Navigating Your Computer and the Internet

This section explains how to use Nautilus to keep track of the folders and files on your machine, as well as browse Web pages on the Internet.

Viewing Your Home Folder

When you first launch Nautilus, you'll see your home folder in the Nautilus window. Three areas of the Nautilus window contain information about your folder:

The location bar, which contains your folder's path name

The sidebar, which contains a folder icon representing your folder

The main panel, where you see icons representing the items in your folder

Figure 1. Location Bar, Sidebar, and Main Panel

Your home folder also appears on your desktop, represented by a house icon. Double-clicking the house icon opens a new Nautilus window with your home folder displayed.

Note that depending on your user-level setting, your home folder may be the default Nautilus home folder, which contains basic information about your computer and pointers to some useful applications, or the home folder defined for you in your Linux settings (normally /home/your_name).