*if_ole.txt* For Vim version 6.1. Last change: 2001 Sep 03 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Paul Moore The OLE Interface to Vim *ole-interface* 1. Activation |ole-activation| 2. Methods |ole-methods| 3. The "normal" command |ole-normal| 4. Registration |ole-registration| 5. MS Visual Studio integration |MSVisualStudio| {Vi does not have any of these commands} OLE is only available when compiled with the |+ole| feature. See src/if_ole.INSTALL. An alternative is using the client-server communication |clientserver|. ============================================================================== 1. Activation *ole-activation* Vim acts as an OLE automation server, accessible from any automation client, for example, Visual Basic, Python, or Perl. The Vim application "name" (its "ProgID", in OLE terminology) is "Vim.Application". Hence, in order to start a Vim instance (or connect to an already running instance), code similar to the following should be used: [Visual Basic] > Dim Vim As Object Set Vim = CreateObject("Vim.Application") [Python] > from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch vim = Dispatch('Vim.Application') [Perl] > use Win32::OLE; $vim = new Win32::OLE 'Vim.Application'; Vim does not support acting as a "hidden" OLE server, like some other OLE Automation servers. When a client starts up an instance of Vim, that instance is immediately visible. Simply closing the OLE connection to the Vim instance is not enough to shut down the Vim instance - it is necessary to explicitly execute a quit command (for example, :qa!, :wqa). ============================================================================== 2. Methods *ole-methods* Vim exposes four methods for use by clients. *ole-sendkeys* SendKeys(keys) Execute a series of keys. This method takes a single parameter, which is a string of keystrokes. These keystrokes are executed exactly as if they had been types in at the keyboard. Special keys can be given using their <..> names, as for the right hand side of a mapping. Note: Execution of the Ex "normal" command is not supported - see below |ole-normal|. Examples (Visual Basic syntax) > Vim.SendKeys "ihello" Vim.SendKeys "ma1GV4jy`a" These examples assume that Vim starts in Normal mode. To force Normal mode, start the key sequence with CTRL-\ CTRL-N as in > Vim.SendKeys "ihello" CTRL-\ CTRL-N returns Vim to Normal mode, when in Insert or Command-line mode. Note that this doesn't work halfway a Vim command *ole-eval* Eval(expr) Evaluate an expression. This method takes a single parameter, which is an expression in Vim's normal format (see |expression|). It returns a string, which is the result of evaluating the expression. Examples (Visual Basic syntax) > Line20 = Vim.Eval("getline(20)") Twelve = Vim.Eval("6 + 6") ' Note this is a STRING Font = Vim.Eval("&guifont") < *ole-setforeground* SetForeground() Make the Vim window come to the foreground This method takes no arguments. No value is returned. Example (Visual Basic syntax) > Vim.SetForeground < *ole-gethwnd* GetHwnd() Return the handle of the Vim window. This method takes no arguments. It returns the hwnd of the main Vimwindow. You can use this if you are writing something which needs to manipulate the Vim window, or to track it in the z-order, etc. Example (Visual Basic syntax) > Vim_Hwnd = Vim.GetHwnd < ============================================================================== 3. The "normal" command *ole-normal* Due to the way Vim processes OLE Automation commands, combined with the method of implementation of the ex command :normal, it is not possible to execute the :normal command via OLE automation. Any attempt to do so will fail, probably harmlessly, although possibly in unpredictable ways. There is currently no practical way to trap this situation, and users must simply be aware of the limitation. ============================================================================== 4. Registration *ole-registration* *E243* Before Vim will act as an OLE server, it must be registered in the system registry. In order to do this, Vim should be run with a single parameter of "-register". *-register* > gvim -register Once vim is registered, the application path is stored in the registry. Before moving, deleting, or upgrading Vim, the registry entries should be removed using the "-unregister" switch. *-unregister* > gvim -unregister The OLE mechanism will use the first registered Vim it finds. If a Vim is already running, this one will be used. If you want to have (several) Vim sessions open that should not react to OLE commands, use the non-OLE version, and put it in a different directory. The OLE version should then be put in a directory that is not in your normal path, so that typing "gvim" will start the non-OLE version. *-silent* To avoid the message box that pops up to report the result, prepend "-silent": > gvim -silent -register gvim -silent -unregister ============================================================================== 5. MS Visual Studio integration *MSVisualStudio* *VisVim* The OLE version can be used to run Vim as the editor in Microsoft Visual Studio. This is called "VisVim". It is included in the archive that contains the OLE version. The documentation can be found in the VisVim directory, the README.txt file. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: