Sir Tommy

written by Rosanna Yuen


Type of DeckStandard Deck
Stock Top left pile. All cards are placed here at beginning of play. Cards are dealt singly to Waste.
Waste To the right of the Stock. Can only hold one card. Card must immediately be placed on either a Foundation pile or on to the Reserve pile of your choice.
Foundation Four piles on top, to the right of Waste. To be built in sequence from Ace to King regardless of suit.
Reserves Four piles placed underneath Foundations. Cards in Reserve can only be played on to Foundation piles.


Move all cards to the Foundations


Build on to Foundations in sequence from Ace to King regardless of suit. Cards in Foundations are no longer in play. Cards are dealt singly in to the Waste from the Stock. However, as the Waste pile can only hold one card, this card must immediately be played on to a Foundation pile or on to any of the four Reserve piles. Cards in the Reserve piles cannot be rearranged.




Each card moved to Foundations scores one point.

Maximum possible score: 52


Try not to place cards of higher rank on to cards of lower rank in the Reserve.