GNOME Search Tool Manual

Table of Contents
Search Criteria
Quick find mode


GNOME Search Tool is a utility for searching files on your system. It can perform many types of search: by filename, by modification date, by file contents, etc. It is included in the gnome-utils package, which is a part of the GNOME desktop environment. This document describes version 1.2 of GNOME Search Tool.

The search tool can be started by selecting GNOME Search Tool from Utilities submenu of the Main Menu, or by running the command gsearchtool on the command line.

Note that GNOME Search Tool is just a front-end to the UNIX commands find, grep, and locate. These commands are extremely powerful, but not very easy for a new user. GNOME Search Tool provides an easy-to-use interface for most common uses of these commands. If you need to perform some type of search which is not covered by the GNOME Search Tool, chances are that you can do it from the command line, using find and grep with appropriate options. In this case, you should read the info pages for these commands, which can be done using the GNOME Help Browser.