Using the Control Center

The Control Center is divided into two main sections, the menu of configurable capplets on the left and the main work space on the right. The capplets in the menu are grouped in sections, such as Desktop, Multimedia, etc. Each of these sections is discussed in detail below. As with all menus of this type, you can "collapse" a whole section by clicking on the small downward triangle to the left of the section title. To expand a collapsed section, click on the triangle again.

Working with the Control Center simply requires you to select a capplet from the menu on the left and click on it. Once this is done, the workspace will change, allowing you to configure the item.

After you have made the configuration changes, you can press OK button to confirm the changes or Cancel to return to the old configuration. It you want to test the new settings before making your decision press Try button; this will apply the new cofiguration settings so that you can see what they would look like, but it also remembers the old ones. After you have tried the new settings, you can press OK button to make them permanent, or Revert to return to the old configuration.