GNOME Robots II Manual

Table of Contents
Gnome Robots II Objective
Using GNOME Robots II
Using the keyboard
Customizing GNOME Robots II
Known Bugs and Limitations


GNOME Robots II is a development of the original Gnome Robots game which was itself based on the text based robots game which can be found on a number of UNIX systems, and comes with the BSD games package on Linux systems.

This new version includes two types of robots, movable junkheaps, multiple game configurations, user definable keyboard layouts, sound using ESD if you have it, as well as all of the other features which were present in the original Gnome Robots game.

To run GNOME Robots II, select games->GnobotsII from the Main Menu, or type gnobots2 on the command line.

GNOME Robots II is included in the gnome-games package, which is part of the GNOME desktop environment. This document describes version 1.2.0 of GNOME Robots II.