
jing - Jing, a validator for RELAX NG implemented in Java.

License: Open Source
Vendor: JPackage Project
This version of Jing implements: RELAX NG 1.0 Specification,
RELAX NG Compact Syntax, and parts of RELAX NG DTD Compatibility,
specifically checking of ID/IDREF/IDREFS.
Jing also has experimental support for schema languages other
than RELAX NG; specifically W3C XML Schema (based on Xerces-J);
Schematron; Namespace Routing Language.


jing-20030619-4jpp.noarch [519 KiB] Changelog by Randy Watler (2004-08-24):
- Rebuild with ant-1.6.2
jing-20030619-4jpp.src [2.4 MiB] Changelog by Randy Watler (2004-08-24):
- Rebuild with ant-1.6.2
jing-0.1-0.20030619.6jpp.noarch [519 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2005-10-10):
- Patch to JAXP-1.3
jing-0.1-0.20030619.6jpp.src [2.4 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2005-10-10):
- Patch to JAXP-1.3

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.mga4.tainted