
oldgef - A diagram editing framework

License: Apache License
Vendor: JPackage Project
The goal of the GEF project is to build a graph editing library that
can be used to construct many, high-quality graph editing appications.
Some of GEF's features are:
- A simple, concrete design that makes the framework easy to understand
and extend.
- Node-Port-Edge graph model that is powerful enough for the vast
majority of connectied graph applications.
- Model-View-Controller design based on the Swing Java UI library makes
GEF able to act as a UI to existing data structures, and also minimizing
learning time for developers familiar with Swing.
- High-quality user interactions for moving, resizeing, reshaping, etc.
GEF also supports several novel interactions such as the broom alignment
tool and section-action-buttons.
- Generic properties sheet based on JavaBeans introspection.
- XML-based file formats based on the PGML standard (soon to support


oldgef-0.9.6-2jpp.noarch [441 KiB] Changelog by Fernando Nasser (2004-08-25):
- Rebuild with Ant 1.6.2
oldgef-0.9.6-2jpp.src [585 KiB] Changelog by Fernando Nasser (2004-08-25):
- Rebuild with Ant 1.6.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted