# Translate to Big5 encoded traditional chinese # # Abel Cheung , 2001-11-05 # (taken partially from translation of Harry C.H. Chou) # ####################################################### # # This is a list of tips for the GIMP. Every time the GIMP is # started, one tip will be selected from this file and will be # displayed in the "Tip of the day" dialog. # # - Lines starting with '#' are comments. # - Blank lines or comments separate two tips (they are not ignored). # Multiple blank lines are treated as one. If you want to have a # blank line in a tip, put a space or tab in it. # - Text will appear in the dialog as it is in this file. This is # done on purpose in order to have more freedom in the layout of the # tips than with automatic word-wrapping, but this also means that # you have to avoid excessively long lines in this file. # - Tips should be concise: 3 lines or less. # - Advice for translators to other languages: keep the original tips # as comments before the translated tips. It will be easier for # other people to check for changes or additions. # # Tips in this file have been contributed by Zachary Beane, Mo Oishi, # Raphael Quinet, Sven Neumann, Carey Bunks and other people on the # gimp mailing lists and newsgroup (comp.graphics.apps.gimp). # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first tip should be a welcome message, because this is the # first thing that a new user will see. # # Welcome to the GIMP ! # #Nearly all image operations are performed by right-clicking #on the image. And don't worry, you can undo most mistakes... 歡迎來到 GIMP 的世界! 幾乎所有的圖像處理都可以在圖像上按下滑鼠的右鍵來進行。 別太擔心,大部份的錯誤都是可以復原的。 # Tips for beginners start here # (for people who are not familiar yet with layers and image formats) # #You can get context-sensitive help for most of the GIMP's features by #pressing the F1 key at any time. This also works inside the menus. 你可以在任何時候按下 F1 來瀏覽有關的 GIMP 功能說明。 即使在選單中也同樣適用。 #The GIMP uses layers to let you organize your image. Think of them #as a stack of slides or filters, such that looking through them you #see a composite of their contents. GIMP 使用圖層來組織圖像。把圖層想像成一疊投影片或濾鏡, 將它們重疊可以看到整合後的內容。 #You can perform many layer operations by right-clicking on the text #label of a layer in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog 在「圖層、色版及路徑」對話窗中,在圖層名稱上按下滑鼠 右鍵,可以執行很多不同的圖層功能。 #When you save an image to work on it again later, try using XCF, #the GIMP's native file format (use the file extension ".xcf"). #This preserves the layers and every aspect of your work-in-progress. #Once a project is completed, you can save it as JPEG, PNG, GIF, ... 當你儲存一個將來可能會再修改的圖像,可試試使用 XCF, 即 GIMP 內定使用的圖像格式(延伸檔名為 ".xcf")。 這樣會保留所有圖層及任何圖像的細節。圖像完成後, 你可以將圖像另存為 JPEG、PNG、GIF 等等... #The layer named "Background" is special because it lacks transparency. #This prevents you from adding a layer mask or moving the layer up in #the stack. You may add transparency to it by right-clicking in the #"Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog and selecting "Add Alpha Channel". 圖層中稱為「背景」的一個是比較特殊的,因為它沒有透明度。 這樣會妨礙你加上圖層遮罩或將圖層移至堆疊較高的位置。你 可以在「圖層、色版及路徑」對話窗中按滑鼠右鍵並選擇 「新增透明色版」來替它加上透明度。 #Most plug-ins work on the current layer of the current image. In #some cases, you will have to merge all layers (Layers->Flatten Image) #if you want the plug-in to work on the whole image. 絕大多數的增效模組只作用於使用中的圖像目前的圖層。 在某些情況下,如果你必須先合併所有圖層(圖層→平面 化圖像),以便增效模組作用於整個圖像。 #Not all effects can be applied to all kinds of images. This is #indicated by a grayed-out menu-entry. You may need to change #the image mode to RGB (Image->Mode->RGB), add an alpha-channel #(Layers->Add Alpha Channel) or flatten it (Layers->Flatten Image). 並非所有效果都適用於各式的圖像。當某項功能無法使用時, 選單的文字會以淺灰色表示。如果仍需要該功能,你可能需要 將圖像的色系轉為 RGB(圖像→模式→RGB)、加入透明色版 (圖層→新增透明色版)或是將它平面化(圖層→平面化圖像)。 # Tips for intermediate users start here # #You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. For example, dragging #a color from the toolbox or from a color palette and dropping it into #an image will fill the current image or selection with that color. GIMP 裡面很多東西都是可以拖曳的。舉個例子,由工具箱 或色盤裡拖曳一種顏色出來並放到圖像上面會將目前的圖像 或選擇區域填滿該種顏色。 #When using a drawing tool (Paintbrush, Airbrush, or Pencil), #Shift-click will draw a straight line from your last drawing #point to your current cursor position. If you also press Ctrl, #the line will be constrained to 15 degree angles. 當使用繪圖工具(畫筆、噴槍或鉛筆)時,按 Shift 鍵再按 滑鼠鍵會由上一點繪畫一條直線到目前的位置。若再按 Ctrl 鍵,線條的角度會限制為 15°的倍數。 #The file selection dialog box has command-line completion with #Tab, just like the shell. Type part of a filename, hit tab, and voila! #It's completed. 在檔案選擇對話窗內有類似命令殼的指令自動補齊功能。 只要鍵入部份的檔案名稱,按下 Tab,一切 OK! #You can reassign shortcut keys on any menu by bringing up the menu, #selecting a menu item, and pressing the new shortcut key combination. #This is dynamic and is saved when you exit GIMP. 你可以重新安排選單上的快速鍵組合。 方法是先用滑鼠 選擇選單某一項目,並同時按下新的快速鍵組合。這是 動態的設定,會在離開 GIMP 時被儲存下來。 #You can use the middle mouse button to pan around #the image, if it's larger than its display window. 當圖像比其顯示視窗大時,可以滑鼠中鍵抓住圖像 在視窗內移動。 #Click and drag on a ruler to place a Guide on an image. All #dragged selections will snap to the guides. You can remove #guides by dragging them off the image with the Move tool. 在尺標上按下滑鼠左鍵並拖曳到圖像內,就可以標示參考線。 以後任何拖曳的選擇區域都會自動攝引到參考線上。用移動 工具將參考線拖曳到圖像範圍之外便可以去除它。 #You can drag a layer from the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog #and drop it onto the toolbox. This will create a new image #containing only that layer. 你可以在「圖層、色版及路徑」對話窗中拖曳一個圖層並 將之放進工具箱內。這樣會建立一個只含有該圖層的新圖像。 #A Floating Selection must be anchored to a new layer or to the last #active layer before doing other operations on the image. Click on the #New Layer or Anchor Layer buttons in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" #dialog, or use the menus to do the same. 對圖像進行任何操作前,浮動選擇區域必須先固定在新的圖層 或是最後使用的圖層上。要這樣做,可以在「圖層、色版及路徑」 對話窗中按下「新增圖層」或「固定圖層」按鈕。另外在選單中 也可以這樣做。 #The GIMP supports gzip compression on the fly. Just add #".gz" (or ".bz2", if you have bzip2 installed) to the filename #and your image will be saved compressed. Of course loading #compressed images works too. GIMP 存檔時支援 gzip 直接壓縮。只要在檔名加上 ".gz" (或在安裝了 bzip2 的情況下使用 ".bz2"),圖像便會 以壓縮形態儲存起來。 當然直接打開壓縮圖檔也可以。 #Pressing and holding the Shift key before making a selection allows #you to add to the current selection instead of replacing it. Using #Ctrl before making a selection subtracts from the current one. 若選擇區域之前按著 Shift 鍵,便會將新選擇的區域 加到舊的區域一起而非代替舊的區域。使用 Ctrl 則是 將舊的區域減去新的區域。 #You can press or release the Shift and Ctrl keys while you are #making a selection in order to constrain it to a perfect square #or circle, or to have it centered on its starting point. 當選取區域時可以同時按下 Shift/Ctrl 鍵,這樣可以 限制選擇區域為正方形或正圓形,或是將滑鼠開始拖曳 的位置定為選擇區域的中心點。 #Using Edit->Stroke allows you to draw simple squares or circles by #painting the edge of your current selection with the active brush. #More complex shapes can be drawn with Filters->Render->Gfig. 使用「編輯→描邊」可以透過用筆刷繪畫目前選擇區域的 邊緣來畫出簡單的方形或圓形。更複雜的圖形可以使用 「濾鏡→描繪→Gfig」繪畫。 #If you stroke a path (Edit->Stroke), the current drawing tool and its #settings are used. You can use the Paintbrush in gradient mode, the #Clone tool with a pattern or even the Eraser or the Smudge tool. 描畫路徑時(編輯→描邊),會使用目前的繪畫工具和設定。 你可以使用漸層模式的畫筆、配合圖樣的模仿工具甚至橡皮擦 或塗污工具。 #You can create and edit complex selections using the Bezier tool. #The "Paths" tab in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog allows #you to work on multiple paths and to convert them to selections. 你可以使用貝茲曲線工具來建立和編輯複雜的選擇區域。 在「圖層、色版及路徑」對話窗的「路徑」部份,你可以 同時處理多個路徑並將它們轉換為選擇區域。 #You can use the paint tools to change the selection. Click on the #Quick Mask button at the bottom left of an image window. Change your #selection by painting in the image and click on the button again to #convert it back to a normal selection. 你可以使用繪畫工具來改變選擇區域。按下圖像視窗左下角的 「快速遮罩」按鈕。透過在圖像上繪圖可以改變選擇區域, 然後再按一次按鈕可以將之轉換為普通的選擇區域。 #You can save a selection to a channel (Select->Save to Channel) and #then modify this channel with any paint tools. Using the buttons in #the "Channels" tab of the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog, you can #toggle the visibility of this new channel or convert it to a selection. 你可以將選擇區域儲存為色版(選擇→儲存為色版)然後使用 任何繪畫工具修改此色版。利用「圖層、色版及路徑」對話窗中 「色版」部份的按鈕,你可以切換是否顯示這個新的色版並 將之轉換為選擇區域。 # Tips for advanced users start here # (this is mostly for learning shortcut keys) # #If your screen is too cluttered, you can press Tab multiple times #in an image window to hide or show the toolbox and other dialogs. 如果畫面過於混亂,你可以在圖像視窗中重複按下 Tab 鍵 來隱藏或顯示工具箱和其它對話窗。 #You can adjust the selection range for fuzzy select #by clicking and dragging left and right. 你可以調整模糊選擇區域的範圍, 方法是按下滑鼠鍵後向左或右拖曳。 #Shift-click on the eye icon in the Layers dialog to hide all #layers but that one. Shift-click again to show all layers. 在「圖層」視窗內,按下 Shift 鍵再用滑鼠鍵按下 圖層的眼形圖示,則會只顯示這個圖層而隱藏其它。 再做一次則會顯示所有的圖層。 #Ctrl-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog #toggles the effect of the layer mask. 在顯示圖層的視窗內,若先按 Ctrl 鍵再用滑鼠鍵按下 圖層遮罩的預覽區,則會切換是否顯示圖層遮罩的效果。 #Alt-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog #toggles viewing the mask directly. 在顯示圖層的視窗內,若先按 Alt 鍵再用滑鼠鍵按下 圖層遮罩的預覽區,則會切換是否直接顯示遮罩。 #You can use Alt-Tab to cycle through all layers in an image #(if your window manager doesn't trap those keys...). 你可以用 Alt-Tab 來逐層顯示圖像中的所有圖層。 (得注意視窗管理程式會否攔截這個組合鍵) #Ctrl-click with the Bucket Fill tool to have it use #the background color instead of the foreground color. 使用「油漆桶填色」工具時,若先按下 Ctrl 鍵再按 滑鼠鍵便會用背景顏色而非前景顏色來填色。 #Control-drag with the Transform tool in rotation mode #will constrain the rotation to 15 degree angles. 在變換工具的旋轉模式中,按滑鼠鍵前先按 Ctrl 鍵 會將旋轉角度限制為 15°的倍數。 #You can adjust and re-place a selection by using Alt-drag. 你可以透過拖曳滑鼠同時按下 Alt 鍵來調整和重新 放置選擇區域。 #If your fonts turn out blocky, that's because they're not scalable #fonts. Most X servers support scalable Type 1 Postscript fonts. #Download and install them. Some font servers allow you to use #TrueType (.ttf) fonts, which are also scalable. 如果字型看起來很不平滑,那是因為它們不是可縮放的字型。 大部分的 X 伺服器都支援 Type 1 Postscript 字型。下載 並安裝這類字型吧。某些字型伺服程式允許使用 TrueType (.ttf)字型,它們也是可以縮放的。 #To create a perfect circle, hold Shift while doing an ellipse select. To #place a circle precisely, drag horizontal and vertical guides tangent to #the circle you want to select, place your cursor at the intersection #of the guides, and the resulting selection will just touch the guides. 若要畫出正圓形,方法是選擇橢圓區域時按下 Shift 鍵。 若要精確地放置圓形,先拖曳水平及垂直參考線至目標 圓形的切線位置,再將游標放到參考線的交叉點上,得出來 的選擇區域便會僅僅接觸到參考線。 #If some of your scanned photos do not look colorful enough, you can #easily improve their tonal range with the "Auto" button in the Levels #tool (Image->Colors->Levels). If there are any color casts, you can #correct them with the Curves tool (Image->Colors->Curves). 如果掃描出來的相片色彩不太鮮豔,你可以使用色階工具 (圖像→色彩→色階)中的「自動」按鈕來輕易地改善 圖像的色彩範圍。如果色彩有任何走樣,你可以使用 「曲線」工具(圖像→色彩→曲線)來修正。 # (end of tips)