GNOME Color Browser manual

Table of Contents
Using GNOME Color Browser
Menus and toolbar
Documents and views
Working with palettes
Colors in X Window System
Known Bugs and Limitations


GNOME Color Browser is a utility for selecting screen (i.e., X Window System) color. X Window System comes with many pre-defined colors, from Alice Blue to Pale Goldenrod to Yellow Green. GNOME Color Browser lets you browse these colors and select one of them to be used by an application. It also allows you define your own collection of favorite colors, or find a pre-defined color most closely matching a given one.

To run GNOME Color Browser select Color Browser from the Utilities submenu of the Main Menu, or type gcolorsel on the command line.

GNOME Color Browser is included in the gnome-utils package, which is part of the GNOME desktop environment. This document describes version 1.2.0 of GNOME Color Browser.