....| |_____/ _/ | ___/_| \__ | ___/_| _\| // /_| \__ | _____ ;¦ · \_____|________|___|/___|________|___\___\_____|____/___| ____/ ...;...;...;...;...;...; Bd!/Lą24 ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;an widowisko artystyczne, lecz najsampierf cos do poczytania ; ; ; ; ; ;in english version. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;..Sunnydale... quite the party town. Sure... it seems like your nice ; ; and quiet town... notice I use the word "seems". The town is ...;...;..infested with vampires, who inhabit the underground Hellmouth. But ; ; don't you fear, a slayer is here! Buffy Summers, seems likes your ...;...;..nice, typical girl. Yeah, about as typical as Sunnydale. Oh, sure ; ; she has awesome hair, killer looks, great wit... and she can kick a ...;...;..vampire's ass with her hands tied behind her back..(and her eyes ; ; closed). Not like Buffy is the perfect slayer. Sure, of course she ...;...;..wants her own life, but her watcher, Rupert Giles, makes sure that she ; ; is always ready to kick ass. And Buffy always does. After, she's not ...;...;..boned... she's Buffy!... as her friend Xander would say. You see, ; ; the thing with being a vampire slayer is that you always seem to ...;...;...;...;...;...; become automatically unpopular. Go figure. ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;..So Buffy has two best buddies... Xander (cute and awkard, has ; ; the hots for Buffy) and Willow (pretty, shy, and loves to read..hot ...;...;..for Xander). Well, then Willow hooked up with Oz, a senior ; ; guitar-player, who became friends with Buffy. Then there's always ...;...;..Cordelia... you gotta love her on the show, but admitt it..if you ; ; really knew her, she would be already dead..not by a vampire, but by ...;...;..you. Pretty and popular, she always seems to "get stuck" with Buffy, ; ; Xander, Willow, and Oz. But now that she hooked up with Xander, ...;...;..despite what her bitchy friends Harmony and others thought, because ; ; "she can date whoever the hell she wants to date..no matter how lame ...;...;..he is!" So now Cordelia is part of Buffy's crowd. Then, there is ; ; always Jenny Calendar, who was going to spark up a romance with ...;...;..Giles..that is, until everyone found out she was a gypsy and her tribe ; ; put a curse on Angel (will be explained later). Now she's trying her ...;...;..hardest to become part of the Slayer crowd again. Those are the ; ; humans that know about Buffy being a slayer. Now let's move to the ...;...;..undead. Buffy luckily killed The Master... after he killed her, but ; ; Xander brought her back through CPR. Then came The Anointed One. ...;...;..Dead..killed by Spike. Ah... Spike and Drusilla..two vampires who ; ; are kissy-kissy with each other and want to kill the slayer..like, a ...;...;..lot. Too bad that because Buffy can kick major ass, Spike is now ; ; injured and in a wheelchair and Dru must take care of him..so ...;...;..Operation Kill-Slayer is on hold right... That is until they got help ; ; from an old friend... Angel. Bad, bad, badbadbad Angel. You see, ...;...;..once, he was one of the worst vampires on the face of the earth. No ; ; mercy..just "feed and run". That is until, a gypsy curse was put on ...;...;..him (by Jenny's tribe) because he killed the people of her tribe. It ; ; made him have a soul, and hopefully make him feel pain they way Jenny ...;...;...;...;...;...; and her tribe have felt. ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;..He didn't feel pain though..he felt love..for Buffy. And even ; ; when she found out he was a vampire, yeh, sure, they said it wouldn't ...;...;..work out (vampire + vampire slayer = unmeshable) But they meshed... ; ; finally. Until that is, Angel acheived true happiness aka sex..(The ...;...;..curse said that if Angel felt true happiness, he would lose his soul ; ; and become the badbadbad Angel once again) ... with Buffy. Angel ...;...;..then turned, and his goal now is to kill Buffy. And no matter how ; ; much it hurts, Buffy knows she must kill Angel. Just "give her time". ...;...;..But Angel took the time to kill Jenny... who's next? Angel's getting ; ; more and more attached to Drusilla as the shows go on. And you can ...;...;..tell Spike's pretty pissed. Get ready to see Spike kick some ass... ; ; he's out of the wheelchair... Oh, boy... Willow and Buffy found the ...;...;..yellow disk in which the curse to restore Angel's soul was saved on. ; ; However, as they were doing the curse, Buffy went out to fight Angel, ...;...;..and Willow got a bookcase pushed on her, Xander got his arm broken, ; ; Giles was kidnapped by vampires, and Drusilla killed Kendra. Buffy ...;...;..was blamed for the killing of Kendra and is on the run from the cops. ; ; Spike joined her team for a bit ro get rid of Angel, and her mom found ...;...;..out that she was a vampire slayer. Buffy got kicked out of the house ; ; becuase of a big fight that her and her mom had over the slaying. ...;...;..Meanwhile, Angel was trying to open the mouth to hell so the whole ; ; world would be swallowed (except demons). Buffy stopped him and they ...;...;..had a sword fight. Willow did the curse again but Angel opened the ; ; ; ; ; ; mouth. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; Right before Buffy almost killed Angel, he got his soul back. ...;...;..But he was the key to close the mouth to hell, so Buffy had to kill ; ; him... well, actually, he's alive, just stuck in hell at the moment. ...;...;..Giles was rescued, and everyone was looking for Buffy the next day. ; ; No one knew that Buffy went on a bus and left Sunnydale. Now that I ...;...;..explained as much as I could about a two-season show in a paragraph, ; ; look around & enjoy! Oh, and please e-mail me and tell me what you ...;...;...;...;...;...; think! ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; by the unknown story teller. ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; zatylowane: ; ;___;__ ;___;___;______ ____ _______ ______ _______ ____ ...;...\ |\ |\ |\ /__ \ |_\___ /_\ /_\ /__ ; | [] [] _ [] / _/_| _ [] / \___/ / _/_ ...;..|_ \______ ___/ _____ ___/ ____[] ___ ___ _| ; /__\; /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ ...;...;...;...;.._;___;_ __ ____ ____ _______ _______ az0!/sea ; ; ; ; _\ |\ | /_\ /__ _\ |\ /_ ...;...;...;...;.| [] | / _/_ | [] \ ___| ; ; ; ; |_ __ Ż ___ _| |_ ___ ___\ ...;...;...;...;../_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ ; ; __;_ ; __;_ ; _______ ____ ____ __ ____ _______ ...;...;_\ /__; \ /__;_\ | _\ /____\ /____\ | /_\ | ; ;| / _/_| _ \ []| | / / | \ []| ...;...;|_ ___/ __ ____| |_ [] __ Ż ___ ____| ; ; /_____\ /______|/____\ /_____________\|______\ /____\ ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; portrait out of the blue. as ENYA says of course. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; fiftysecond asciicrap from -me- ...;...;...;...;...;...; ence pence kto zrobil wiecej? ; ; ; ; ; ; ___________ ...;...;...;...;...;...; _________| | ; ; ; ; ; ; | | | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | |__ | ; ; ; ; ; ;---- ----- ----|________|az0!________|----- - -- ------ ...;...;...;...;...;...; |ŻŻŻ |sea| | ; ; ; ; ; ; | | ŻŻ | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | |________| ; ; ; ; ; ; | o r | ...;...;...;...;...;...;l o o p |___________| a n t i l o o p ; ; ; ; ; ;Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; all spanked by ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; b|z/l124 ...;...;...; __;___;_ _;_____ ________ ________ _______ ________ ; ; ;/ __ :|______ |______ |/ __ :|/ __ |/ . | ...;...;.../ \___ / ____/ ____/ \___ / \___ _/ | | ; ; \ | \ ' :\ ' :\ | \ | \\ :| | ...;...;...;\__|_ |\____ 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madwizards diskocitizens and embassy demomanufaktory. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; no, jest juű ___________ ; ; ; ; ; ; ________________________| ...;...;...;...;...;...; | ; ; ; ; ; ; | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | ; ; ; ; ; ; | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | ; ; ; ; ; ; | | _ ........ ..;...;...; |________________________| ajebiôcie, to lecimy dalej. |_| : ... :. ; ; ; ___: :_: :__;___;___;_____________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > acid (083) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t 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r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ ______ ____ _\___ /__\ __ |\ /___ .-------------| / \ \/ / | :a e r o s o l|[] ___ \ \__ _| :-------------|______\ /_____\|______\ : :az0!/sea : : : : : : `------------------------------' _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > agravedict (087) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ ______ _______ ______ ____ __ _______ ____ _______ ______ ____ _\___ /_\ __/__\ |_\___ /_\ | /_\ |___\ /_\ /_\ ___/__\ /__ | / / _ [] / | \ [] \ \___/ / _/_ |[] ___/ ___/ ____[] ___ Ż __ _____[] ___ ___ ___ _| |______\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /______|/____\ |______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > anadune (088) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ ______ ____ __ ____ _______ _______ _\___ /_\ /__\___ /____\ /_\ | /_\ /_\ | | / _ / \ | _ \ []| |[] ___ | [] __[] __ Ż ___ | __ ____| |______\ /___|_________\|______\|______\ /___|__|/____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > antydresiarz (089) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ ____ ___ ___ _\___ /_\ /_\ /__ \ | /_ | / _ / _/_| | | |[] ___ | __ ______ _| |______\ /___|__|/_____\ /____\ ____ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______________ ____\ /_\ |\ |_\ __ |\ /__\___ /_\ __ /__ | \ _ [] \ [] \ \/ \___/ 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| Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ _______ _\___ /_\ |\ /_ | / [] \ / |az0!/sea ______|[] ___ \______/ \_|______ \ _ |______\ /__\ /_____\ _ / _\/ \/_ \ _ appendix presents... _ / _\/ \/_ \ _ _ / \/ \/ |_[dd/mm/yyyy]____________________| _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > barbi (092) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ ______ _______ ____ _______ _\ /_____\___ /_\ |\ /____\ /_ | / / _ [] / \___/ | |_ [] [] ___/ ____ []__ _| /_____________\ /_____\|_______|/_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > blaze (093) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ ____ ______ ______ _______ _\ /____\ /_____\___ /_ __ /__\ | | / / / \/ / \ []| |_ [] __[] ___/ / ___ ____| /_____________\|______\ /_____\ /____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > bump (094) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ __ ____ __ _______ _\ /____\ | /___ / /_\ | | / | \/ []| |_ [] Ż ___ _ __ \____| /_____________\ /___\/_|/__\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > chosen (095) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ ____ _______ ______ _______ _______ _\ ___/__\ /____\ |_\ __ |\ |\ /_ | _ [] \ \/ \ [] _ | |_ ___/ __ ___ \ \___ ______ | | /_____\ /______|/_____\ /_____\ /____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > cnr (096) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ _______ _\ ___/__\ /_\ | | _ _ []| |_ ___ | __/ ___| /_____\ /___|__|/_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > comanche (097) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ __ ______ _______ ______ ____ _______ _\ ___/__\ |__ / /__\___ /_\ /_\ ___/__\ /____\ | | [] \/ / _ _ \ []| |_ ___ ___ _ [] ___ | __ ___/ __ ____| /_____\ /_____\ /___\/________\ /___|__|/_____\ /______|/____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > cryogen (098) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ ___ ___ _______ ______ _______ _______ _\ ___/__\ |\ | /_\ |\ __/__\ |\ /_ | _ [] | [] / \ [] _ | |_ ___/ ________ ___ ___/ ___ ______ | | /_____\ /_____\ /____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > dr oczkins (099) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ____\ /_\ | _\ |\ ___/_| __ /__\ __/__\ /_\ /__\ __ | | \ _ []| | [] \/ / _ \___/ _ \ \/ | |[] ___/ ___| |_ ___ ___/ / ___/ ___ ___ | __ \ \_| |______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___|__|/_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > excess #4 (100) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż [maDWizards]_______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ .......[E4] _________ .\ |\ /_\ ___/__\ |_\ __ |_\ __ | _________ | || \ [] \ / \ []| \ \/ | \ \/ || | |_________||_ ______/ \___ ___ ______ \ \___ \ \_||_________| /____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ /_____\ /_____\ az0!/sea ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ .E. .X. .C. .E. .S. .S. .0. .4. ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ INTRO FOR POLISH MAGAZINE. 100% ENGLISH AND MUFFLER FREE. HAVE FUN! ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ LOOKING UP ONTO YOUR CONFIGURATION..................................] _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > grogon (101) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _\ __/__\ |\ |\ __/__\ |\ /_ | / _ [] [] / [] _ | |_/ ___/ _____ ___/ ___ ___ | | /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > guffaw (102) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ __ ____ _______ _______ ______ ___ _\ __/__\ | /_\ /_\ /__\___ /___/\ /_ | / | \ ____ \ ____ / / | |_/ __ Ż ___ ___\|_ ___\ [] ___ _| /_____\|______\ /____\ /____\ |______\ /_/\__\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > kazik (103) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ _\ __/___\___ /_ __ /__\ /_\ __/__ | _ / \/ / \___/ _ | |_/ __[] ___/ / ___ ___/ _| /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > kessel (104) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ____ _\ __/__\ |_\ __ |_\ __ |\ |\ /___ | _ \ [] \ \/ \ \/ \ [] / | |_/ ___ ______ \ \___ \ \___ _____ _| /_____\ /____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ |______\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > kore. (105) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ _______ _______ _\ __/__\ |\ |\ | | _ [] _ [] \ []| |_/ ___ ___/ _____ ____| /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > madel (106) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż __ ______ ____ _______ ____ __ / /__\___ /____\ /_\ |\ /___ | \/ / \ \ [] / | |_ _ [] __[] ___ _____ _| /___\/________\|______\ /____\ |______\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > melon (107) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż __ _______ ____ _______ _______ __ / /_\ |\ /____\ |\ /_ | \/ \ [] / [] _ | |_ _ __ _____ ___ ___ | | /___\/_|/____\ |______\ /_____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > neon (108) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ _______ _______ _______ _\ /_\ |\ |\ /_ | _ \ [] [] _ | |_ | __ ______ ___ | | /___|__|/____\ /_____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > otton (109) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ ____ ____ _______ _______ _\ |\ /__ \ /__ \ |\ /_ | [] / _/_| / _/_| [] _ | |_ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___|__| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > pestilence (110) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ _______ ______ ____ ______ ____ _______ _______ ______ _______ _\ |\ |_\ __ |\ /__ \ /_\ /___\ |\ /_\ ___/__\ | | [] \ [] \ \/ / _/_| \__/ | / \ [] _ \ []| |_ \______ ______ \ \___ ___ __ ___ ______ | __ ___ ____| /__\ /____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\|_____\ /____\ /___|__|/_____\ /____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > phase truce (111) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ ____ ______ ______ _______ _\ |\ /_____\___ /__\ __ |\ | | [] _ / \ \/ \ []| |_ \______/ [] ___ \ \___ ____| /__\ /_____________\ /_____\ /____\ ____ _______ __ ____ ______ _______ _\ /__ \ |\ | /_\ ___/__\ | | / _/_| _ [] | \ []| |_ ___/ ____ Ż ___ ___ ____| /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > phase truce.diz (112) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ ____ ____ _\ |\ /____\ /__ az0!/sea __| []| _ | / _/_ __ ___ | |_ \____|_/ |_ _| | | | /__\ /______|/_____\ | | | | | | | | h a s e t r u c | | | | ----------------------- | | | | bakk wiz new produktion | | |___| |___| | . |___ | . | | |_________________________| _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > pic saint loup (113) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ____ _\ |\ /_\ ___/__ __\ __ |_\___ /_\ /_\ /_\ /__ | [] \___/ | | \ \/ / \___/ ______/ _/_ |_ \______ ___ _| |_ \ \__[] ___ ___ | __ _| /__\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /___|__|/_____\ ____ _______ __ ____ _______ az0!/sea _\ /____\ |\ | /_\ | | / [] | []| | ___ __ Ż ___ \____| |______\ /_____\|______\ /__\ _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > pnx (114) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ _______ _______ _\ |\ /_\ /_ | [] _ \ / | |_ \______ | __/ \_| /__\ /___|__|/_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > redpack (115) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż _______ _______ ____ _______ ______ ______ ______ _\ |\ |___\ /_\ |_\___ /_\ ___/__\ __/__ | _ [] \ [] \ [] / _ | |_/ _____ _____[] ___ \_____[] ___ ___/ _| /_____\ /____\ |______\ /__\ |______\ /_____\ /_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > scream (116) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ __ __\ __ |\ ___/__\ |\ |_\___ /___ / /_ | \ \/ _ [] \ [] / \/ | |_ \ \___ ___/ _____ _____[] ___ _ | /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ |______\ /___\/_| az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > speed (117) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ______ _______ _______ _______ ____ __\ __ |\ |\ |\ |___\ /_ | \ \/ [] \ [] \ [] \ | |_ \ \___ \______ ______ _____[] _| /_____\ /__\ /____\ /____\ |______\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > tft (118) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ _______ ____ _\ /__ \ /_\ /__ | / _/_| \ ____ / _/_ |_ ___ ___\|_ _| /_____\ /____\ /_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > tomeq (119) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ _______ __ _______ _______ _\ /__ \ |__ / /_\ |\ | | / _/_| [] \/ \ [] []| |_ ___ ___ _ __ ______ ____| /_____\ /_____\ /___\/_|/____\ /__\__\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > twilight (120) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ ___ _______ ____ _______ ______ ____ ____ _\ /__ __/\ /_\ /_\ /____\ /_\ __/__\ /____\ /__ | / _/_| / \___/ / \___/ / _ / _/_ |_ ___ ___ __ ___ ___/ ___/ __ _| /_____\ /_/\__\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /______|/_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > visitors (121) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ____ __ _______ ______ _______ ____ _______ _______ ______ _\ | /_\ /__\ __ |\ /_\ /__ \ |\ |_\ __ | | | \___/ \ \/ \___/ / _/_| [] _ [] \ \/ | |_ Ż __ ___ \ \___ ___ ___ ___/ _____ \ \_| /______|/_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ az0!/sea _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > whelpz.diz (122) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ___ _______ ______ __/\ /_\ | __ /__az0!/sea | / | []| \/ / |__ ||_ _|_ \____|_/ / _| |_| | | | /_/\__\ /__\ /_____\ ____| | | | | | | | h e l p z p r e s e n t s | | |__| | |__| | |_ _| | |_________________________| | _ ........ |_| : ... :. ___: :_: :________________________________________________ |...: : :...: | : : portret pozbawiony bîëkitu. ascii collection. | :.....: sative mea artwork. azzaro hardwork. your pleasure. | | ..|.. | c:\ > yaneq (123) : : | ...: :... | .: :. | ...: ..... :... | origami.origami.origami.origami.origami.three. ...: ..: | :.. :... |________________________________________________: :___|___: :_____ :... :.. | ..: ...: | p ---- o ---- r ---- t ---- r ---- a ---- i ---- t :... :.|.: ...: | Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż :. .: | o --------------------- u ---------------------- t --- :... ...: | Ż Ż Ż : : | o ---------------------------------------------- f ------ :...: | Ż Ż | | t --------------------- h ---------------------- e -------- | | Ż Ż Ż | dot. | b ------------ l -------------- u -------------- e -------- |_________________| Ż Ż Ż Ż ___ ___ ______ _______ _______ _______ _\ | /__\___ /_\ /_\ |\ | | | / _ \ [] []| |____ __[] ___ | __ ______ ____| /____\|______\ /___|__|/____\ /__\__\ az0!/sea ........................ ; ; ; ; ; ; juű niedîugo pytanie wieczoru!!!! ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; bâdú czujny! ...;...;...;...;...;...; bâdú czujna! ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; _____ ...;...;...;...;...;...;| __ |__________ ; ; ; ; ; ;|___| | ___ | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | |________| ; ; ;___; ; ; | ______ ...;...;...| |..;___;______|__________ ____ | | ____ ; __;___| |__| __ | _ | |__ _| ___| _____| | ...;| | | __ | | ___|__| __|____| __ | ;|________| ____|; | ___| | __ | ___ | |__| ...;...;...;.|___|.;...; | | |____| |_______| | | ; ; ; ; ; ; | | | w a n t e d | ...;...;...;...;...;...; | | |_______________| ; ; ; ; ; ; | | ...;...;.._;___;___;__.; | | _____ ________ ________ ; ; | ____|;_| |__ ____| |_| |_| | ...;...;.|_________ ___|__| | ____ ____| ; ; ; ;| __ | __ __| | __| ...;...;...;...;|_______| | | |_____| |_____| ; ; ; ; ; ; | s t u f f | ___;___;___;___;_|| yQ.la! |_______________| ||_________________________________ if you want please make me these logos: azzaro, mawi, embassy and sative mea. ........................ no other requests. ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; .and finally sîowo na niedzielë: ; ; ; ;.. ; ;.... ... ...... ... ... ...;...;...;...:.:......: : ..............:.: :....:....:.:.: : ; ; _......:...... :..:...... :..........:_.....: : : ...;...;__)\_____: :......: ...:...........:.... __)\ _____:.: ;____\____ (:_____:______:__:..: __________ :___\ \) _/__:_ ..._\ / _ (-\ _ /___ ___\ _____(___\ \____ / )_______________ -\ /-\ ____\___zbr!( ...;...;...;...;...)___________________________________( : ....:.. ; ; : :..:: : : ...: : : : : ...;.. i ' b a c k ! ; :....:: : :.:..:.:.:.: : ; ; :.:....: :.: :...: ...ta, jasne, űe to takűe, ale przede wszystkim za kilka dni mam urodziny ;i űyczë sobie, űeby ten kolejny rok mojego űycia byî co najmniej tak ...scenowo wyjebany w kosmos, jak ten mijajâcy. i to tyle. idúcie z bogiem ; ; ; ; ; ; (tym z maîej litery). ...;...;...;...;...;...; wersji polskiej udziaî wziâî autora oraz blaze jako kaczor donald, budgie ..jako űóîw ninja, zabora jako siostrzeniec kaczora donalda oraz yaneq jako himself (ojciec, syn i duch ôwiëty w jednym). naprawdë ci sië nudzi, skoro ...;sotrwaîeô aű do tego momentu tego gówna. pieprzë to. nie chce mi sië ; ; staraę, bo i tak ktoô zaraz to zajebie. scene suxx`99. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; prymitywizmwykonania power. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; i czas na pytanie wieczoru: ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; po jaki chuj ja sië z tym mëczë? ...;...;...;...;...;...; mam doôę. idë spaę. ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ; i na tym zakoďczymy bajkie py-ty. ; ;___;__ ;___;__ ;______ ____ _______ ______ _______ ____ ...;.._\ |\ |\ |\ /__ \ |_\___ /_\ /_\ /__ ; | [] [] _ [] / _/_| _ [] / \___/ / _/_ ...;..|_ \______ ___/ _____ ___/ ____[] ___ ___ _| ; /__\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ ...;...;...;...;. _;___;_ __ ____ ____ _______ _______ az0!/sea ; ; ; ; _\ |\ | /_\ /__ _\ |\ /_ ...;...;...;...;.| [] | / _/_ | [] \ ___| ; ; ; ; |_ __ Ż ___ _| |_ ___ ___\ ...;...;...;...;. /_____\|______\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ ; ; __;_ ; __;_ ; _______ ____ ____ __ ____ _______ ...;...;_\ /__; \ /__;_\ | _\ /____\ /____\ | /_\ | ; ;| / _/_| _ \ []| | / / | \ []| ...;...;|_ ___/ __ ____| |_ [] __ Ż ___ ____| ; ; /_____\ /______|/____\ /_____________\|______\ /____\ ...;...;...;...;...;...; ; ; ; ; ; ciag dalszy po przewie na reklame. ...;...;...;...;...;...; ------------------------//- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ -------------------------------------- anther ascii release from Sative Mea - "Portrait out of the blue" by Azzaro Phase third - mass production again -------------------------[dec/20/98]-- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ