Internal execution of the src2pkg functions
It's helpful to know a little about how src2pkg runs in order to get
the most use out of it.
Most of the code for src2pkg is in the FUNCTIONS file. As the name
implies most of it is written as BASH functions -blocks of code which
can be given a name and then executed one or more times just by calling
them by the given name. The main functions are a list of 16 generic
steps, each of which carries out a specific set of commands that have
to do with package creation, like downloading, unpacking, configuring
or compiling source code and creating a package tree, compressing the
final package, deletion of temporary files, etc. These 16 functions,
run in order, make up the standard execution order for a src2pkg build,
whether called by a *.src2pkg script or from the command-line.
The src2pkg and trackinstall programs are just small scripts which
mostly rely on the functions to do the main work. The code in the
functions is meant to be driven by a script and each function operates
separately, using a few variables which are supplied by the script, the
config files, the DEFINES file or from the command line.
An example of the simplest src2pkg build script possible helps to
understand the overall way things work. Say you have placed a source
tarball called di-3.11.tar.bz2 in some writable directory. Only the
following 3 lines of code are needed to make a script:
source /usr/libexec/src2pkg/FUNCTIONS
After pasting them into a blank document named di.src2pkg and saving it
in the same directory as the tarball, it can be executed with the
command 'bash ./di.src2pkg'.
When bash 'runs' the script it reads it top to bottom:
1. Declare any variables needed by the package. Internally, src2pkg
uses a huge number of variables which are written in capital letters,
usually named in a plain-language way to help explain what it does.
Error-free builds which require no customization may only need
SOURCE_NAME, the name of the tarball you want to build which is already
located in the current working directory.
Though there are many variables which you might possibly use to control
the build process, the most common customizations can be handled by
knowing just a few of them. Generally, variable declarations should be
at the first of the build script. Variables which are necessary for a
build to succeed or which affect the content of the specific package
should be included in the script to insure build repeatability.
All other variables used internally are set or calculated to defaults
by the configuration and DEFINES files and can usually be configured or
overridden, if needed. The variables usually used in the
/etc/src2pkg/src2pkg.conf file are for controlling general system
options such as where you want sources and packages to be built on your
system, color and verbosity options. The DEFINES file contains some
basic defaults that affect the way packages are built, but usually
don't need changing.
2. 'source' the FUNCTIONS file. What does that mean? When bash
'sources' a file it reads in the code contained in the file and
interprets it. When the src2pkg script sources the FUNCTIONS file, only
first few lines of code are executed. These read the src2pkg.conf
file and then the DEFINES file which finishishes declaring all
the internal variables to sane defaults unless they have already been
declared earlier in the script. Since the rest of the code is written
functions it is not executed until called later.
Each function is a block of code which performs a specific set of
related operations.
3. Execute the instructions given. What's this do_all processes? I
cheated and created a function called do_all_processes which runs the
16 main steps in order. It's just a way to abbreviate your scripts in
case you don't need to alter the standard build order. The functions
for the standard build are named as below and called in the order shown:
Standard *.src2pkg scripts from a template or written by the src2pkg
progam use the detalied list as above. This makes it easier to edit
them, if needed, to add code or skip certain steps.
Once finished with the list of functions the src2pkg script quits. The
functions are always named with small letters and have a 2-3 word name,
each name separated by '_'. The names are fairly descriptive of what
each function does. Each works with only a few variables and performs
just a few steps having to do with that particular aspect of creating a
package. Since the code is modular, each step performing a small part
of the process, it is easier to modify the execution by commenting-out
steps which are uneeded or don't do what you need, or by adding code
between the functions.
The main thing to remember is that a src2pkg runs by
1. first taking at least variable assignment, usually the name of a
source tarball
2. then reading in the configuration defaults and functions
3. and finally executing the functions in a certain order using the
variables values
Running the src2pkg *program* does much the same thing except it
translates command-line arguments to the variable names as used in a
*.src2pkg script.
In other words, running:
src2pkg di-3.11.tar.bz2
would do the same thing as running a script with this content:
source /usr/libexec/src2pkg/FUNCTIONS
The src2pkg functions parse the full tarball name and derive some basic
variables related to the package. A Slackware-type package name
consists of these elements: NAME, VERSION, ARCH and BUILD. The
Slackware package name for the example would be di-3.11-i486-1.tgz.
Most other essential variables are either calculated to match your
system or set to the normal defaults unless you override them from the
command-line, in your script, or in your src2pkg.conf file.
Understanding a few of the internal variables is essential to getting
the most use from src2pkg. Variables are used extensively in src2pkg
-nearly always in capital letters like VARIABLE. Most are more than one
syllable like VARIABLE_NAME, joined with and '_' character. Variables
are used to control everything so some are required while others are
used to control options which affect the package or output from
src2pkg. Most users may never be aware of the majority of the
variables, but understanding of a few is needed, if only to understand
the documentation.
First of all, understand that CWD means the current working directory
-the directory from you run the src2pkg program or script. This should
usually be an individual directory for each package that you build and
should always be writable as src2pkg generates some temporary and/or
permanent files there and may also download items the CWD. CWD is equal
to the ouput from the command 'pwd'. The value of CWD is, of course,
supplied by src2pkg itself and depends on where you are running from.
As seen in the above example, NAME and VERSION should be pretty
obvious. They are worked out by src2pkg from the SOURCE_NAME. ARCH is
also figured out by src2pkg unless you override it. The usual default
is "i486". BUILD is the last number you see (-1) in the example package
name. The BUILD number is also sometimes called the 'release' number.
This number is used to denote upgraded packages or rebuilds of packages
using the same NAME and VERSION. To make things easy, src2pkg supplies
a default number of BUILD=1 so you don't have to give it all when first
building a package. These basic variables are all specific to the
package being built and are written into src2pkg scripts as separate
values for easy editing and to show the package details in an
understandable form.
Other variables which are package-specific and commonly changed are
written into src2pkg scripts to ensure repeatability of the package
build process, but with an eye to 'portability' to other machines. That
means that when src2pkg creates a script for you, some values like
STD_FLAGS or PRE_FIX get written into the script with the values really
used in the package, but some lines are commented out as they may be
specific to your machine or environment. Unless you specified the
value, STD_FLAGS (the CFLAGS passed to configure and gcc) is calculated
by src2pkg according to your machine architecture and gcc compiler
version. Commenting the line out allows us to show the information as
it applies to the package built, but still allow the script to be
portable to some other system. This is important of you plan to share
your build scripts with others. The most commonly-used option of this
type is EXTRA_CONFIGS, which are options and arguments that are passed
to the configure script in most source pckages. Many sources won't
compile correctly, or at all, unless you pass certain options to
configure -something like '--without-gnome' or
Note that we are not using a fixed path to the di-3.11.tar.bz2 tarball.
By default, running a src2pkg script behaves much like a Slackware
SlackBuild script in that it expects to find the sources in the same
directory as the script itself, no matter where the script is placed.
src2pkg goes further by allowing you to use a link (in the same
directory) to the tarball which may be located in another directory. It
also allows you to place all your sources in a single directory or sort
them by category. This is accomplished by using a variable called
SOURCES_DIR. When src2pkg 'finds' your di-3.11.tar.bz2 archive it
hasn't looked for `pwd`/di-3.11.tar.bz2. It doesn't even look for
$CWD/di-3.11.tar.bz2. It looks for $SOURCES_DIR/di-3.11.tar.bz2. By
default, src2pkg sets $SOURCES_DIR=$CWD. This variable is provided so
you can separate, sort or specify paths to your sources and still not
break compatibility if you change your mind or share your scripts.
src2pkg actually looks for $SOURCES_DIR/$SOURCE_NAME
src2pkg works similarly with other the important working directories.
SlackBuild scripts usually simply unpack the sources in subdirectory of
/tmp with whatever name the unpackaged archive has. It will also create
a directory for the 'package-tree' where compiled or other sources are
copied into an installable directory structure before being compressed
into the final package. A SlackBuild package-tree is usually hard-coded
to /tmp/package-$NAME-$VERSION and the variable PKG is used to refer to
this location. Some later SlackBuild scripts allow you to set TMP
instead of always using /tmp ($TMP/package-$NAME-$VERSION) src2pkg
allows you to separate the two if you really want. Instead of TMP it
uses SOURCE_BUILDS_DIR and PKG_BUILDS_DIR which can be individually
configured. These options are usually setup by editing your
src2pkg.conf script and not used in src2pkg scripts. src2pkg gives the
directories where the sources are unpackaged and the package-tree are a
more specific name which includes the BUILD number so you can build an
updated package without overwriting old source or package trees. For
the user it is quite simple -what a SlackBuild script calls $PKG is
called $PKG_DIR by src2pkg(alright it understands PKG, too, if you
forget). Referring to the directory where the sources are is done
simply with the corresponding $SRC_DIR.
src2pkg allows you to configure the location where your final
compressed packages are located, as well, using the PKG_DEST_DIR.
This system provides very simple, portable and flexible syntax to be
used if you need to add code to a build script. For example:
cp $SRC_DIR/example.xpm $PKG_DIR/usr/share/pixmaps
would always copy the example.xpm file from the sources directory
into the usr/share/pixmaps directory of the package tree(PKG_DIR) -no
matter where the SRC_DIR and PKG_DIR were set to. It prevents you
having to write it like this:
cp /tmp/di-3.11/example.xpm /tmp/package-di/usr/share/pixmaps
Note that it isn't that using the variable always makes for shorter
code, but it is flexible code which doesn't have to be edited every
time you change your mind about how/where to build your sources and
packages. In this example, the real value of SRC_DIR would be
/tmp/di-3.11-src-1. src2pkg puts it together like this:
If you've understood the basic package variables of NAME, VERSION, ARCH
and BUILD, plus the location variables CWD, SRC_DIR and PKG_DIR you
should be ready for a closer look at some of the main options for
controlling or modifying the way your packages are built.