The Golem X11 Window Manager


Golem is a fast, lightweight window manager for X11 which is very customizable. The newest version is 0.0.6 which you can download from the sourceforge golem page.

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If you want to join golem development or report bugs, you can do so in the golem development mailing list



All these themes and plugins come with the default distribution.

MicroGUI Screenshot
MicroGUI Theme (1280x1024, 344kByte)
AbsoluteE Screenshot
AbsoluteE Theme (1280x1024, 832kByte)
eBlueSteel Screenshot
eBlueSteel Theme (1280x1024, 813kByte)
MudGolem Screenshot
MudGolem Theme (1280x1024, 647kByte)
Pager Plugin Screenshot
Pager Plugin (1280x1024, 243kByte)
Pier Plugin Screenshot
Pier Plugin (1024x768, 262kByte)

Interesting Stuff

Tested Platforms


Golem is written from scratch by Jordan DeLong ( Development has been passed to Bruce Ashfield ( Contributions have been made by several people. Golem is distributable under the terms of a BSD-style license.

Florian octo Forster <>
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